Jim & Sam Pointless, Uninformed Political Talk Thread - Jan 30th 2017

71  2017-01-30 by maloonigans


I punched out, I cant listen to this shit.


Stop bothering at the end of last year

Its horrible, I feel like I'm listening to my ultra-conservative Dad's mindless political rants. And once they're done with humorless political cheerleading they move on to even more boring Diva-Jim food delivery discussions. I finally cancelled XM and will just let the subscription run out in about a week, not worth the money anymore.

How about the callers? One regular joe after the next...


Ugh, the regular joe's that call in are terrible. One uniformed douchebag after the next. I honestly never minded Ant's rantings because he was funny, and would pay homage to the other side of things, but Sam and Jim are just not that witty unfortunately.

There arent even any jokes - what the fuck is this show? I just dont understand.

No clue anymore. Best guess is that Sam knows its in freefall and is positioning himself for some kind of possible future Fox News gig. Either that or he knows he has to play that kind of character or else he'll lose the show even faster.

Worst thing is that Sam seems to think that stopping Jim after every line to repeat it in a mocking tone and dragging out every point is good radio.

Every fucking thing they talk about takes minimum 45 minutes. Just around in fucking circles.

Sam did learn from the "best".....

How can you tell the uniform they are wearing?

Damn spelling errors

Why did you edit out your errors? Now how am I supposed to know what happened?

You're selfish.

What is this slander? I clearly spelled it right the first time, I have the best spelling.

Wait..You guys pay for the show?

Unless they address Antwan Kumiya's latest killing spree then I don't want to hear them talk.

I'll bet Jim can see both sides of the immigration debate.

Hard-line, hawkish Jimmy is the worst.

He has these suggestions on how to "get the job done" - but it's the most obvious shit that anyone with an ounce of intelligence would think of- let alone the experts spending day and night in the field. He's a high school drop out right?

Really. Maybe 15 years ago, it'd be worth a mention to offer an interesting twist on the day's headlines. But today when everyone has their favorite blogger/twitter feed/podcasts of journalists that they already like and agree with, the last thing you want is listen to a comedian's limp meanderings.


We don't tolerate such salty language in this subreddit.

I fucking despise diplomatic Jim

yeah man, it's a hard one. it's like "aahhhhh, do we kill all the muslims or not?"

I just wish the cock sucker media would blah blah zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

But Yes, kill all Muslims

If Trump announced all stand-up comedians need to be licensed in order to do humor Jimmy would somehow find the middle ground in all of it.

"Aaahhhh, ya know, ya really should learn how to be funny, it's dangerous to be an unlicensed comedian!"

I like this new economically fallacious jim bit

"Breaking windows is a mother fucker for the economy man."

Also known as Fence Riding Jim

Joey Buttlicker of course rode the bedpost.

Yea, I gotta admit, I do miss "take a stance Jimmy"

Jimmy took a harder stance against trees and deers than he does with today's issues

You think he'll inhale sharply through his nose before he walks right on down the middle of the road?

Why is that a bad thing? He's a high school dropout comedian who is currently shopping for rugs to break his slump of pornography and hookers. Funny guy, not a credible standard bearer.

If Anthony had a 12 year old son, his political views would be about the same as Sam's. Parrots what he's been told, no thought behind it, giggles when it pisses off twitter "snowflakes"

It always sounds like he's trying to impress someone when he talks politics. He takes hard line stances on things for no reason other than he thinks he's supposed to, and his nut licking of tucker carlson is embarrassing.

Sam doesn't bother me at all when he's being a cunt to the staff or talking about insignificant pop culture shit that he actually understands. Why can't they just NOT TALK POLITICS?

Jim: "What are we gonna do? not address it? He's the president we have to talk about this stuff."

No, you don't

just be funny if you are going to talk about it - isnt this a comedy show? And if you are uninformed just own up to it.

Jimmy will usually realize, about 10 minutes too late, that they are boringly deep into a topic and he'll joke his way out of it.

I blame Sam for bringing this shit up in the first place. He introduces stories as if the story itself is the joke, and it's entertaining enough to just slowly analyze everything and point out how laughable it is. But it's not entertaining.

That's exactly it. I've heard that same repartee thousands of times and it sucks every time yet it's Sam's only strength as a broadcaster.

They actually had a Uninformed show on xm with Bill burr and Joe Derosa. Both of them were actually self aware enough to admit that they were idiots and didn't know what the fuck they were talking about but enjoy doing so anyway. They took rediclous stances and made broad statments because you know it was funny and then they had callers scold them and point out holes in their dumb theories. Like how Ant called in under a false name and poke holes in Burr's dumb conspiracy theories (don't let alex jones hear this). In order to become smarter they then had experts from different fields come in and make them more informed. It's a simple concept but it worked. But High school dropout and Radio major just need to comment on things because they have so much to add. So we get a complete over explanation by Sam and then smart jimmy chimes in. If only they had some self-awareness.

Lol... rediclous

It's called home schooling.

Uniformed is one of the best most underrated short lived radio shows ever. Even Danny was likeable on the show.

Jim and Sam are the two 15 year olds having a political discussion after drinking 2 beers.

more like vapid girls

That's not even funny to joke about. You know Jim is in recovery. What if he reads your comment and it triggers a relapse?

One-half of a Bartles & Jaymes and he'll go nuts.

He did read the comment but there is no relapse to trigger.

Nailed it. </Thread>

No I don't think so.

I couldn't even turn it on today, thanks for confirming what my gut was telling me. BE MORE FUNNY is right.

I am seconding this whole thread

How many times did Jimmy inhale deeply?

47....48 if u count a half-gasp

in a row?

Yea! Good thing we're all political geniuses!

I want to see Ant be pro wall and pro trump then have a caller call in and ask Ant why he's racist and remind him that America is a nation of immigrants while Jimmy agrees and says "Well that's a fair point". Then Ant explodes and tells the caller to go fuck himself.

Notice how Opie contributes nothing.

That's not fair, Opie would complete a sudoku and play HILARIOUS candy crush noises.

I used to bitch about it at the time, but that does sound much more entertaining than anything Jimmy and Ant are doing right now.

At least we got a chuckle out of the biter's unreasonable anger.

Meanwhile the Cumias have only been here long enough to help put the light on the statue of liberty

Uninformed = not supporting your prejudices HYA HYA HYA HYA HYA!

any time Jim starts a sentence with "meaning," I want to turn off the show

Sam. You're job is to help the show hit at least some comedic points. Do your fucking job and quit with the political shit. We listen to shows like Jim and Sam to take refuge from Trump shit.

Sounds like Jim and Sam are banning you from your refuge making you a displace refugee, Shinckle bout' it.

When jim sniffles it means he's annoyed right?

Doing coke

Uninformed = not my opinion

...within the first twenty minutes Sam implied that Trump didn't include other countries on the ban list because he's being blackmailed, handwaved away Obama's part in Trump being able to do this, called it a Muslim ban and was basically Opie on Sean Spicer.

Every single show on YouTube has 'Donald Trump' in the title these days.

I listen to the show to escape life not to hear the same pithy political platitudes I get all day on Twitter and Reddit.

People who never felt the need to discuss politics (the only type of people I follow) suddenly feel that this is the time to join the bandwagon. The world suddenly needs their opinions and they are going to do their part to 'stand up'. Yuck.

Jim and Sam made it a joke that they wouldn't say who they were voting for and basically did a wink wink to the audience that we don't want to alienate half of you. If you do that though, stop talking about Trump for half the show everyday. Everyday Sam is talking about how funny what Trump did is, but he never outright takes a side. It's pretty obvious, but he wants to be able to do Red Eye on Fox and not lose half his audience. He needs to just stop talking about it everyday.

Poor baby. Do you need help unfollowing people and fast forwarding youtube clips?


Politics have completely dominated news and social media for almost 2 years, it's become a religion. It's getting so fucking old, so much bullshit as fact. I was hoping that this show would be different, but nope.

I thought the first week was funny. Jim seemed to be in a happy mood and was joking around much more.

Uninformed is officially the gayest overused term in the history of criticizing any of the shows. Don't you realize you're just blaring the fact that an opinion made you mad through a loudspeaker? Dumb faggot shet ep.

That awkward moment where you realize we're now listening to the 3rd and 4th string of the OnA show. Jesus, what did we expect.

A colossal -be careful what you wish for- event

"I listen to the show to escape reality!"

Oh, sorry we didn't mean to burst your alternative reality, lonely thoughtless faggots.

"I cant listen to this shit."

until tomorrow.

"Aaahhhh, ya know, ya really should learn how to be funny, it's dangerous to be an unlicensed comedian!"