What other subs do you frequent on this gay site?

2  2017-01-27 by [deleted]


Ditto. Several of the gonewilds are terrific. As it turns out, lots of very sexy women around the world enjoy showing their bodies in creative ways. Pre-internet in the 90's as a kid it was a major coup to secure and own a Penthouse, descramble the Playboy channel enough to see something, let alone a proper VHS, then DVD porno. Whereas now, anyone with a smartphone can see anything anytime. In that sense, it's an interesting example of technology driving the culture. For better or worse attitudes toward sex and other fundamental issues among the millennials and younger are now driven by technology in the same ways they were driven by Christianity or other Orthodoxies for hundreds of years up until just a few generations ago--our parents or grandparents.

You're really thinking way too much into seeing naked women. Are you 12?

Way back in the 90s

No, I'm not 12.

Just cut to the chase with /r/watchpeopledie

All of the good porn ones, /u/Cumtown, and /u/milliondollarextreme

I haven't been to any other subreddits for any extended period of time in months and months. I still have mod on some other subreddits and I check the queue here and there but as far as participating in other subs, I go in, click a thread, read a comment chain where everyone is building off of a cute little pun with each response they write, talk myself down from throwing my computer out of the window, then go as far away from that thread and subreddit as I possibly can

If you want to laugh your ass off, head on over to /r/funny.

Those guys are a hoot!


The one about the standups getting shot.

I only ever visit /r/opieandantony and, rarely, /r/drsteve. That's it. I have spent probably less than 45 seconds on any other section of reddit in my lifetime.

This is a special place isn't it

because you've got one up your ass?

More like Fawkin Big Peckah Problems or Sumthin'!

I found Stephan Molyneux

Not an argument.

r/iamverysmart, r/comedycemetary, r/cringe

Only this sub, possibly the last bastion of free speech without consequences on earth.


R/twinks R/exmormon r/peakyblinders

I found Stephan Molyneux