NSFW: Bobo meets Lynsi around the 4 minute mark

0  2017-01-27 by unclepaul84


Fucking gross. Sick fuck

So you were just jerking it to some rape porn and tought "Hey the guys over at /r/opieandanthony might laugh at this" we really bunch of useless degenerates

It made me laugh and a little hard.

The only girl I've ever really loved was a dead ringer for a young Jody Foster. It didn't work out, due to her being a lesbian and me being a pathetic alcoholic loner, but I still have a lot of fond memories of her. I was going to try to post a funny comment, but that scene made me genuinely sad.

If it makes you feel better, she probably outgrew that phase and is happily married to a rich guy with a huge cock who impregnated her multiple times.

Imagine if Opie got cucked by Bobo