Whats the deal with Big Jay? In a single show he flips back and forth between the funniest, obscure reference guy in the room to being the self-endulgent, bulldozing idiot

23  2017-01-28 by TheScarletR

Someone discuss this with me


Idk he just has good days and bad days hes just really fucking annoying on his bad days

I think he gets too fucked up sometimes.

What's the excuse for the bonfire though?

I think he is really really high. The kinda high where you get dumb.


His ability to be funny has been affected by his popularity and ego.

On the latest episode with Duncan Trussell I was hating Jay (and Luis) because they wouldnt shut up about Duncans hot girlfriend. But in the second half when that Steven Spinola guy came on it got fucking hysterical, Big Jay in particular.

Truth that was pretty annoying, Duncan looked like he wanted to bounce at first, but I think they blazed on their break and it was an overall good episode


The "Kill Stephen Spinola!" chant to turn him into a spirit-guide for comedians cracked me up.

I fucking love Jay, but I definitely see what you mean. But I think he's more guilty of this on The Bonfire. He's still the funniest on LOS to me

I cant even listen to The Bonfire. What puzzles me about him on LoS is hes either the best and funniest, or the most annoying and distracted.

I will give him a little slack in that he records 6 shows a week now (Bonfire, LOS, and SDR) adding doing stand up every night on top of that and add 4 days to travel and performing in some city for 4 days. That's got to wear on him creatively and I give him credit for sticking around with SDR and LOS

I realize hes a working comic and its petty to let his occasional suckiness bother me.

But when I say the same show, I mean in a 2 hour period he flip flops multiple times between the funniest or the most annoying. Its so bizarre to me.

When Bonfire isn't hijacked by him and Christine's bullshit, it's the funniest show out there to me.

Any specific shows you could point me to? I genuinely want to like that show because Dan and Jay are so great together on Legion of Skanks, but every time I pick one at random on youtube, I'm bored in the first 3 or 4 minutes.

I don't know specific episodes but the first 4-6 months of the shows they did when they started were great.


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The Corey Feldman shows

The chet hanks episode is great.

The recent behind the bonfire clip show is a good place to start

Exactly. Jay puts out like 10 hours of content a week. He's talented as hell.

What are you his manager? Ah I'm just joshin around with ya.

Dude. Not today

He's a fat east coast wanna be Hipster

He's still a fat kid at heart, hes capable of awkward behavior.

His heart is also that of a fat kid.

He does an annoying stutter that gets louder and pointless as the other guys talk, yeah yeah yeah yeah but but but but i i i i we get it.

His "obscure references" are all from the world of white trash/populist entertainment.

He's funny, but he's very close-minded and xenophobic.

--He thinks everyone else are the weird ones for wanting to travel at all outside the US

--He still quotes Family Guy

--Look at the way he dresses and has his hair, and again, whatever, but he acts like everyone else is weird and not him for still living as if it were 1998

--Like most if not all comedians, he's narcissistic and loves to hear himself talk, thinks he's a master-storyteller etc etc

He's funny though! He's just tactless and close-minded, which manifests itself in ways that make him annoying at times.

On LOS a week or so ago, the said he hated period pieces where they wear costumes, but he's still wearing a costume from the early to mid 2000's.

Haha yes, and he does at times, appreciate such irony, so you have to give him that. But still, he's very man-childy and annoying because of it

He's like haha guys, I know... but keeps putting them on.

Christine is also mentioned for no reason in every long boring story. Bonfire has become tough to get thru lately but his stand and LOS r legit

They recently had just Soder and Mark Normand that was good, then the next one was just Jay and Luis and that one was pretty good too. I think Soder and Jay just kinda get in a weird groove where they crack each other up but aren't really being that funny for the audience...but what do I know, I just make sure I got my container of coffee and let the head muckity mucks do their thing.

His sex talk makes me skip through it. Half the time that means skipping the rest of the show. This is more on Bonfire, but yea. Why the fuck did I post this?

It's 'self indulgent' you dope not 'self-endulgent'. I hope your fingers get aids so you can never type again.

People who live a drug/alcoholic lifestyle becoming exponentially more annoying as they age. It's not cute or edgy after your 20s.

He's a hilarious dude who gets way too fucking wrapped up in trying to make points that are never insightful or unique enough to warrant the time they take.

When he thinks he has a hot take on something - which he almost never does - he will stammer and step on people to get it out before allowing the show to continue. "B-b-b-but do you see what I'm saying?" It's very strange, because he's such a hilarious comic talent, and I don't remember him always acting like this.


I gave up on the Bonfire and anything else including Big Jay a long time ago. Tell me, does he still like to fuck?

Those gloves tho

I think he is really really high. The kinda high where you get dumb.

