Oh Jimmy! You little scamp!

46  2017-01-29 by Dennyislife


Somebody needs to photoshop a Chip face over this perv's head. I'd do it but I fucking stink.

Somebody needs to photoshop a Chip face over this perv's head.


Because your mother's a cunt, sir.

holy shit it might be him! Oh wait, at the end of the article it describes the suspect as 5'11" tall. Jim Norton is a tad bit shorter.

I've meet norton, he is 5'3 max

I've met him as well. He's about 5' 7''

No way

Also says medium build instead of has aids

This is one of the times I really miss the old show. If someone had e-mailed or tweeted this pic to Jimmy a few years ago he would have brought it up on air and he and Anthony would have made jokes about it for an hour.

The guy that found this should be recruited by the government

Young Ellington? SHHHHYOURRRR!

relax guys, he did it for the radio show

Fur da show arite

Look at that sweater boy cutie

Nostalgic faggot.