The Homo Aussie's joke stealing sidekick has his own show on The New Channel

5  2017-01-29 by Igrewuppoorina6brhou

Ellis thinks this is his channel is talking about "signing new people" to it. Tully is unfunny and unoriginal and have heard him steal bits/jokes from TV and Radio.

Ellis and Tully are both starting to do stand-up in LA and can only imagine how cringe inducing this would be. Sirius has Tully listed as a "Comic" and most certainly is not one.

Had to get that off my shamefully flat chest.


I can't imagine how bad LA comedy must be.

"What's the deal with unchecked privilege? I mean what are you? Like, a hundred years old or something? uh-hyuck-hyuck-hyuck"

Yeah, It's the audacity

Yeah the sam and jim show has its sidekick Opie do drivetime

Is Tully the one Ellis calls Uncle Cum or Dr. Cumenstein whatever?

There's a "cumtard" that's a producer. 5 years ago Tullys name was "Cowfucker" but a mann with his bit stealing skills can't have a hokey nickname. I believe they call him Mike Tully now. That's also his "comic" name...since he's a stand up appearrntly. I might dislike Tully more than GH

Yeah, Cumtard was the shitty name I was trying to think of.

Ellis is an obnoxious faggot, let's not lose sight of that. I don't know why some people on here insist that he's better than Opie, they're both shitty. If anything, at least Opie was part of something good at one point. I don't think Ellis has ever done anything of value at all in his entire life. Opie is a douche, but Ellis' "extreme" brand of faggotry is as cringeworthy as the proudboys.

Sucking cocks does not make you "extreme", and fucking men in the ass does not make you a dominant alpha, it just means you're a gay guy who's a top.

You look like the kind of faggot who'd fuck a guy in the ass and not even have the goddamn common courtesy to give him a reach around!

All very good points. I think Ellis said he's been fucked in the ass too though, so he's beyond extreme.

I just notice Mike Tully going below the radar and he's been gettin away with this faggotry way too long.

I think deep down Ellis is just a submissive bottom queer trying to convince himself he's not.

This Mike Tully guy, I've barely heard of him, but I hate him already.

Thankfully I have no clue who any of these queers are but the stupid names they give each other (especially interns) is nauseating

Face tattoo time,yeah yeah yeah.