r/funny is fucking awful

19  2017-01-28 by TheScarletR


I hope everyone on r/funny dies

I remember on r/jokes someone posted a hack homeless man joke and I responded by humorously trashing homeless people and I got downvoted to hell and serious responses as to why the homeless aren't responsible for why they are homeless. Comedy is fucking dead.

Only on reddit, they have mods push that shit on purpose on the top subs

r/science is almost all liberal-agenda shit. There was a study on there last week about how "propaganda dismissing climate change isnt as effective as some thought", why would ANYONE care to read that?

they do care though, by sending those stories only they build a fake little world where the stories they pick are reality.

Next time, don't forget to post Opie's cakestomp video...

I got banned from r/PSVR for making a joke about a guy having a man cave.

Comedy is still somewhat alive here. When this sub takes a shit, I'm starting my own.

Yeah this sub makes it difficult to communicate in other subs. I got downvoted after this one guy made a Doctor Who reference and I said I hope he has to smother his daughter with a pillow after a back of niggers rapes her retarded.

I thought while scrolling through the comments they were coming from here for a second. Was very confused

Post anything about Star Wars, Harry Potter, game of thrones or dr who and you will instantly have 500 votes. Fucking dorks.

i like it better than the tranny hooker shit

Do you have down syndrome?

Joking about headtrauma? I consider myself to have a seriously twisted sense of humor but this is just taking it too far...


I'm watching It's Always Sunny right now, so I head over to the IASIP subreddit every so often. This image is currently the highest rated thing there.

Why? It has nothing to do with Always Sunny.

The title was "It's Always Sully In Philadelphia". So I guess it does.

Kill me.

yep you browse it, dumbass. Nice try with the hate

Tsss yeah dats like fuckin storm bloopers, or sumptin

Are there any other subs worth frequenting on a regular basis? Serious inquiry. Anytime I try to branch out, I get douched out immediately and come back here to laugh at vicious insults of Patton and Big Amy.

Do you have down syndrome?