When you stop drinking, what is it that you actually do with your free time?

33  2017-01-26 by JoeCumiasCockBreath

I can't think of anything else to do and I don't feel like edging for 10 hours like Jim.


Think about drinking again.

Good point. Feel stupid for asking now!

Smoke weed and play video games.

This is is my plan but no weed hook up over in Blighty

I blame Brexit.

You n me both, nigga.

Don't worry. It's all part of the plan. Step 1 was brexit, step 2 was trump. Step 3? GLORIOUS REUNIFICATION

Mama, we're coming home!

Don't you live in Manchester? How the FUCK can you not know a dealer?? I don't think I met anyone in Manchester that didn't smoke weed everyday for the whole time I lived there

I'm not from here though and I'm also an unlikeable loser.

It's ok mate, I'm no George Clooney myself

Wait.. you're not???

Yeh wtf man. Manchester is the easiest place to pick up I've ever seen. Never had an issue when I was living there.

You guys are 100% correct but I walked into a random pub and bought coke but the weed was awful hash and I also had a falling out with the cunts selling it.

Random pubs are not the way to go

I'm an idiot with no connections though so I've got to start bloody somewhere

Order a pizza, ask the guy who delivers to you if he knows where you can get weed.

Bathroom stalls are also the way to go. Just start tapping your feet and saying PSSST...PSSSTTT

Go to a skate park

I'd be afraid of Bunker and his crew telling me to "go back to the Valley, maaaaaan!"

Do Brits say the "maaaaaaaaan" thing too? I thought the douchebag hippy surfer tone was was exclusively NA!

It was a movie reference you fucking asshole.

It'd be like if someone said something about a barrel, and I said "he's got 3 barrels in him", and you said 'do they really use barrels to hunt sharks in england though'.

You goddamn cunt.

I laughed because I thought you were being funny, but then I saw that my comment was downvoted. Surely this autistic rant wasn't serious... was it?

Order the Bob Marley, extra crispy. He'll know what it means.

what is the legal situation with weed in england? is it decriminalized, medical marijuana, any legalization measures that have made the ballot?

i've found weed to be very helpful for my drinking problems. being able to buy it from a store makes life so much easier and saves me a ton of money.

Just go to the nearest student halls of residence and ask around.. you'll score in 2 minutes

I see I'm not the only faggot in Manchester then

Tell me more of this Tor you speak of...

download onion browser and copy paste one of the urls u find in the link i provided.

u also need bitcoins for the transactions

Cheers bro :)

The weed situation in England is pretty grim.

Dassabesso jussachilll nfuckn

I don't play on Windows I play on Deybuntu.

DasNintendo, jus beepinanboopin

Literally all you need. Why go out and socialize when I can get baked as fuck in my bedroom replaying Fnal Fantasy Tactics for eight hours a night?

Same but with Battlefield haha.

holy shit came here to say exactly this.

My game is UFC 2. It's my game. I get baked and destroy kids. Any challengers on Xbox one?

And edge.

Regurgitate one-liners from a long dead radio show while gossiping on the Internet.


& listen to STPeeeeeeeeEEEE


Find projects to occupy your time and go out to do more interesting things, both of which you can do with the money and energy you save from booze.

People are great at adapting and it's the only way we've gotten to where we are today, if you convince your mind and body over the course of like 2 weeks that "this is the new normal" it gets a lot easier.

What I did was slowly get off it rather than quit all together, I slowly went down intake and drank for fewer days and then once in awhile I would get blackout drunk. I found I enjoyed those times less and less, like quitting smoking then having a cigarette and realizing it tastes like ass. This also means you can have one or two drinks every so often although my tolerance is so high it does practically nothing.

Opie: See the bit here would've been too recommend meth or heroin at the end of that speech... see thats why we get paid the BIG BUCKS!.. isn't that right Howard

Ant and Jim: sigh... yeh

this is how i got my "tastemaker" status in this sub.

Cocaine is a satisfactory replacement

I don't stop.

I wish you'd stop breathing.

bazinga (are we still saying bazinga?)

Videogames here since I heavily slowed down.

If I stay bored, I know I'll hit up a bar or pick up a 12 pack.

Why can't you play video games and drink like Anthony?

Because every time you drink and do xanax you forget what happened in the game and you gotta backtracked or risk being uninformed.

story of my life, bro.

And can't play online

You can eat yourself to death like Patrice, who rarely drank alcohol. Or you can just lie about being sober like Anthony.

I definitely lie about alcohol. I say things like, 'yeah I don't drink that much anymore.' Next morning, I don't remember the ending of the previous night and I'll be hungover for 2 days.

u/goo-gobbler alternates between 3 liquor stores so the clerks don't notice how dysfunctional he is.

And there's limited LCBO and Beer Stores here in Canada. It's a difficult charade.

I'm going with door number one myself.

I got pretty heavily into lifting weights, improving my career by taking on projects outside of work, and doing a lot of the ol' fucking. On balance, it's been much more fun than sitting in the dark drinking cheap booze til I pass out ever night

how old are you?


i was a slacker for the last 8 years. I always told myself i get back on track later. now i turn 31 and i start to think: ah why bother now, should have started sooner.

Ok cool. I didn't want to dox myself to you degenerates but I'm around your age. You can absolutely get yourself sorted now and you should, too. There's still a long time to live, and it's not worth spending it as a bum because you're too lazy / scared. Get it done mate - my life is legitimately better now than I could even have imagined two years ago.

Also, you have to live the rest of your life either way, so might as well at least ATTEMPT to improve it eh?

you know what? you're right!

fuck the restraining oder. im going to the playground!

Tell em your old pal Crunch sent ya. Little tykes!

There's always hope, you can always aspire to be just like Lady Di.

Same. I worked out like a monster when I got off pills.
YOU NEED TO GET NEW FRIENDS! You can't keep your drinking buddies - it can't be done.

Yep. I swear it's even worse in England, where it's essentially mandated from birth that you must be a raging alcoholic. It's basically a law of the land here

I run 10k every day now with all that free time

So you mean like after work?

You can try to become one of those twitter fags like Patton Oswalt and plan to kill your wife.

Sobriety is for faggots

Username checks out

I'm a former pill junkie. Two years clean and sober. I hope you will believe me when I tell you that sobriety is for faggots.

and those pills were poppers

I just gave up. Not permanently, but for the foreseeable future... and to answer your question I've no fucking idea. I should probably get back in the gym

video games, coffee and dipping


I usually have a drink before I find out

Think about drinking while trying not to choke on that cock in your mouth.

Tinder Cook something Go for a walk and listen to radio Weed start a project

Hook up with men on craigslist

It's only gay if you do it sober!

It's only gay if you kiss on the mouth

That's right, ain't nothing wrong kissing the back of their head!

Smoke dope, Tinder, hate Oqie

I was a severe alcoholic.

When I quit drinking I started smoking weed and masturbating more. Eventually you get into a rhythm with the new lifestyle

Some might say I should hate myself and my life but I don't I just hate others

Pray, make lists, training/drills, and wait.

For the fire to rise?

Do pushups.

Benzos and or amphetamines

pay bills, destroy a pornography collection, moisten your fencewood, repay old bills, dig a hole to bury a box, reposition your doorknob

I haven't drank since Sunday. I haven't gone a day without drinking in 3 years. I'm panicking about this weekend. I smoke tons of weed but I've associated so closely with drinking, it really isn't a satisfactory replacement.

I know this isn't the sub for being genuine or nice, but great job. I had something similar in college, I drank and smoke together so often that when I had one I wanted the other. I always drank when I had too much energy over at the end of the day. If I exercised or just stayed outside of my house doing things, it usually helped me stave off the desire to drink. It usually takes like 3 months to really see the positive effects of not drinking. Hang in there!

Thanks, man. I appreciate it.

I yank my peter and watch The Big Bang Theory. Sometimes at the same time.

I quit drinking for 2 straight nights. I know, insane. I had the great idea of looking for a hobby to pickup. So, at 2am, I was on Amazon looking for Puzzles. The next day I beginning heavily drinking and haven't looked back.

I want to murder people who deem themselves medal-worthy for transitioning from booze to weed. "That's right, 10 years and 8 months without drinking...but I've been perpetually stoned the entire time!" You were never a problem drinker if continual weed use never causes you to reenter the booze door. You live by a precedent of altering your mind and mood with chemicals. Do whatever you want if you can pull off what works for you, that's always the bottom line, but please stop acting like you're above anyone within the spectrum of alcohol usage. Human beings are either sober or they're not.

My buddy got off smack and now only smokes weed a few times a week. I'll let him know that his life is equally as fucked up as when he was banging h every day.

That's me right there. Life has improved exponentially. Actually have a chance to survive now.

I drink everyday, so I wouldn't know

Video games and lifting, also tons of reading.

I quit drinking last year after my DUI. I started drinking A LOT of canned soda water (usually lime flavoured), I poured myself into learning programming so I can find a good job, and I made a goal to read 150 books this year. I also check this place about every 10 minutes to see if there's any new topics.

How is the coding learning thing going? Can you write an app?

Nope, I'm focusing on web development, it's hard as shit and I'm not at that level yet.

I fawkin program DIAMONDS and shit

Do you think HTML is a reasonable choice for someone just delving into programming?

Yes, it's very simple, but you have to know CSS and Javascript afterwards.

I recommend you follow the program I gave you exactly.

Start here with lesson 1 of the intro course: http://www.theodinproject.com/courses/introduction-to-web-development/lessons/what-a-web-developer-does

Then do lesson 1 of Web Development 101 course: http://www.theodinproject.com/courses/web-development-101/lessons/how-this-course-will-work

Then do lesson 2 of each, then 3, 4, 5... and keep alternating until you finish lesson 7 of the intro course, which is the last one of the intro course. Then finish lesson 7 of 101, and go on to 8...9...10...11 and keep moving forward.

I try to do 9 lessons a week. There's 180 lessons in total- so that gives me 20 weeks. Some take longer than others.

Thanks a lot man. I'm going to start today

Gold please.

k thx i will look into it, i used to drink a lot of soda water too, i even brought one of those sodasteam

I like to draw and write. And I do Judo, but learning a sport can be expensive.

Try learning a skill, something actually difficult. It's stimulating and makes you a more interesting person. You can find all the resources to learn just about anything online.

Any idea what skills is a good start

Learn calculus. I got a C in calculus in college so It was good enough for my degree but I never fully understood it and I was always embarrassed by it. I decided to teach myself and I started from the bare basics in math: algebra, trig, etc. it's very, very rewarding and confidence building to be proficient in a subject most people can't understand. Good exercise for the brain.

If you like music, guitar or piano.

hate it, anything else thx

You want something with good immediate returns, that way it's easier to build up a habit. Weightlifting is like that, but it can be a little expensive. Some people take to programming really well; if you like puzzle solving that's a great thing.

Basically look at your current interests, ask why you like them, then pick a skill around that.

I've been having the same issue. I've smoke week daily forever and I like getting my drink on at night. (Usually 3 tall beers and three shots of Crown.) I have a 5 o'clock rule where I don't have my first beer until 5pm. I haven't drank in a couple of days and I can't sleep for shit. I've been using booze as a sleep aid for years and if it wasn't for the fact that I'm getting older, I would keep on doing what I do.

...and yeah, video games and weed are the way to go.

Just stop fucking drinking. Hit the gym and eat better. Learn to cook/BBQ, play video games, catch up on movies, fuck some broads two blondes two brunettes call it a day.

Golf/pickup hockey/weed

Stop drinking? What are u a queer?

Hobbies, the girlfriend, friends. I rarely have a day where I think "I have free time and nothing to do".

Do Kratom instead, it's a for-now legal plant in the coffee family that's an Opiate receptor agonist. You can find it at head-shops or just order it online after snooping around Kratom forums to learn what the legitimate places are. /r/Kratom is a good place to start.

You may be really fucked in the alcohol addiction department but it completely removed my desire to drink. Don't go overboard on it though, just take like 2-5 grams and wash it down with something sweet because it tastes like "A wood elf's cum"

Don't stop drinking, just take a break or only drink beers for awhile.

I play a shit load of video games, work and go fishing when the weather is nice. I also pierced my tits a few weeks ago so you can do that if you want.


I hang out with friends--even at bars--and drink soda or mineral water instead. No, I'm serious, that's what I do. I like hanging out in bars even when I am not drinking--meeting someone for coffee and sitting across from them at a table feels too much like a job interview.


Walking. Just go for a walk man, very therapeutic.

I'm taking a few months to dry out too, after some concerning liver enzyme levels at my last doctors visit. I've been playing a lot of Battlefield 1.

Go find some girl with daddy issues that will do any fucked-up thing you asked her to sexually. Then get one of those inflatable dildos. Work with her for a few weeks to stretch out her meat wallet. Then throw that shit in their pump it up real good and make her give birth to it with spandex on.

My buddy got off smack and now only smokes weed a few times a week. I'll let him know that his life is equally as fucked up as when he was banging h every day.

Gold please.