Bill Maher on SJW's, Apology Culture, and a very important rule that the liberal faggot elite NEED to learn but WON'T:

102  2017-01-28 by TangerineReam


Bill Maher is controlled by the liberal faggot elite

yet he's saying this

He's against islam and pc culture, but other than that he's a fraud that been Obama's buddy for the last 8 years.

has been on Obama's buddy for the last 8 years.

Despite giving Obama $1 million dollars and a public push to get President Obama to appear on his show, Obama refused to go on Real Time.

Why? Probably because Bill Maher is one of the few presenters who regularly discussed Obama's war crimes, his egregious use & expansion of executive power, his nullification of habeas corpus and Obama's nullification of the laws that prohibited the US from using propaganda domestically on Americans.


4 clips of him being nice to Obama over 8 years of weekly shows; that's the best you can do?

Doesn't change the fact that Bill Maher is a faggot who drops all his principles the moment Israel is introduced into any conversation.

Yeah he's a little Johnny on the spot with that...

lol if you support israel

Yeah I'm not a huge Maher fan because I just don't find him that funny. But he's not this liberal faggot SJW that the right claims he is. He's pretty harsh all things considered.

I never understood that, people treated Obama like Jesus Christ but never address the fact that he had softballs thrown at him for 8 years in the media. Now Trump is literally the Antichrist to them fast forward 4 to 8 years and we are going to be hearing how Trump will not do interviews because he won't be held accountable.

So because of his political view being different to yours you'll not listen to him make points most of the right and people in the middle have made for years?

I just think it's funny that someone who uses the term "Liberal Faggot Elite" doesn't comprehend that Bill Maher is a liberal, a faggot, and controlled by the elite through HBO, who's controlled by Time Warner, who controls CNN

I know very little about him and don't really want to find out anymore either but in this clip he talks sense. That is all.

Look Mr. Deathyon: I'm not saying that he himself isn't biased. But at least he's not a capitulator. There's a lot of middle ground between him and Sarah Silverman. Not saying he can't be infuriating; I just enjoy when "Liberal Faggot Elites" come forward with stuff like this because it's absolutely true. Sam Harris is still the man and his stuff holds more water with me than Bill's, but at least the message is TRYING to get around, regardless of who is saying it.

Fair enough

Maher used to be that bad on the "all Republicans are racist, sexist, xenophobes", but seems to have learned his lesson about over using those claims means nobody cares about them anymore.

Again, he was and can be a faggotito when it comes to strawman rhetoric, but as you've pointed out; maybe there's some growth in this message. And really, as a liberal, if you don't come forward and admit that there was a GIANT MISSTEP with SJW's, Safe Spaces, 1 in 4 campus rape statics and BLM just to name a few; then you'll be locking Trump in for another 4 years.

Yet they won't stop. Being outraged makes them feel special.

Don't like him but this was great

This is my reaction to every one of his videos that go viral. He's horribly unfunny but when he speaks out against the left on stuff like this he's right on the money.

He's not totally unfunny though. I hate 80% of the things he says and 99% of his audience but that New England Patriots line was a zinger.

I write for Real Time. That line was mine, thanks.

You earned your Federal Reserve shekels

Thank you. I'm glad you guys enjoy the show. Bill can be abrasive with his liberalism, but he's got a staff of writers that fall all along the spectrum. Some of us more literal than others.

You jewish?

Irish Catholic. Same diff in entertainment.

how did you get the job? have you had sex with anyone ?

My cousin is a social media manager for HBO and she referred me. I have had sex but not to get the job. Can't say the same for my cousin.

How many new rules are you responsible for?

None of my proposed rules have made the air, but I've gotten some good tags in like that one.

Well worded but just an unoriginal dig at White people.

Why don't you like (((him)))?

He says we shouldn't police language but I bet if someone called him a kike on twitter...

let's find out

Yeah, because I'm sure nobody's ever thought of that...

What if someone made fun of his ugly face, though?

I think that would be crossing the line of internet courtesy.

Dropping truth bombs!

His points in this video stand on their own merits. I completely agree with him.

even broken clock sucks a cock or something like that. whatevs.

Hes still a faggot.




Great rebuttal!


You're a faggot, too. Perfidious Albion faggot. Now go drop your pants for a refugee.

Not everything you say is wrong, but you are a fucking clueless fool if you think Republicans are for the working class. They won over the working class because they know how to talk to retards that get their viewpoints from Facebook. In no way will Republican policies benefit working and middle class, wake the fuck up. Dems need to separate themselves from the ultra PC left just like conservatives need to separate themselves from the ultra religious right. Both are losing the middle where most of the country sits

The Sanders faction is what the actual Radical Left looks like.

There was some me democratic bitch in a post election leadership debate who kept going on about how she can't understand things because she's white and that white people need to shut up and listen. This idiocy fuels a rage that makes me hate everything so much.

Edit: Awww - did I upset the crying, butthurt progressive faggers in this sub? Your side lost, antifas, and you'll be losing a lot more in the future, so get use to it. Maybe it will make you feel better to go to Queens and hang out with Shia to chant like a bunch of zombies.

I think it's because you posted a giant rant out of nowhere like a meth-fueled autist.

liberals jerk-off to their pity spiral. Its virtue signaling gone retarded.

Based Bill. If only he took his own advice.

Not saying he wasn't responsible for this himself. But at least the message is getting around, and not just from Fox News or non-liberals.

If more liberals were like Bill Maher and Kurtzger (blowhard assholes who hate PC bullshit) I wouldn't hate liberals so much.

If more liberals were like Bill Maher and Kurtzger

i agree more liberals should beat and rape women

I would still hate them.

Thats funny, he's just as guilty of those he ridicules, Liberal faggot and his marxist bullshit.

Funny how he he's an aethist but describes himself as a Jew who believes that Jews should have a religious state, double standard kike.

Remind me again Bill why multiculturalism and diversity is good for everyone except that shitpit Israel???

Again, I'm not saying he's without sin, and/or a faggot himself. Especially when he tried to masquerade as an "Atheist" in Religulous.

Im just talking about the message. I would hope he straightens up, but either way I'm glad a faggot like him is coming forward with this.



Like others I don't know all that much about him but I do remember him saying Vietnam was a good war because the commies were bullies and needed a good pop on the snout to curb their expansion.

Point being that it's easy and lazy to call out double standards when the reality is always so layered with complexity. Anybody can snipe a double standard literally anywhere they want. It's utterly valueless.

The majority of Americans are actually with the Democrats on the issues: raising the minimum wage, sensible gun laws, path to citizenship, abortion rights, pro-environment

Ol Billy really needs to spend a week or two out of LA if he actually believes all of that lol

Wtf is that buzzword phrase "sensible gun laws"? Most faggots even know what semi automatic means.

They think it means slowly automatic.

Same weaselly shit as "the wealthy should pay their fair share in taxes."

That means don't let fucking autistic pieces of shit like Lanza and Cho and Roof anywhere near guns, at least legally. I know, Lanza got it from mommy....but you see what I mean,

Why can't you gun nuts get that? I know, you're gonna cling to the slippery slope argument, but this would be the most sensible thing.

Because there already are laws preventing that dipfuck. Pieces of paper and government ceremonies won't stop people from shooting each other. "Gun nuts" please actually kill yourself

How would the government stop someone from stealing a gun? Huh fagggot? Tell me exactly how you'd do this.

I'm talking about how headcases like Cho can somehow pass the check by lying.....

So he fraudulently passed a background check. Sounds like we have the laws on the books but they were not enforced or he snuck through somehow. Again, what laws do you wish were in acted that are "sensible"?

Lol nope, the polls bear him out, you need to get out of mommys basement and then get out of flyover country to where most real americans actually live on the coast and you'll see what the country is really thinking. Trump lost the popular vote by millions for a reason, and 'ol hill didn't even try to get out the vote in safe states

What exactly are the qualifications to be a "Real American"?

Fucking Bubba the Love Sponges wife on camera.


Having your wife leave you for a younger guy, BROTHER.

Never forget

Nah I'm good out here in rural America. You have fun watching homeless people pissing in the streets on your way to work. And I'm sorry we have the electoral college and the state of California, NYC, and Chicago don't get to determine who the president is. By the way Republicans control Congress, the Presidency, and the majority of state governs so you whiney elitist faggots are in for a long haul for the foreseeable future.

Real faggots live on the coast. I loved in MA my whole life, and moved to Omaha NE last year because I was suck of the FAGGOTS ON THE COAST

Real faggots live on the coast. I loved in MA my whole life, and moved to Omaha NE last year because I was sick of the FAGGOTS ON THE COAST

Once you plow through all the Omaha lumberjacks on Grindr, you're just going to have to move again though.

Well I live in central Idaho, and Nebraskans are fuckin faggots.

Not as faggy as Boston college kids. I made the right choice

Sounds like someone is still butt hurt over Hillary. Most "real" I'd like to see who would win in a civil war. Butt hurt faggots in San Francisco vs cornfed linebackers with ARs in Nebraska. Come get some, Shirley.

I wish the libs would start by sticking to their very own dogmatic rule No. 1 which they break constantly: Don't generalize, assume or jump to conclusions about someone based on stereotypes. They do exactly that millions of times a day when the someone is white and/or male. The tiniest suggestion of potential bigotry is immediately expedited to confirmed bigot. It's the Greatest Hypocrisy of All Time.

The slippery slope "TRUMP IS A NAZI!" cry basically cost them this election, and if they keep at it will probably cost them the next one. Though I have to admit I do admire their tenacity in prepping Cory Booker on the "We'll win if we run a black guy" philosophy.

Maher is usually about half correct. Like, is this video saying he shouldn't have apologized for making fun of retards?

Or this... Bill Maher: Liberals “cried wolf” about Mitt Romney — now they face a genuine fascist... basically 'Ok, we were calling people nazi's before just to get headlines, but this time we mean it.'

Meanwhile he called the pope a nazi, too (and apologized immediately.)

Not sure why he would apologize for calling the pope a nazi. He was a despicable, child rapist defending piece of human shit who deserved to die.

Also was a literal nazi.

he was a good guy

There are a lot of liberals that are talking heads like Maher that always say agreeable things like this but then they still always fall for the "Trump is a bad crazy man" meme and I never understand why.

But then again, I'm _______________

Both can be true. Trump actually is a despicable man child piece of shit.

Or maybe you fell for a meme where he isn't one. Shinkel 'bout it.

Lt.Dan Lt.Dan Billy got the Aids from eating poo poo dick.

Hey guys here's a reasonable self-reflection to what's wrong with our party. But don't forget the democratically elected president is a "mad man" because I disagree with him. "The tea party's taking over school boards".

Oh Bill... That was such a bad crash landing.

Why isn't Bill Maher allowed to say the President is a mad man? Why can't we criticize our leaders anyway we want? Isn't that what freedom of speech is about?

The tea party's taking over school boards".

That's literally what they did. They started running for and winning small local positions and worked their way into the system. It's an excellent fucking point. If the left wants to get shit done, they need a grassroots effort around the country.

I'm not being facetious here I genuinely am curious because I am unaware, but could you actually named any senators or House reps that actually came directly from the Tea Party? Not just being affiliated with them but actually got their political career from the movement.

The liberals do you have a grass roots movements, they're just babbling 20-somethings screaming racism and fascism. This is their own fault for abandoning the middle class for safe spaces and Mexicans.

Bill's videos are hit or miss with me. I find them weird and sometimes completely off the mark. However, on occasion, he nails the fucking point, and he did so here. He's still a pillow biter, but I respect that he calls out his own party.

His monologues are mostly awful and unfunny. And the worst part is when his guests are sitting there feeling forced to fake laugh at everything he says. But once in a while he's dead on. This is one of those times.

He's a famously inveterate black hooker addict

He has the cadence of a middle-aged mom that thinks she's hot shit.

But yeah he right.

He's so shmarmy duddddde.

Idk who the girl was after bill said go fuck yourself, but she was very uncomfortable. Awesome. lol

is it in the vid?


Oh thats eva longoria. Yeah she tried to cash in on that outrage shit for awhile

She has...not aged super well. She was ridiculously hot when 'Desperate Housewives' was the rage of moms across America

Looks like Eva Longoria

This is a pretty easy target to go after, people who are offended by everything. But then again, he goes after Islam so I guess he gets a pass.

He goes after Islam but when the discussion turns to what to do about extremism, he kind of pussies out.

I guess he doesn't want his last words to be Allah Akbar (however you spell it)

But seriously Islam is really shitty.

He's been saying this shit for years. Conservatives hate him but he's right about most things, just another example of faggots living in a fox news bubble. He also says Islamic religion is bullshit and liberals need to stop coddling Islam's fucked up ass backwards beliefs, then the liberals slam him. Fuck modern liberals, if they weren't such pussies a lot of this wouldn't be happening to them.

What the fuck?

Who red-pilled him?

He's not exactly on the Trump bandwagon now. My guess is he would still vote for Hillary if the election was tomorrow. He's just calling out all the sensitive liberals for being distracted by nonsense.

Maher does what Bibi tells him to do, the man that once proclaimed US soldiers should die for Israel can eat a dick

Bill Maher and Trump hare each other yet both ask "How high?" when Netanyahu tells them to jump.

No one red-pilled him, you fucking imbicile. He's always been like this.

It's almost as if everyone doesn't fall into 2 categories. Weird, huh?

I am not used to liberals being reasonable with all the shit I been seeing lately.

Don't you think you're being a little bit unreasonable yourself?

Stop basing your worldviews off of facebook meme videos maybe?


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aside from the native American thing, which I think was like one survey from many years ago, I agree with all he said.

He doesn't care if Hillary has Jon Bonet Ramsey in her basement.

You mean stop demanding apologies there, billy

You know, I don't blame those celebrities for coming out with apologies after they 'fuck up'. Being liked by as many people as possible is basically their job. I'd suck up to every demographic and apologize to everyone without giving a fuck if that meant for me to keep being an A-lister and expect a 7 figure paycheck next month. That's why I think celebrities opinions don't mean shit. They are looking out for themselves and that's it.

I hate giving this fucking faggot attention. He shills out to the core for nonsense all the time and reciprocates with donations himself, and then when it's all said and done he does a rational hit piece that makes sense, to keep his image strong. He's a phony who is slightly talented, but just because he knows what he's doing it doesn't make his general snooty faggoty dishonesty tolerable.

Half of the trained-seals clapping at his points will go home and pillory the next person they feel commits some race/gender/sexuality or obesity paux fas via hashtags and blogs. Faggots. His audience is the fucking worst.

Fucking Bubba the Love Sponges wife on camera.

Having your wife leave you for a younger guy, BROTHER.

You earned your Federal Reserve shekels

How many new rules are you responsible for?

None of my proposed rules have made the air, but I've gotten some good tags in like that one.