Do Tuesday's With Stories guys open for Louis CK?

4  2017-01-27 by tonydogs

I heard this might be the case, but based on their podcast they keep it close to the vest. Can anyone confirm?


Joe List has talked about it on ykwd, I don't know about Normand

are you sure?

Yeah, he has opened for louie multiple times, pretty sure he mentions it on the recent yankee swap episode. Braunheiser postes it a while ago

The only reason I can think of that it would be relevant to know this is if Louis had upcoming dates and you wanted to know if List/Normand was opening for him, but he doesn't have tour dates currently. Why do you care?

Joe List has been opening for Louis (with at least one other comic) fairly regularly for the last year+. Mark Normand was added to the lineup for the four-night run he did in DC to shoot a special a couple weeks ago.

Do you listen to their podcast? They talked about nothing but opening for Louis CK. So yes.

....damn it. me too.

Tuesdays with Stories is fucking garbage

I could not agree more

I think they're funny guys on other shows but jesus they are annoying together, trying to talk like they're in an episode of Seinfeld or some shit

Joe list opened for him on his European tour along with Michelle Wolf which lead to Michelle Wolf being on a lot of U.K panel shows. I wish you'd take her back , I'm sick of seeing this unfunny cunt on my television , she gets 0 laughs from the audience and 0 laughs from the other comedians. She just makes everything awkward and un watchable

You don't think we already knew this? She atrocious.

If I was getting $9,000 a gig to open for Louis I'd be talking about nothing but that.

They don't want to mention it because they don't want to have to testify about him jerking off in front of them (allegedly)

I saw Louis CK last summer.

He had three openers. Some guy I don't recall and two women from the daily show. One of them was black and the other appeared on Opie and Jim before and got into it with Stacy Dash. I must say, Louis did about and hour and a half and a half, was hilarious, and did not mention politics or the election once.

Joe List, Mark Normand, and another woman (forgot her name) opened for him when I saw him. They did pretty short sets and Louis did a lot.

Joe's Louis idolatry is out of F-ing control. It seems like he has a Louis blow-up doll that he makes passionate love to nightly. "I went to the diner in Winnipeg with...LOUIS...C.K....and he said my opening set killed! Then he picked up the check! Comedic genius and altruism, thy name is Louis!"

Their whole show is about telling anecdotes about their life, so since they're spending so much time touring with Louie and Amy, pretty much every anecdote in their life IS going to revolve around their touring, so I don't mind it.