Sam is the most uninformed radio personality I may ever have listened to

66  2017-01-30 by porsalin

Why does he constantly attempt to discuss subjects he reads absolutely nothing into? He's already tonally difficult to listen to. Add to that, hearing to his uninformed rhetoric when it comes to global affairs has rendered him unlistenable. He is at least as bad as Opie if not worse in many areas. At least Opie doesn't attempt to be informed and on the political pulse. Sam's so oblivious to global affairs that he probably doesn't even realise Rich Vos will be at Helium Comedy Club in Philadelphia, January 5th through 7th.


I got nothing against Sam, but fuck, he comes off really stupid sometimes. I don't know what I expected from a guy that still watches wrestling well into his 30's.

HES 33

Shud up!

There's nothing wrong with being a fan of Professional Wrestling. In fact, I will argue that it's one of the best forms of sports entertainment, if not the best. It's up there with American Gladiators, Monster Trucks, American Ninja Warriors, Dwarf Tossing, and Roller Derby, etc.

What do you have against sumo rodeo?

Sumo rodeo fucking sucked until about two minutes ago, when I learned it existed.

Wrestling fans were fully prepared for the shitshow that came out amidst Donald Trump. We weathered the storm at the WrestleMania Trump won the main event of.

Watching wrestling in your 30's is not a problem. Watching ONLY wrestling in your 30's is.

Both are, actually

What are your hobbies character?

All you guys that think wrestling is cool need to stop with that shit and get into something more productive and beneficial to your life and society.

So I missed it?!?!?!

They say addicts and alcoholics are often arrested in the developmental stage they were in when they began their addiction. Sam can't even use drugs or alcohol as an excuse for being a stunted child though.

Reminder: Sam has never tried drugs/alcohol because he "needs to be in control at all times." In other words, he bought every single thing they taught him in DARE.

That's exactly why I took drugs and booze, so I could be in control of my feelings. Someone ought to introduce him to the joys of a good ol' heroin addiction.

thank god for lorne michaels and his hopeless addiction to liquid morphine

also thank mr skeltal for good bones and calcium

fuck off with this gay reddit shit.

Spoken like a therapist

haha what up masher

Sam is the programed little boy his mother and teachers wanted him to be.

Considering how this sub flipped the fuck out over the kratom ban, I have to imagine we're not the best people to rake him over the coals for not doing drugs.

tss their not behind bars or somtin

FAWK YEAH I was like is he tawkin about the show with the banana stand or somethin I was like what the FAWK

Listen to Gail Bennington. Then tell me about uninformed.

If you ask Sam about the history of the Undertaker, he could give you an off the cuff Oral thesis like a tenured Harvard professor.

But since none of us find that important, he should really just read a newspaper or shut the fuck up.

To a point. The guy lives and breathes watching pro wrestling but a lot of the times he's fantasy booking like a more retarded version of erock.

Plus his face is a botch.

Sam is the genetic embodiment of Botchamania.

Sam postures like he knows wrestling, but it really only works on the dunderheads who, for some fucked up reason, started watching wrestling within the past 5 years.

He just has worked himself into this position where his opinion is somewhat respected. But his opinion usually sounds like something the annoying guy in line at the show is saying.

And now he's got Steve fucking Austin listening to him in Steve's own house. Even having the nerve to disagree with Steve! Shame sam. Shame.

I think that The Undertaker is a very significant figure who's life should be chronicled for future generations.

If he isn't put in American History books upon his death, it'll be a travesty!

Dude, he's already dead

He should be there already.

Yeah, her dad seems a little too informed about rasslin for a man in his 60s

Her meltdown the day after trump was elected was some of the funniest shit I've heard in a while

I'll have you know that Sam can recite by memory the entire menus of such fine American eateries as Applebee's, Chili's, Outback Steakhouse, and Olive Garden. Misinformed my ass.

He knows the kids' menus by heart. He doesn't even glance at the rest.

Good point. If it's not breaded and bland, count Sam Roberts out!

Easily the most infuriating fact about Sam.

The fact that he stores all of his wrestling shit at his parents house is worse.

He said today that he frequently has fast food, in his 30s. That shit will kill you.

His body is really miss shaped!

I bitch about this literally every week, but every single time he says "Is that a thing?" or "I guess that's a thing now" I want to strike him. It's every fucking 5 minutes.

Hasn't he admitted to recording and archiving every wrestling event possible and also transferring all his old VHS tapes to DVD. I think his wrestling obsession eats up a lot of his time and he neglects current events and non-gossip news.

He was able to get by when he had limited mic time, but having to talk for 2+ hours a day will slowly reveal all his shortcomings.

He has no real opinion on politics, but he has nothing going on in his life that could be talked about to fill radio time so he is playing a fox news character.

It allows him to be outraged about outrage culture and to suck tucker carlson's dick a couple times a day.

He's the pre-bar Lionel with a voice (but I tolerate Lionel because he knows shit {shitty voice acide})

He parrots other people's retarded views. How's that different from most of this sub?

Wow I've heard so many other people say that same exact thing before....

thanks for telling us where Vos was 3 weeks ago

Does it really matter at this point?

Vos' own website has his May 2012 dates on the front page...

Robin Quivers wannabe.

lol this place is so deliciously fickle. It's great.

His brain was built from the heavily-processed protein in his Kid Cuisine.

Interestingly Kid Cuisine is made from brain meat.

I highly suspect his politics come from his Jew wife which I am guessing are New York Jee liberal.

He's got a lot of time to fill on the radio so he probably just takes what she parrots and uses it. Also you can always tell when he tries to have a political opinion that he got it secondhand as he usually knows very little about it. I'm not sure why Jim and Sam even bother with politics it's rarely funny and there's probably $50,000 more funny things to talk about.

And both look like huge assholes when they try to talk politics. AL ZARKOWEE DID IT! I READ THAT NAME IN THE NEWS ONCE SO I'LL SAY IT EVERY TIME ANYTHING HAPPENS.

Zarqawi hasn't been relevant (or alive) for almost 15 years now, is jim still referencing him?

Probably. I'm listening to 09-10 era right now and every time they have a guest that brings up terrorism he brings up that name and Mohamed Atta. Pretty sure he reads one newspaper and memorized those two names so that's his go to when trying to sound informed.

he's a kid, likely with little to no education with his "professional" life spent in radio and around Opie, what do you expect???

Do you expect wisdom from a grown man who watches wrestling while his mom (see: wife) cooks him chicken fingers?

Between scorch and Opie he probably picked up some bad habits

Lost count the amount of times he's references "but you can't just go and ban all Muslim countries from coming in here." This is exactly the problem, people just spread constant faulty information and horse shit everywhere. Then it escalates into riots and every other goddamn thing.

How about the other day when he said "Which part of the eye allows you to see?"

lol that was great

ctl f'd for "poli". Nodded to self. Downvoted the faggot shit and saved myself the trouble of reading. Hiding thread. Bai.

Seriously though, Sam's commentary is like listening to any random millennial cuck who gets his news from his wife and twitter.

Geez man, don't say he's "worse than Opie,' he's much much much funnier and can take a joke.

Now, I'm all in with the hate mobs, but comparing Sam to Opie is fucking crazy. The dude is doing what he can to have a career and honestly puts on a better show than Opie or Anthony's solo shit, even when he was by himself. There are no other podcasts or radio shows worth lostening to, so settle for top-level mediocrity with a few Jimmy lines. It's all we got.

Sam's been fawkin doing this since he was 18 years old!

Jim needs to stick to being funny, especially now that he can't defer to noted high school dropout, Anthony Cumia, for his right wing talking points. Sam needs to stick to being a circumcised, half-negro that obsesses over who The Rock is fighting at Wrestlemania, for whatever he does.

Sam is the most uninformed radio personality I may ever have listened to

You've never listened to the sports junkies. I've liked them and their show for almost 2 decades but fuck are they clueless when it doesn't include sports or their hobbies. And the two dumbest have a master's and a law degree between them. To be fair, I haven't listened to Sam much either since he's done his own thing on radio. I find him grating.

these are now fucking retarded.

I like Sam but his insistent rambling about cutting balls off pedophiles was enraging. What kind of fucking idiot thinks that's gonna do anything?

A manchild with voracious appetites for children's cereal & snackfoods and pro wrestling well into his 30s

Sam's brain is so filled with wrestling facts he doesn't have room for anything else.

If Sam was just uninformed I wouldn't give a shit. It's the snarky smugness he projects during every single topic, despite being clueless, that makes him so damn hatable.

Yes! If he was an idiot just winging it i'd be more forgiving. But you're right. He's fucking smug about his opinion. And he never seems to admit he's wrong about something. Man I hate him.

As a kid, Sam was a total loser with no skills or value who tried to be class clown. He just soaked up funny people and since then he's been conditioned to emulate humor to survive. His recreation of the O&A style of humor is decent enough to serve as an improvement of the Opie role. With that being said, all he learned about O&A was to mock news stories or mock facts or mock things you don't know by being skeptical or contrarian. All he really knows is the lazy O&A way of covering stories. Sam is known for being good at show prep but it's not apparent with this show. He's resting on his laurels, and his laurels are about to buckle.

Sam, you can improve yourself. You talk shit for a living. You do have the time to keep yourself truly informed so you can actually fuel your show with content by using your "make shit up on the fly" skills. If you have more material in your mind, you can use it for your show. Half understanding how wrestling works and then trying to apply it to U.S. politics isn't enough. Stop being lazy and at least try to teach yourself something that belongs in real life. Your show will only ever be better for it.


Because be learned at the feet of Tits. He became the second coming of a thin skinned moronic twat.

He learned at the tits of tits which dangle by his feet.

I liked their first few shows together but the more I've heard from Sam I've realized that he is just really stupid.

I may have ever listened to

Well don't leave us hanging, did you listen to him or not?

You never heard Fez?

I give Fez the edge there