RE: Jim and Sam "Bland in the Morning" show... Can Sam be motivated?

13  2017-01-30 by FlowbeeYourTits

The show is simply not compelling Jim. It's an 'average' podcast at best.

Some in the in the sub have tried to get this feedback to Jim, but he's too busy edging and not-at-all trying to fuck his hot young openers' friends.

How about appealing to Sam? Sam - surely you read all of this, can you figure out a way to get Ant back on the team? The Sam/Ant/Jim show is what this sub desperately wants... Ok, Sirius is never going to have him back, but how about a 2-3x a week podcast? Some live, some recorded, like the Bonfire or Adam Carolla does.

Can anyone in this Sub get through to that kinky-haired millennial mope?

TL;DR: I'm a faggot and I miss the old show.


Only motivation for either of them should be to realize they are basically doing the same format as the Opie and Jim show. Most shows are shitty guests, nonsense banter, and not entertaining. If they are good sticking with their Masters formula, then get fucked.

Fuck they could do one show a week with Jim as a character, or a whole show with an Ant phoner. How is this not obvious to them?

I like the Ant Phoner idea. An ISDN LINE would work perfectlu

Fuck they could do one show a week with Jim as a character

How about one show a week without any of Jim's characters?

I want Uncle Paul to molest Chip then have the two of them talk it out during an on-air therapy session.

Too busy making sure the breakfast order is correct

Ant too lazy of a bum he wakes up and doesn't know what's going on on his own show

It has gotten a bit stale. Jim should encourage more comics to come in

And take the attention of himself as funny man, no way! Notice how most of the comics they've had on are fuck ups, like Neal and Materese ?

Self-involved queen and can't-believe-I'm-here in the morning !

I wonder if Sam ever has an honest moment of self-realisation/self-reflection, alone at night or whenever. A moment where he understands that (in spite of working his ass off all these years, eating shit and doing whatever he needed to - all with the goal of eventually getting his own show) that he's simply not suitable to be an on-air talent. On the radio, on tv, anywhere.

I get that Opie was his mentor, so he could be forgiven for thinking that a lack of talent could be substituted with just surrounding yourself with the right people but Opie lucked out in a one in a million way. And it didn't end well for anyone.

Sam, you're a producer. Maybe even a head of a radio station or executive. And yes, you have a face for radio. But you don't have a voice or anything else for it. Sorry, Sammy.

I don't think sam is a lost cause. Clips from early O&A are more cringey, less funny, and more unlistenable than Sam today, and they were probably older than Sam is now in those clips.

He is a disgusting man-ape creature with an incredibly grating voice, but I think he'll be pretty good at radio in another 5 years.

Have you ever listened to, Than and Sam, Special Delivery, or Sam Roberts Show?

Yes. All awful.

Sam has these thoughts every day, that's why he is aging so poorly. It is also why he works so hard and eats so much shit. He probably works for pennies compared to the previous on-air talent and he doesn't have the balls to question management. He is a perfect cog for SXM, too bad he is so bland on-air and doesn't have a radio voice.

Can Sam be motivated? Jimmy took the board from him this morning.

Sam was at his best when he was torturing interns and retards or manipulating the other staff members. He's never moved on from that mentality but he's in a completely different environment now and has no idea what to do.

What's become apparent over the last few months is that he has the same improv skills as Steve C did. 95% of his responses to Jim trying to get a little humor going are either pretending to not understand what was just said or reminding the audience that Jim likes dicks. He doesn't even attempt to play along.

also cackling horrendously and doing a play-by-play of Tucker Carlson ambushing some confused idiot

Sam's night show was pretty good. He made every day nobodies interesting. Jim and Sam lack chemistry.

I skip most of their shows.

the Sam/Ant/Jim show is what this sub desperately wants...

Speak for yourself, pally.

Adding Ant would fuck things up worst they would all suck each other's dicks plus ant is too far gone with his Daniel Carver rhetoric, bottom line is it's over and the best show had Opie Ant and Jim

What's the Daniel Carver rhetoric? I don't know what you mean...

A klansman wack packer from the Stern show. I just meant ant is really full on right wing coo coo now and adding that to Jim and Sam would make it even more of a shittier show.

Thank you fella...

Sam said he had to give up his podcast with Kathy (the chick who rarely speaks) when he started with the morning show due to contracts. Given that dog shit wasn't even allowed, its doubtful Sirius would allow a podcast with two of their contracted hosts and Anthony.

If I recall correctly, didn't he mention he does a wresting Podcast just the other day?

I like the Ant Phoner idea. An ISDN LINE would work perfectlu

Fuck they could do one show a week with Jim as a character

How about one show a week without any of Jim's characters?

Too busy making sure the breakfast order is correct

Yes. All awful.

Ant too lazy of a bum he wakes up and doesn't know what's going on on his own show

If I recall correctly, didn't he mention he does a wresting Podcast just the other day?