Alex Jones bosses TMZ Reporter around: "They're attacking a woman" (orders him to cover it)

19  2017-01-28 by bobomobile


Anarchists calling for the jackbooted heel of the state to defend them is fucking hilarious.

Fucking faggots all of them

That fat fucking ugly bitch instigates shit by repeatedly coming at the guy, then spits on him, and then she asks the police (who she hates because she's an anarchist) to arrest the guy for assault. FUCKING HYPOCRITICAL CUNT.

Seriously that shit was laughable. Than you can notice her almost break out in tears 😂

The sound of that female reality distortion field breaking down.

But nothing is breaking down. She'll never admit to spitting on the guy first and she'll tell all her friends that a "trumper" assaulted her and the police did nothing. And the cycle will continue.


That cop could not be happier that dude punched her square in the face.

Anarchists are when rich white kids start acting like Muslims.

Love Alex.

The best thing that happened in 2016 was Alex Jones' career blowing up, although he was already syndicated on 240 radio stations.

I don't care what anyone says, Alex Jones is hilarious. After Trump was announced the winner in the presidential election, Alex Jones and Stone were watching a live feed of where Hilary was supposed to accept her win. Alex was sipping on champagne all smug like and calling all the women "ugly and butt hurt". That shit was too funny.

Holy shit, I watched this video clip from the opposite angle on an iphone when it came out. I had no idea Alex Jones was across the street screaming at TMZ to film the fact that a Trump guy punched some anarchist. I love this year thus far

Alex will change over soon enough. He needs fear and conspiracy to make money.

People tune into him to watch them all troll SJWs but they skip the rest of the time when he's just talking David Icke shit.

Ive been a fan of his since bohemian grove, I love Alex but people who take him seriously are insane.

At 23 seconds in the background on the left you can see a cop push one of the protesters to the ground. Then, it seems like another idiot was going to charge at the cop before some older guy pushes him away.

Missed that at first. It's weird how a gun's out and no one really reacts.

Alex Jones is officially an establishment shill and the new mouthpiece of Trump's NWO.


You mean hatchet man of the NWO, I believe

Let's not get crazy. It's not like he wants to take our guns away.

Also, all of you autistic losers downvoting me are unable to detect sarcasm and it's sad.

Women are equal! Women are powerful! Women are BADASS! (Shit gets real) Hey! I'm just a girl

I like those moments where there's a brief flash of the realization that -- regardless of how empowered and self-righteous they feel -- if a man decides to start treating them like shit the only recourse they have is to ask another man for help.

Makes me feel warm inside

These fucking fools chanting "THIS IS WHAT A POLICE STATE LOOKS LIKE"

Please send these fuckin virgins to the Middle East for a weekend.

Alex will change over soon enough. He needs fear and conspiracy to make money.