Time to give Sirius XM some shit

3  2017-01-26 by syphon229

Today made it absolutely clear that Jim was told by management to not mention anything about Opie. The cryptic language, the talk about being told to take the "high road", and Jim's persistent passive aggressiveness are showing me that he's been told by the company to shut up.


Why would they care though?

Eh, good point.

Why the fuck would OP care?

Nah Opie is taking at Jim, they wouldn't set themselves up for a lawsuit for treating employees differently here. Jim is just a pussy.

I jerked off my grandfather while he was in a coma before he died. I've never had such tangy cum in my mouth.

How about you realize that Jim may be only slightly less of a cunt than Opie and leave it at that? A multi-millionaire arguing with a millionaire who stole $60k? Not really a battle anyone should give a fuck about

Do you think they talked to J&S between this clip and this one? The second clip is oddly vague, as if they never addressed it as directly as they did in the first one.

Love to hear people whining on the raqio. Opie started the bit years ago and now Norton made it into his full time gig. Assholes.

You go girl!

It sounds like a few things: losing the midday replay, the Faction name, and the show being now in the shadow of Ellis after years of being the top dog on the channel. They both referred to being upset with off-air management. That seems "absolutely clear" to me.

"I'm not even that annoyed at him" was referring to Opie, and they both talked about the Opie thing several times. Not mentioning Opie by name is just Jim still hanging on to Opie referring to J&S as "another show".

You're a lunatic if you think Opie tried to silence Jim or that Jim wouldn't lose his fuckin mind if he did. He'd be posting pictures of ballgags on Twitter instead of mirrors.

I don't know who is behind it, but they definitely are being pushed to shut up.