Those goddamn RedLetterMedia guys are a RYY-OTT. Their "The Nerd Crew" bit perfectly dissects the beta bullshitters who just take money and gifts from studios in exchange for positive reviews.

80  2017-01-27 by TangerineReam


What doe RYY-OTT mean, you fucking quay?

Riot, sir

To think all this started from a Disney PR email. Mike's rage knows no bounds.

Wait what happened? I'm a pretty big RLM fan, but I guess I missed this.

It is from the first few minutes of "The Nerd Crew Episode 1". Basically, Disney tried to bribe RLM with early showing tickets for Rogue One if they would give it a good review to get their "built in nerd audience" with a "blind following" to go see Rouge one.

Mike responded and took it from there. The Nerd Crew was born.

Rouge One

Rogue One FTFY

Sorry, I was texting and driving through a school zone. You fucking cunt.

What a shitty fucking bot.

Pretentious nerd bot

Est a dick and get robot AIDS nigga

Thats fucking great, i missed that completely. So he properly put those assholes in their place, while picking on the lesser YouTubers that would just gush at the opportunity.

Yeah, I swore I heard them address it more bluntly somewhere else. Like another video or a podcast or something. I even thought they read a few lines from it. I am sure it is on /r/RedLetterMedia somewhere.

There are few people out there who are truly great in every way. Mike Stolatka is one of them.

tss y dont u guys get a room or sumptin

Man I used to love Star Wars but I hate all the Disney shit. At least Lucas' movies weren't outwardly political and self-congratulatory.

Well kind of. Episode I was annoyingly "diverse". But as we see now, that was only the beginning.

You can say what you want about Lucas: At least he had a personal vision for his life work. Something that Disney WILL NOT endow on these films.

And he got these films done before the dawn of virtue signaling. Even the 'diversity' in Episode 1 didn't feel shoehorned at all. Hollywood is now willing to add Chinese people in films to appeal to china's market. Thats the main reason why "diversity" in Hollywood is so annoying: It's either so smug and condescending that you just go FUCK YOU, or its a such a clear shallow ploy to rope in a demographic that you just go FUCK YOU.

Their putting Chinese people in Ghost In The Shel a live action version of a JAPANESE anime. There's your "diversity", America...

It's either so smug and condescending that you just go FUCK YOU, or its a such a clear shallow ploy to rope in a demographic that you just go FUCK YOU.

It's true. They thought Ghostbusters would also make money. I'm very glad it did not.

The jews in Hollywood don't know what to do anymore. The chinks hate black people in movies. They always bomb over there if a movie has a black lead. It's a funny little conundrum.

Jar Jar Binks is a house nigger.

There was legit a senate and talks of trade negotiations in the George Lucas prequels there's nothing political in Disneys Star Wars

big RLM fan

Really long manhood fan. Dzzzzk

Already posted. Delete

Me, personally, I love RedLetterMedia. They're my source for all things geek, for me, personally.

Personally, I'm a die hard fan of every single thing they've ever said or done ever.

Like you, I also stood up and cheered when Disney revealed the new Star Wars film logo.*


Ya know what's gross? Giving a fuck about star wars.

You're a faggot


I'm just glad they're continuing to shit on Lootcrate. Who buys that shit? A box of random junk that you didn't choose? It's like paying a company to send you presents every month because you have no friends, except it's exactly like that.

Their reaction when they opened up one of the crates with Star Wars Valentine Cards...Finn from Force Awakens posing on the box of cards with a StormTrooper blaster, Rich Evans goes: "Nothing says 'I Love You', like a black man with a gun".

That line got an ELEVEN from me.

Were you howling?


They had a sale recently where you could get old crates for really cheap (like $15-$20 iirc) and i got kinda excited. Saw what the options were and felt like even that was too much, can't imagine paying full price for that horseshit.

I looked at the loot crate homepage and there's a big graphic advertising that they now have 4XL and 5XL shirts

I've run a nerd podcast that tried to sell merch before. Trust me you do need those shirts in stock.

That Rey action figure is great

I haven't laughed that hard in a while.

God damn I love these guys. The vienna sausages fucking killed me, reminded me of an old O&A bit or something.

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The Nerd Crew: A Pop Culture Podcast by Red Letter Media 16 - It is from the first few minutes of "The Nerd Crew Episode 1". Basically, Disney tried to bribe RLM with early showing tickets for Rogue One if they would give it a good review to get their "built in nerd audience" with a "blind following" to go see...
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RLM is the only hope for the future of the USA.

Think about it - they routinely shit on SJWs and give zero fucks for made up rules about offensiveness without having to be thin-skinned, low-IQ, Trump-voting cunts!


Also, they're comfortable with their sperghood and use that tendency to accomplish things in the real world instead of just shitposting!

I can't believe you got 5 votes. There is a way, people! See you on the other side!

You're absolutely right. Those fellas are delightful.


This barely scraped the front page with ~170 upvotes. Reddit is nerd culture garbage that can't take any criticism.

This post? Or was it another post with the video?

And yeah: FAGGOTS.

/videos brah

They're tedious drones who appeal to the 85-95 IQ crowd online.

Mike is an irritating narcissist who surrounds himself with dumb people so he won't be challenged.

oh no you weren't actually supposed to take the blackpill. jesus you are fucked

Geez why don't you tell us how you really feel

"The grittiness of this film validates me as an adult for liking a children's fantasy series"

wish they would do more best of the worsts, love RLM

You are so alpha, op.

The first couple minutes of their Rogue One review gave me one of the biggest laughs in recent memory. Check it out fags.

these boys gave me a good chuckle

Fuck I've been waiting for the return of Carl Ruiz.

Riot, sir

Were you howling?