Gervais body shaming sweet boy Jim

116  2017-01-27 by Dennyislife


Looks like a mannequin of a dead guy

So, you're saying it looks like Jim?

At the risk of sounding like a goose... what is that? That's not Jim.

That's that guy from that movie Ricky was associated with that one time.

It's a statue on the High Line.

You sure that's not Jimmy? It looks just like him.

Working out and eating better.

For some reason I find it highly amusing and appropriate that Jimmy wears whitey tighties

Is that how it really goes? I always thought it was tidy whities.

Tighty whitees.

you are correct

I honestly thought that was Jim for a few minutes.

I still do.

Have some dignity, Jim. For fucks sake. What an embarrassment.

I'm so happy we have actual comedians to talk about instead of Joe Materese

I finally listened to that show, and you know it's bad when ole ethnic blur Sam is punching holes in your backtracking story.

Thats a wax figure or something, right? It looks like a customaziable video game zombie made to be way thats any real person, let alone Jim.

The Worm's lack of a spine is cleverly covered up by Gervais' hand propping him up.

He looks like Brent.

And let's remember, they weren't a room full of wounded soldiers. They live their life like an open wound. People confuse the target of the joke with the subject of the joke. Why is fame better than infamy?

It's not as funny as fat Jim in his underwear.

Jim is the reason people put plastic on their couches

I aM wHeReINg pANts. AhpREL fAllS!

norton is going viral with Gervais fangirls now all posting pics of them with this guy saying it's Jim

sniff Gervais is too big for the show now. We're not even that clooose anymore, to be cumplettttely honestwityew.