So Trump 2020 is in the bag.

13  2017-01-29 by EncinoEscobar


So she's on drugs now?


God I hope so. If anything, fingers crossed, she'll pull a Whitney Houston in that tub.

She didnt even show the man boobs. What a tease

Ah, good fucking god. The tattoos don't do her any favors either; they achieve the effect of making her look trashy and frumpy.

Jesus that's awful.

I was actually rooting for a Vos roll

Jesus her body is shaped like a bowling pin

Eh, she's performing a public service. I'll let this one slide.

the mouthy potato! this bitch is a bag of milk

Why does this bitch always have to be naked

Tensile strength

I love you. I never uttered that phrase.

I always knew.

Lena loves to multitask while taking her monthly bath.

I still would.

Me too tbh fam. I'd smash a couple times a week to never have to work again. 🤑🌮🍑🍯😏🕶😎


That is an argument against nationalized insurance, I don't want to pay for her health problems because she can't eat a salad instead fatback fried in lard.

The odd thing is she isnt really fat, she just looks like she is

I've never wanted to see a toaster more in my life.

First she persuades me to vote for Hillary, and now this!?

She has the same hairline as my dad. Who's been dead for 15 years.

Please don't bring her back to this sub.


Lena Dunham is ugly to the point of it being offensive. Like a bad smell. She's not just out-of-shape, not just frumpy, she is and always has been, irrevocably repulsive. That's what this is all about by the way. If she looked like Scarlett Johansson or Mila Kunis, we wouldn't hear a peep out of her. She'd drop the militant feminism and start wearing dresses and makeup and get married and have kids and cook her husband a delicious pot roast every evening. But because she got ignored by men she then made a point of being really obnoxious about how unattractive she is, just to rub it in our faces, and started spouting shrill, meaningless rhetoric about how straight white men are evil. But it's all because she wants attention from us. So we win. Never forget how unhappy with herself this cunt is.

Looks more like Tobey Maguire than anything female.


ENNESSEFFELLDOUBLEYOUUU. I have never wanted to throw a plugged in toaster at someone more in my life.

i guess when you are the rich kid of famous (((artists))) you never really have to worry about public health insurance plans

Holy shit I thought she was Rick Shapiro. She looks just like him.

I definitely need health insurance now that I have eye cancer.

@DeluxeBlonde killing it for us today in the comments

Fuckin boo

I can't see the tweet because I said that if I was her boyfriend I'd make her list all the food she ate and put it on the fridge

She only needs one gallon of water in that tub to brim the motherfucker.

Dunham's pudding ass is emblematic of the opposition to Trump. He will find it tough to lose as long as that awful mug is associated with the democratic party.