Member when i used to come to the show late and joke Opie and Ant should be fired and you have the show instead

94  2017-01-26 by Dennyislife


Ooooohhh... I 'member!

Who's the sick guy ?


That is douchy though

Understatement of the decade

Fuckin' EWWWWWW.

is that gervais?

of course, what did you expect?

Yes im sure the guy rebooted the office as online guitar lessons has no sense of irony in taking a picture like this

I don't know man, he seemed pretty serious. I mean sure the image is wry, but I really think gervais thought he was making some kind of edgy and brave point.

He's completely humorless when it comes to his atheism. When it comes to that he's like Jimmy with sobriety, he wants us to appreciate how hard he works to be such a wonderful example.

He really thinks that he's some lone-wolf that's the only one with some balls to say it how it is.

Edge Lord

Cause it's just hilarious to post this on every Gervais related thread

Butthurt Christians are everywhere.

And I get that he gets stuck with that, so I don't give a shit when somebody inevitably writes that. Shit like like spamming if it's on every thread though. Just pussies being sore about that particular message

It's not the message, it's the delivery

No it's not. Unless you're talking about Christians being upset because people aren't pandering to their tender feelings when they're being told that their god is imaginary, the Bible is nonsense, and that informing them they're hypocrites for saying their morality is based on that book because they find it just as deplorable as the rest of us when someone suggests stoning a rape victim to death because she didn't scream loud enough for help.

No, its the delivery. I don't believe in god either but this is pure edgelord cringe shit.

It's like trying to say that Female Genital Mutilation only continues to happen because people are so disgusted by it.

It's a childish argument made by people with no fucking backbone. It's the same mentality as someone who goes to jail, finds the biggest guy, gets on their knees in front of him and opens their mouth.

No it isn't.

Please tell me the nice way to tell people that their belief system is the source of the most twisted evil on the planet.

By not being a teenage edgelord.

It's evangelical atheism , it's pure faggotry, and it's as obnoxious as any zealot.

There's no such thing as evangelical atheism. Atheism is not a belief system and it cannot be preached. It's the opposition of a God claim and that's it. I agree Ricky dwells on this shit a lot and to many it gets tiring reading it. But an incorrect belief system that informs the actions and decisions of a person's life is a pretty big subject to tackle. If you don't like hearing it, unfollow him. Personally I like to hear as much opposition to this ridiculous belief system as possible.

I pointed out that the carbon copy posts appear in Gervais related threads. And times here brought up.

Downvoters can look that shit up. Nice try with the hate though

He's a tedious prick, as I have always maintained. The Office was so-so, Marchant or whatever is name has always carried him, and he has absolutely NO real sense of humour about himself.

Spot on. Steve Merchant was great with the real cruel and uncomfortable moments and knew how to actually write a funny scene. Ricky's funny but rudderless. Left alone and his work becomes a bad imitation of himself. Derek and LOTR were both desperate attempts to rekindle the magic of The Office and Extras and both came across way too on the nose and lost it's ability to be both uncomfortable, cruel and create funny memorable moments.

Just a sweet boy, laughing with his friend from across the pond.

This is a seriously faggy comment.

tss faggy u smokin or wot guv'nah?



Aids Rickels

Jim looks like he just got out of a cancer ward....

gervais with his fake ass laugh, worst of its kind, followed by fallon and opie.

But what about Joe DeRosa?

Remember that whole hullabaloo a few years ago when Gervais was on the show and acting like he was really above it?

I mean he is, but still.

And Jay Mohr stepped up and kicked the shit out of him and Louis and returned balance to the universe.

Jim should take some of that 60 grand and buy a chin.

What year is this? Southpark isn't funny.

nigga lookin like a bird