
39  2017-01-26 by johannessens


Women of all genders?

much like the far right, the extreme left has thrown science out the window because it doesn't fit their agenda

She doesn't fit a gender and she barely fits into that coat

How many head of cattle had to die for that thing

The far right is pretty good at some sciences, like chemistry. Ever heard of Zyklon-B?

Fuck off with the idea that the far right "throws away science". If you're referring to climate change there are very compelling scientific arguments against the mainstream consensus that a retard like you would never understand. Keep repeating to yourself that the so called "97%" believe it's man-made, faggot.

Evolution. The age of the earth. Etc... But nice try with the hate though

Just more of the maInstreAM, liberAl, FAscisT, eliTIsT scientists with all their bullshit Ph.D.s from the best universities in the history of mankind and the FAKED millennia of data and decades of peer-reviewed, provable, replicable ALT-FACT-BASED science.

I agree with my esteemed colleague, climatologist Dr. /u/obamabeblacknshiet M.Sc., Ph.D., CCM, Fa.Gt.

As we all know, the Arctic Circle is the center of our flat disk Earth and Antarctica is an ice wall around the edges of all the oceans and the seven continents. So, how can our Earth POSSIBLY stay held together by an ice wall if according to "cLIEmate change," the The Wall is allegedly melting? IT CAN'T! And if it WAS then why hasn't our Rayder shown us anything beyond the wall? And why do we still have Snow when Winter's coming in all seven kingdoms? You know nothing, but read this Andals you need to know ya peesagee

Her gender is a trans-fat woman.

Biology doesn't matter maaan, if it interferes with your feelings!

Sadly, we're witnessing the decline and fall of an empire (the West). It's happened many times throughout history - said empire gets too comfortable, decadence ensues, it degenerates and eats itself. Unfortunately, the majority of people are morons and don't learn from past errors.

Trump is our last hope to set things right. I'm afraid he's not extreme enough to do what really needs to be done though.

What needs to be done?

johnny you know what to do.. you know what to do .

To be fair it was already falling before the men started wearing dresses. It's like when a team is losing so badly that the coach lets everyone on the team play a little.

But even by their own rules, it doesn't make sense. According to trans theory, "gender" is the social signifier, and you are supposed to refer to people as men or women based solely on that social signifier.

So "women of all genders" is nonsense even to the genderspecials.

her flow would put the kool-aid man to shame


As he busts out of her vagina

Let's humor this cow for a minute and take her up on her word. Because an animal is only as good as its word: moo

Let's say that there is, in fact, a gender war and blood will, in fact, be spilled. Who the fuck do you think is going to win? Men or Other? Is this beast really willing to spill a pint of blood for victory? With a gun to her/its face, what will she do? Stand and fight or shit her pants and cave to whatever the person holding the weapon says?

I get that she isn't being literal, but be careful what you say because someday someone might take you up on it.

She looks like she bleeds country gravy.

I wonder how many whales could have been spared in the 1700s if whalers had been able to harvest 21st century feminists for their blubber.

She just keeps growing.

all 290 Gallons of it...

"...as long as very limited physical activity is involved"

She isn't the hero the left needs, but she's the hero the left deserves.

she left nothing on the plate thats for sure

I wonder how all of the homesexuals imprisoned in Nazi concentration camps would feel about this woman using the pink triangle on her stupid "protest" sign

Remember Trump is LITERALLY HITLER though.

probably have gotten worked up into a lather about it

Looks like Opie's behemoth friend that was in all of his viral videos.

Cant they think of anything that doesnt have to do with their fucking vaginas or disgusting bodily functions. My god, it's like i would be threatening people who disagree with my views with taking shits and jerking off all over the place.

I'm gonna make a sign that says "I cum for abortions."

If that isnt already how you win arguments, it needs to be

There's enough blood in this bitch's body to re-enact the elevator scene from The Shining.

The fuck is that?

So men can claim to be women and she'll fight for our rights. Boys, you heard it: we can totally get these feminists to either support men or turn on trans people by claiming to be women.

So guys, what color hair do you think she has: Pink or Blue?

How could she possibly need that much winter clothes with such a huge amount of blubber. I bet her fucking belly button is 3 feet deep.

The quality of her sign perfectly expresses how much any of this actually matters.

At least that fat Nagel boy is getting out of the house.

Here's a title for ya: Yuck

So edgy.

Its Andy Milonakis

Disgusting pig. When did chunky cunt blood become acceptable to put on a poster?

How many fucking genders does this pudgy pile of shit think there are?

I heard she got a 90lb mole taken off her ass.

Even Ginny Sac isn't that fucking awful

This fat bizzle just makes it so easy

It was nice of "her" to take a break from running her Tumblr blog to take a little walk.

It occurs to me that the above sentence could be applied to pretty much all of the women's march participants.

Is menstrual blood proportional to weight? If so, I'm surprised she hasn't drowned in it already.

Is this Big A ?

Do virgins her weight HAVE menstrual blood?

12 fake cows had to die to make that coat

How many midgets are under that coat?

Unpost this

Evolution. The age of the earth. Etc... But nice try with the hate though

Just more of the maInstreAM, liberAl, FAscisT, eliTIsT scientists with all their bullshit Ph.D.s from the best universities in the history of mankind and the FAKED millennia of data and decades of peer-reviewed, provable, replicable ALT-FACT-BASED science.

I agree with my esteemed colleague, climatologist Dr. /u/obamabeblacknshiet M.Sc., Ph.D., CCM, Fa.Gt.

As we all know, the Arctic Circle is the center of our flat disk Earth and Antarctica is an ice wall around the edges of all the oceans and the seven continents. So, how can our Earth POSSIBLY stay held together by an ice wall if according to "cLIEmate change," the The Wall is allegedly melting? IT CAN'T! And if it WAS then why hasn't our Rayder shown us anything beyond the wall? And why do we still have Snow when Winter's coming in all seven kingdoms? You know nothing, but read this Andals you need to know ya peesagee