Reminder that Patton Oswalt once had an "addiction" to movies.

32  2017-01-27 by andiswearrrr

This faggot actually treated it like a serious addiction. "I watched 261 movies in theaters in one year. I was shutting everything else out of my life just to go and gobble up films".

But he's clean now! Him and Jim Norton are inspirations to us all.


Oh jesus did he really say that? I didn't think it was possible to hate him any more than I already do

He wrote a book about it.

He's a piece of shit.

Haha, Charlize Theron calls him out as a future murderer at 8:50.

She's fucking out of this world hot

Oh my god I'm two minutes in and this guy is such a sad turd

"Near the end I don't think I was enjoying the movies. I was just acquiring the experience of having said that I'd seen them".

Christ he's like Alan Partridge talking about his Toblerone addiction.

Admitting he's not addicted to movies, he is just a pretentious ass. Also, he killed is wife.

You can tell he's a psychopath from that story about the horror marathon. The lesson he took from it was that he should have walked the girl out to her car('cos women are weak and scared), and not that he took a girl to an all night horror marathon that she was clearly bored by.

The fuck! where did Patton neck go? I know he's a fat fuck but Jesus! It looks like a turtle getting interviewed by a half Nigger lizard.

Charlize Theron calls him out as a future murderer at 8:50.

I'm addicted to Charlize Theron

It's roughly the same amount of time it would take to listen to every Jim and Sam show over a year. Guess we're all addicts.

Nobody is addicted to that shit enough to make it through every full show.

From 2010-2014, I listened to every second of every O&A show. Because I'm way cool

I meant Jim and Sam, not O&A.

I know the struggle. I accidentally caught 10 mins of The Addams Family Values back in '93 and I knew then that the intoxicating glow coming from the screen would get its hooks into me if I let it.

I'm almost 25 years clean now. Stay strong out there, guys.

That dope ass MC Hammer theme song was what got me addicted to hip hop. I've been chasing that funky dragon ever since.

No matter how often it's Hammer Time I just... it never seems to last long enough. And I need more.

12 hours later I'm always cursing myself for not being legitimate enough to stop this self-destructive behavior

People on this forum fucking love Patton Oswalt.

Patton Oswalt's personal idol is O.J. Simpson.

If only he had the looks, talent, physical stature, or likeability of O.J.

O.J. didn't put up with no guff; Patton's just a pussy boy who kills women because they're soft targets.

He also didn't kill his wife nearly as interestingly. Pills? Boring.

He's also addicted to murder and food

He should be tackling his real addictions, which are uxoricide and pies

What a hateable word that is.


Don't forget he's part of the Mystery Science 3000 relaunch. Shame if they find out about his murderous ways.

Just the fact that him and Felicia Day are big parts of the reboot mean it is guaranteed to suck. Can't wait for a host segment like educating Tom Servo about transphobia.

I love MST3K and adore me some Felicia Day. I hate the fact that the hobbit is going to soil the good name of TV's Frank.

I'm addicted to hating Patton Oswalt. There is nothing good about him. He is as useless as the rotting corpse of his wife and his dough-faced daughter.

"Near the end I don't think I was enjoying the movies. I was just acquiring the experience of having said that I'd seen them". - Actual quote from this faggot.

Is that 261 figure an exact quote? If we take the average movie to be 2 hours, and 1 hour to fuck about, so 3 hours per movie. That's 783 hours per year, averaging only 15 hours a week. And he calls himself an addict? He spends that much time on twitter a day.

Oh come on, I was an alcoholic and drank 261 days per year. I skipped every Monday and Tuesday though and I only drank for 90 minutes the other 5 days. This guy is such a hateable faggot

Florentine is that you?

Na, it's jimmy with a Bartles & Jaymes.

Thanks for sharing your struggle, so brave, so beautiful, and so inspiring.

When I think movie addict I think Howard Hughes from the Aviator. Patton is the Jim Norton of movie addiction.

It's funny how Patton uses this to marginalize himself without realizing that only a very privileged person could have the disposable income and time to go to the movie theater 261 times in a year.

Did he eat them?

All I can remember is that time you tried to brag about harassing some bitch on Reddit and everyone making fun of you for being an edge lord faggot

Christ, that was embarrassing.

I stand by all of that and am not ashamed.

I wish he overdosed. I would acknowledge food addiction as real but that's easily the dumbest addiction to have since you die young and can lose limbs and ruin your life with it just like heroin except you never get the payoff of doing heroin. Plus with food you never get that early romanticized recreational phase where it's fun, you're just always fat and hate yourself and when you buy insulin syringes you actually put insulin in them. He murdered his wife.

It's better them his new obsession, murdering spouses and then furiously masturbating as you take over their writing career.

Really? Was it films he was "gobbling up" in those theaters?

I bet it was food. Because he's fat.

I read the book, actually, and while it wasn't bad, it wasn't great, either. His comedy stories are good, and then there is a passage on some obscure movie and what it meant to him.

He'd also gobble up cock, at least 261 in a year

Help! I'm addicted to television! It's so bad, I even work in the movie industry.

He used it to block out his addiction to murdering women. We all know what happened when he stopped watching all those movies...

Makes sense. He's a fat, sexually undesirable loser and is addicted to escaping from reality.

It was probably a handful of awful fanboy franchise movies that he saw that many times. Or a single movie about with a predominant storyline of a hack entertainer lusting after his children after getting away with spousal homicide.

"gobble up films"

Oh, what a true appreciation of the arts he has, I bet he believes he's really perceptive and cultured because he stuffed his fat face with overpriced popcorn he can afford from shitcom money to watch overproduced feces on a big screen.

He should join the Film Appreciation Anonymous Group