Hey /u/TheRealJimNorton: Your show is in danger of truly becoming boring and mediocre. You want to turn it around? DROP THE A-BOMB ON OPIE, WORK TO GET SIRIUSXM TO HIRE ANTHONY ON J&S, AND GET THE NEWLY FORMED SHOW TRIO TO ACTIVELY REINSTATE JOCKTOBER.

296  2017-01-29 by TangerineReam

The promise your show had is faltering, and you're almost 4 months in. Everyone on this sub had high hopes for it, considering that it meant Opie would be kicked to the curb in the most hilarious way possible.

The shoehorning of UFC and porn guests on the show (which is its OWN problem) aside; a lot of what we were HOPING the show would be is not meeting expectations. Obviously its a work-in-progress, and you and Sam genuinely like each other. So something could shake lose eventually in the way of more listenable content.

But as of now; the show isn't playing to your strengths. You're better off-the-cuff, Sam is a better "driver" than Opie is, and clearly your comedy muse is Anthony. Getting Anthony back is the last piece that's missing, and something that could solidify the hope that we all have in your show with Sam Roberts: O&A 2.0.

You don't even have to drop an A-bomb on Opie to get it done. Just getting you, Sam and Anthony in a room loffing and palling around every day with a yearly Jocktober thrown in, is enough of a FUCK YOU to Tits, even if he winds up going to Compound Media.

It's a bit pie in the sky, we know. Even if it were to happen, it wouldn't be overnight. But rebuilding what worked in O&A is essential to both you and Sam's careers as broadcasters. You guys use to be MASTERS at taking shots at other shows, out of anger or boredom. A carpet bombing of Opie's life and career (or any "jock" that would dare fuck with you), and a newly reinstated Jocktober is -and always has been- an effective way to play to those strengths. And most importantly: It opens up the avenues for everyone on this sub to become actively invested in the show, just like we were with O&A.

Both of those points, tied in with Anthony's return, should be the main driving goal and focus of your show, if it were to have a brighter future ahead.

Think about it, faggot.

TL;DR: Peckas.


Not enough words

More words !!!

Didn't read this horse shit but the title would get about 1,000 people really excited for a couple days and nothing else would change or happen. Well done.

This show said this about that show and then this podcast said such and such about that podcast, he said, I said, they said, and then this comedian nobody has heard of said THIS and then he was on this other show that nobody has heard of and he Tweeted this and then he RE-Tweeted this guy and then he said on this show about that show and then THIS show that even MORE nobody listens to, quit the platform!!!

This is what you all sound like.

800 to 1000 people listening to 4 shows talk about the other shows for content.

same, no one is reading OP bullshit spam. Title is just a juizy ass bait topic

just read it, faggot; it makes some good points, and is funny here and there

The title said everything. Calm down essay writer.

Lisshen, here'sh da thing

opie hate essays are my main energy source

Yeah you cholo

ME: Mexicans work long hours, man. Long fuckin' hours.

tsss why not nigga writer or sumpthin

If any of them actually knew how to manage their careers, none of them would be in this position in the first place. Nice try.

(((They))) will never hire Anthony back. Ever.

Honestly can't find a podcast that makes me laugh as much as the Jim and Sam show. Maybe its because all the in jokes and backstories and dramas i know the history of but it's still the only thing i bother putting on whilst i am at work.

Cum Town.

Bonfire is more entertaining in general, but they still haven't learned to shut up and let guests speak even a little bit

Dan is great but I can't take Big Jays bullshit. "Send me n00dz!" Are you 14, you fat faggot?


Then, fire sam and bring in Artie Lange (responding to the title, not gonna read your wall of text, faggot)

Tell Sam to shut the fuck up with the sarcastic questions. He needs to stop trying to be funny and be Opie.

Oh, so you're saying you don't like one-dimensional sarcastic/faux irony laden back and forths between chums?

Do you not think the sarcastic questions are clever?

They were funny the first 500 times..

It's all he's got, so like any hack, he does it over and over and over. When you're not funny, that's what you do.

He needs to stop trying to be funny and be Opie.

Isn't that exactly what Opie does?

He isn't going to respond unless you make a Patton joke, say you don't like his interview skills or mention the Chip cartoon.

We don't need a War and Peace essay about your dislike of a show and your slow edging towards an Opie-bashing cumfest.

There needs to be a third host, whether it be Ant, Artie, whoever the fuck else. Jim needs somebody besides Sam.

Clearly my standards are low and my peckah is tiny.

Dan Soder. This is obvious. Not sure what his contractually restrictions might be. Either way Sirius isn't going to do it.

Yeah him doing macho man voices all day for chicken nugget faggot Sam will really make the show great.

the macho man voice has made it impossible for me to enjoy Soder. he's funny, but i'm perpetually waiting for him to ruin any given moment with that god awful crutch.

he's a great addition every now and then. on third mic he would get absolutely abysmal to listen to after a week.

upvote for soder. he always delivers. he brings fresh blood into whatever ant/sam does.

Soder is doing 4 nights of Bonfire and travelling every weekend. No way he does another show. He's making more money with Big Jay.

Soder and Sam are too close to each other. Giggly wrestling queers.

Luis J would be a better fit on J&S

Agreed, shit on opie's crutch of regular comedians, but his rotating formula works. Slavery just works.

People here think Sam and Jim should carry the show alone. I don't get it.

Please send me a picture of you tiny pekka

You think maybe I should be the third guy? I may not have good jokes, but I certainly smell pretty funny.

"I'M SUCH AN IDIOT I CAN'T EVEN SCREW IN A LIGHTBULB" stop with the self deprecating "give me upvotes cuz im a faggot" bullshit

They don't necessarily need a third mic, but they do need comics to come in more regularly and sit in for the show--Ant, Artie, Soder, Kelly, etc. That would be my main criticism of the show. Overall, I enjoy it and listen everyday. I'm almost certain Ant will never be a regular part of the show. He's got his own thing little podcast empire going. They should just try and have more comics in for longer stretches of the show. Even take some chances with some of these up-and-comer guys like Nick Mullen, Stavros, and others that I probably don't know about.

Right because Ants show turned around when he dropped the bomb on Opie. And those episodes of TACs with Jim and Sam really set a new standard in shows featuring men in front of green screen

I see your sarcasm, but all of them together on the radio, instead of being in front of a green-screen, is a true return to form for them. Ant cant carry a show by himself, and J&S is lacking. You cant argue that having them back together on the radio and not on this video podcast bullshit isnt a good idea.

You're right. It'll be better when they get that SiriusXM studio.

Again, with the sarcasm. But it IS their element: NOT being seen, especially against shitty production, is their element.

The way Ant's studio is set up is retarded, but the main problem is that Ant is just insanely unfunny when he's hosting. He's still funny when he's a guest on LoS, when he calls in to J&S, when he was on Matarese's show, etc. But for whatever reason he can't come up with a single funny or interesting to say in a 2 hour show when he's the host.

There isn't going to be a "return to form."

The Rolling Stones peaked when the band was in their 30s and 40s, but continued on as a nostalgia act for another thirty years.

The same is true of Opie and Anthony; they're never going to be as good as they were.

Didn't read but that show where Tranth called in was funny, so I agree.

The show is pretty decent. I really don't know what people are actually expecting

Is decent a compliment?

It doesn't make me throw my radio out of my window like Afternoons With The Opster, so yeah.

That's one detailed title.

here is the thing, jim and sam both took a raise, are they willing to lose that money for a better show?

I think they may not have a choice, soon enough. Plus they'd be into it

Worm's all about the money, and so is the octaroon.

I think if it really came down to a pay bump or get Anthony back on the show, I think both of them would go with the latter. They seem principled enough, and Jim and Sam both go the long strategic route- they know the trio would end up making more money in the long term than the duo could. Not because they're not good, for the first time in years I want to listen to every episode and don't cringe anymore, but that's not to say they couldn't boost that with Ant in studio. Even just his phone call the other day where they were joking about all Y'all calling him "tranthony" on here had Jimmy out of breath laughing.

Something tells me Ant's a little too far gone at this point though. If he got rid of twitter and just kept himself under a bit of restraint I think they'd take him back at this point. But he won't, and they won't risk it. He used to do a pretty good job of biting his tongue but that all went off the rails along with the drinking.

Just checked Cumia's twitter, Sirius is never taking him back.

you don't think he should be calling an obviously well-connected jewish comic a "rat bitch" if he wants to redeem himself in the eyes of (((SiriusXM)))?

I mean, what's right is right. That guy is a rat bitch.

Then build a time machine and go back to before everyone became a bunch of old wash women.

Onviously getting Anthony on/trashing Opie would be hilarious. But the main problem with what they have now is that the guests are all interviewees and the audio is all boring. Get funny audio, get guests that wanna hang for the whole show and trash stupid audio with you. They've done it before with Ronnie B, Louis J Gomez, Bob Kelly, Vos etc on the show they have now. You can make it work without Ant or trashing Opie, although we'd love to see those things.

At the end of the day, Ant would still be knocking tin and Jim would be a Z list comedian, if Opie hadn't picked them out of relative obscurity. They both realize this.

At this point, I don't give a shit what they do with the show, because I stopped listening a few weeks ago. Sam is atrocious, from his voice and giggling to his Jocktobery dogshit ideas.

Jim is afraid of Opie. This is just a fact. He worked with him too long with Opie as the boss. Even now he still gets a lump in his throat when he looks at that blinking cursor and thinks about calling Opie out in a tweet. In the end he can never bring himself to do it. He can't yell at daddy.

Was that sarcasm just now when you said that a real man would call out another man with a tweet?

If we're talking about tweeting and whether to do it passively or directly, yes a man would do it directly in that binary choice.

Don't try to "call me out" something to do with being a man, like you've ever been in a fight, please. It's just transparent and embarrassing for all involved.

I'm certain Jim would take Ant in a fucking second. But higher management aint having it and Anthony himself said he'll never leave his show for SXM. Jim has hammered the point home that he needs the SXM paycheck and exposure so him moving to Compound Media won't happen.

I agree with the OP but Ant and Jim will never again be a thing. I don't see the pair ever doing regular radio again.

Jim switched to tranny porn by the second paragraph

Who wouldn't?

And given the entire O&A brand has been decimated, to even scrape anything together that's at least listenable is a miracle. Jim and Sam is at least listenable and on occasion enjoyable. It could be great, especially with a good 3rd mic comedian for Jim. Sam gets hate but he's a much better ship captain than Opie ever was. It's only 4 months too. Give it a little time to hit it's stride.

No I'll concede to that. But I still maintain scraping anything together from O&A is not impossible.

DIFFICULT, yes. But not impossible.

Sam is less of a cunt, but Opie is a better rudder.

Nah, Sam's self aware... It's obvious he knows when to move on to a different topic and when to let something play out. And he's not so thin skinned that he does a 180 and gets obnoxious every time he takes a beating. Sniff.

Like cutting off Jim's Opie rebuttal to talk about some faggot reading Trump tweets in a Joker voice?

I think Jim literally said "let's move on" so Sam was just trying to keep the pace up, Jimmy was petering out. Sam even said "oh, sorry I thought you wanted to move on."

There's a huge difference between accidentally moving past something just trying to be a decent producer and keep the energy up and what Opie always did which was akin to slamming on the brakes and derailing the train when it's on a roll. Sam always gives Jim the breather space he needs when he's on a roll and usually is pretty good about playing off it- being the straight guy to chip's antics, giving uncle Paul something to work with without overdoing it and reading the room to know when it's time to change gears.

As terrible as his laugh is, and as much as I envy that head of hair, Sam's alright. He's decently funny, on point, doesn't get butt hurt when he's the target, and stirs the pot just enough to keep things interesting.

Sam's terrible...lets not try and fool ourselves here.

Sam puts a screaming halt to good bits whereas Opie let it play out a little more before switching topic so i'll concede to that. But Sam at least has a sense of humour and plays with Jim better than Opie did.

You can't ping someone in the title dog, /u/therealjimnorton

The show isn't faltering, it's great. The UFC and porn guests are FAR from excessive, you are completely exaggerating that.

And Anthony isn't coming back. Keep dreaming.

Ant already tried that. It was mediocre at best, failed to live up to this sub's expectations, and was all but forgotten in a week.

Oh shit,it's happening. ...

yadda yadda yadda, no Patton callout = downvote

Shut the fuck up. Anthony is not coming back. Stop trying to make that a thing.

And put down your stupid cell phone. You've talked about doing radio being so easy the least you could do is pay attention for three hours. Unless you plan on stealing Sirius' money for doing nothing like you swindled the Chip cartoon money.

If anybody responds I would respond back but, uhh... I did not sleep last night... I couldn't get to sleep... I was texting some chick and was trying to be a naughty boy haha... but it just wasn't happening... I ate some almonds and then got a little sleep but not much...

Jims life sounds horrifyingly bland

The "I hung out with 20 year old strangers for no real reason" story was just sad. I'd rather ruin my life on drugs and alcohol than live like that.

Hear hear

Lol easily. I would rather boof a fistful of batsalts. Jim should really consider falling off the wagon

Don't forget he has the Good Boy phone and the Naughty Boy phone. That is among the dumbest things I've heard involving those 3 fags.

I like the show. It's quaint.

What makes anyone think Anthony would even want to go back to SXM?

They're a failing company who are not paying a fraction of the salaries they paid 10yrs ago. I'd never protest Opie being humiliated but the reality is -- this entity (O, A, J, Sam, whatever the fuck) is dead. There is no juice, no heat, nothing remotely interesting or compelling since the few exchanges after tits went to afternoons.
Just let them fade into obscurity.

Did anyone really think a Jim and Sam show was going to be any good?

Jimbo, we ain't just drinkin the haterade; these are good points.

This post screams opie logic. The old show is long and dead. Move on and stop wishing to get back together with your high school sweetheart at the 20 year reunion


I did not have high hopes for it... I knew it would suck. It's Sam and Jim. How good could it possibly have been? Neither of them are interesting. Neither of them are smart, or have unique opinions on things.

I would settle for show prep and sticking to comedy. I'm a huge fan of Norton, but he I couldn't give less of a fuck about his opinion on Trump. Be more funny, you're turning into Cumia, another boring speaker box regurgitating the retarded thoughts of political talking head. If I wanted that shit, would turn on O'Reilly or Maher.

They don't have the pull for Jocktober anymore. They are jocks in a sea of jocks.

Yeah bring back Jocktober so they can be all tame and gay with it.

The Opie and Anthony Show doesn't exist. It will never exist again. No matter how many douchey, embarrassing reddit manifestos you type out, the show that you want them to do will never be done.

The Jim and Sam show is fine.

The Jim and Sam show sucks ass. Sure, it is a little better than anything involving Opie. But there is no energy at all, and its the same silly shit over and over again.

What the fuck do you even mean by 'no energy'? Every time I listen they're having a good fun time. The fuck do you want, cherry darts? Did you want them to invite Bobo into the studio? How about Tippy Tom? How about Sandy Kane? What do you suppose will increase the 'energy' that is missing from your version of what you want the Jim and Sam show to sound like?

Ask more questions you fucking idiot. I guess for someone as dim witted as you, the Jim and Sam show is really energetic. For intelligent people, it is pretty fucking boring. That is what I mean by no energy you stupid fuck.

The Opie and Anthony Show doesn't exist any more. The Jim and Sam Show is not the Opie and Anthony Show. You're never going to get what you want. What you want doesn't exist. What you want will never exist again. As soon as you begin to understand that you will begin to find the answer to the question I asked. Until then you'll go out like a little bitch boy calling people dumb and unintelligent.

Ok Sam.


Ricky Ricardo

I was texting some chick and was all but forgotten in a fucking second.

Something tells me Ant's a little sleep but not much...

Why make demands that won't/can't happen? Sirius won't allow ant in the building.

That would be to prefect not that tranthony would be back on the air but that tits got completely cucked by a half breed with a lisp.

Not because they're not good, for the show--Ant, Artie, Soder, Kelly, etc. That would be hilarious.

No one read your post

But the main problem is that Ant is just a fact you must accept.

Something tells me Ant's a little better than anything involving Opie.

You know, I thought Sam would be an upgrade over Opie... but the way he overtalks and explain-rapes every joke... I'm not sure sure he's any better.

He know TMZ, viral videos and Kanye West songs

Hey Jim, remember how optimistic you were about starting with a clean slate and "figuring shit out?" It turned out to be hellish with opie, and the beginnings of the show with Sam are giving off the same vibes. This happens with every show on the channel but when it started happening with O&A, at least the bar/expectations for comedy was much higher. Now it's very low because we understand the whole operation was tosses into a grinder and needed time to recover.

If you just went on air and did everything this sub wanted you'd have a built-in audience proven to be loyal. We stuck around for almost 3 years after everything on your show flew out of wack and in some ways we kept the energy going at times when the shows were off air. We want something to pay attention to. You are one of the main people we like. The only thing you can actually do to control your career right now is to do what is in your power, just do what you do and do the shit that made us like you. You know you arent the same, you know you're holding back and for what reason it's unknown to us. Just do the obvious. Do the right thing, Jimmy. Don't make believe. sniff

Anthony would never willingly blow up the O&A brand.

Funny that he'll end a relationship with broads forever and not look back but when it comes to Opie he just keeps hanging on like some sort of rape apologist. I think Ant and Opie might be gay together.

Don't forget to bring Travis and those other fruits.

lol no

anthony is an unfunny old man. let him die in obscurity on his network

Didn't read a single word. Op you're a lonely fag. Get a life.

My dream is that at some point one of the autistic fans in this sub compiles a sound board of every single word ever mentioned by the hosts and guests, and uses it to create full new episodes of the O&A show, simply so that we will have something new to complain about and tear into like the repetitive self destructing asshole's we all are. Peckahs


are you actually asking Jim Norton to put work into something?

I love the show. I don't like UFC fighters or porn stars, and Jim seems more out of it than any time he was on O&A. I wonder if those 2 & change years with Opie just sucked the soul out of him?

Other than that I think they're putting on a great show and realistically no one on this sub would ever be satisfied/not have one post like this per week, no matter what they did or what suggestions they followed.

reading is for queers

In danger? Have you not been listening? They've done maybe 5 decent shows since they started. It's always been boring and mediocre.

Just remember Jim: Anthony's show was actually highly praised and touted for 6-9 montys on here, he even had his own thriving subreddit. We gave him a chance. He sucked.

Dont be like Anthony.

Jim Norton is a miserable older gentleman with no life, no respiratory system, and no sleep, that just wants to kill himself. Needless to say his "show" is a tough listen.

Just to add that Anthony' ticker is clicking and it ain't shining sun much longer.

So, you want a racist alcoholic paedophile who's banned from entering the building to do a show with Jim and an ex-intern where they spend one month a year engaged in targeted harassment practices during a post female-Ghostbusters world.

How you are not a Program Director is beyond me. I mean look at all these upvotes. Clearly you know what the people want to hear and that seems to be two cranky old men (Anthony will be 56 this year FYI) and one man-child who is literally too much of a fucking wimp pussy to eat a goddamn hamburger and has to call 911 when he gets a flat tire since he has no idea what to do.

This is your radio gold threesome. SMH.

You answered your own question here, guy. The flaws combined with the sum of their parts is what makes their CHEMUSTREE work. And if it works, it works.

So you would willingly support a kidfucker because you enjoy his chemistry with others? What the actual fuck is wrong with you.

How many ufc fighters have been on tho? During ufc @MSG they had them daily (kinda get it, since their main market is still NYC I guess) but after that I only remember Cody. Also don't remember that many trannies and pornstars being on air. Op is a faggot.

Nice to see the upvotes on this which makes it more likely that they'll see it or hear about it through the grapevine. We may not be right about these suggestions and ideas (even though we think we are about this) but at minimum this needs to be seriously considered.

THey already dropped a kind of atomic bomb on opie.. but it's more a neutron bomb. A neutron bomb doesn't have a blast impact or incineration and massive destruction, its destruction comes from lethal radiation that makes a certain radius impossible for organic life. Gregg Hughes is the victim of that bomb, slowly but surely dying from that radiation poisoning while the bomb deployers (Jim and Sam) stay safe in their little bunker waiting for him to finally, and assuredly, die from the detonation they set in place.

To drop a big obvious A-bomb would be to start a messy, problematic public war that would cause as much professional and psychological strife and backlash on themselves as it would cause destruction in the intended target. He's entirely right not to do it and would be smart to play the long game. As the thread OP hints.. the long game victory is bringing back Ant to the implicit exclusion of Opie.

I'm stunned you all get this worked up over shit you probably don't even pay for.

Jim can be funny but he's too old and doesn't understand anything made after 1991.

Sam is the opposite. He gets modern culture but is dull as fuck. Jim & Sam show should be a 1 hour podcast, twice a week. They are stuck on a bad platform with a fixed time slot. The format isn't going to work no matter what you do. There's only so much nostalgia you can milk with Anthony appearances.

How many of these fucking threads do we need to make

Ant dropped the A-bomb on Opie.

Shortly thereafter, this whole sewing circle turned on him, as they had nothing left to get from him.

Jim sees this.

Sam can fuck off with the wrestlers....UFC fighters I can deal with. They are ok. But fuck me....WWE wrestlers? Fucking 10 year olds watch that shit now....

Thank you, Keith the redditor.

The only way Antz cuming back is in a fawking body bag

Anthony Cumia is done at SiriusXM.

And even if by some miracle they hired him back for minimum wage that Jim, Sam and Anthony show would tank in six weeks.

If Anthony ever appears on Sirius again as a regular (unlikely) it will be with Opie, sorry to say. The O and A brand still carries some power, though diminished. Opie and Anthony may hate each other but they know this. And so does Sirius.

As for the Sam and Jim show, it has enough going for it to keep me tuned in regularly. Does get repetitive, but so did O and A at times. I would fault Sam with making it a little too structured and safe at times. Like Opie, he has a list of topics to get though and sometimes the transitions are a a little abrupt and forced and the topics are pretty predictable. However, not having to listen to Opie yuck it up with Vic Henley and Sherrod makes up for any of the morning show's faults.

shit idea, siriusxm is dead, salaries are dried up - whole industry is shit now; can't afford anyone at any rate. Radio is old

I wouldn't worry about this not happening. Jim & Sam's show is a flop. It's not working. I think with the rebranding of the channel I don't expect to see any contracts renewed from what's left of the old O&A show. At that point, knowing he can't support himself on gigs or acting work, Jim will go to Anthony and we'll get that show with no holds barred. It's going to happen. There is no juice to Jim's new show and not enough interest to get a firm renewal.

No I'll concede to that. But I still maintain scraping anything together from O&A is not impossible.

DIFFICULT, yes. But not impossible.

Sam is less of a cunt, but Opie is a better rudder.

It doesn't make me throw my radio out of my window like Afternoons With The Opster, so yeah.