Apparently someone from this sub did go to the women's march

31  2017-01-26 by [deleted]



And I always assumed nobody who frequents this sub was under 300 lbs.

I'm a lean 296 thanks

How got-damn tall are ya, guy?


Rogan? Flair checks out.

Well would ya look at Mr. Fitness over here.

I like his shoes

Must be breast cancer awareness month

Based on the way the guy looks, I'm going to say it's a liberal masking as a conservative. Time will tell.

Definitely the body you get from an all vegan diet. The only protein this guy gets comes out of a dick

Cum isn't vegan, you silly goose.

Tssssssssssssss he is registered to The Ninja Party.

I could be wrong but I feel like he is hiding his face


Almost certainly a leftist posing as a Trump supporter.

Kind of like how most of that swastika graffiti ended up being fake, and how every single one of those "Muslim lady attacked by Trump supporters" ended up being bullshit.

Part of being a liberal is being a victim. And if you're not getting victimized, you just make shit up.

they would never do that. They are just, and right, and non-violent. They are just misunderstood, and victimized..... yup, only took 18 words to vomit in my mouth a little bit... 18 words....

Pinko sneakers. lol