J&S get twice the hits on youtube, did a west coast PR tour and now a town hall with Gervais

90  2017-01-25 by Dennyislife

Opie's got Sherrod and Vic Henley though.


alternate facts! Haters! Lies! your just starting drama!

Does Gervais know it's Jimmy? Or does he think it's Bobby again?

they get 4 times more hits you have to take into consideration that jim and sam gets posted on 2 more youtube channels, and the channel you are thinking about its always around 20k for j&s and 5 to 6k for opie shows

Right, it's definitely more than double. Probably averages right around triple.

It's not Opie's fault.. It's everybody else's fault.

"Not sure if you're being serious but thank you brother man"

Opie has been doing radio since he is 18 you all just dont know what good radio is, your ears are loying to you.

I really hope SXM gives Opie the Fez treatment tomorrow.

It's not about how many people enjoy & listen to the show. It's about whether management likes it. And let me tell you, management like's the direction of the show. Wait... Opie's shitting on management again?

It's not about how many people enjoy & listen to the show, or if management likes it. It's about Steven Singer, the radio genius, thinking the show is good.

It's because they changed the channel name! The listeners are in disarray!

Remember, Gervais is a Atheist and loves fucking animals.He's a God damn animal fucker.

Guess Jimmy is finding out the hard way what it's like to have a funny radio show.

So if it takes more than just being funny Opie, why is Jim (the funny part of your old duo) getting all the good radio spots? Because Sam is better than you at the part that isn't being funny.

I don't remember seeing any Puerto Ricans with them when they were here?

Town hall with Gervais? Is this why they have been saying his new turkey of a movie is hilarious.

yep.66% on rotten tomatoes. He searches for people talking about it on twitter and i simply gave my unbiased view to another person on twitter and got a block for it.

I loved the Office but this new David Brent movie is terrible.

The original's strength was how subtle the comedy was. It felt like a documentary first & foremost that just happened to be inhabited by these wacky characters.

This new movie was about as subtle as a sledge hammer, and just came across as try hard. As if some hacky comedian was doing an impression of the David Brent character.

Makes you think it was the other guy Steven Merchant who was the writing talent behind the original Office, as Gervais seems to have missed the whole point of why the original was so great.