Whatever happened to OAPedia?

6  2017-01-29 by postope


O and A pest Nicholad still updates it from time to time. i recommend all new pests read as many articles as you can, it's a great resource.

There is no such thing as "new pests"

The actual pests like us, are from a bygone era. Doomed to life lived in the dark corner of the internet.

can you get him on this board

I'm right here.

I identify as a knucklehead rather than a pest.

He got fired in 2014 after a girl beat him up



The last time I read the OApedia a couple of years ago the Steve C article hadn't been updated in literally seven years and still ran under the assumption he was alive.

And the Mencia entry says the theft accusations are new.

Recently accused of stealing material by comedian Joe Rogan on the show. Carlos later provided a rebuttal to Rogan's claims.

That was 8 years ago IIRC.

I'm right here.