(CLIP -- 1/25) Jim addresses Opie's comments about Howard Stern and the hallway from yesterday

36  2017-01-25 by braunheiser


You're getting good at this, Braun. It happened 2 minutes ago and it's up.

Let's see if this gets back to Jim today on air

Cum on my face. :)

If you tweeted it to him it would.

He talked about "the morning show" yesterday for fucking longer than Jim discussed him today.

just like when he cried over Ants greggshells show he really should listen to things before responding to them

Does Opie realize that he stole "baby boy" from Jimmy? Does he realize that without Jimmy creating a place where the show could acknowledge bombs and bust balls, people would've lost interest in O&A 15 years ago? Does Opie know that the majority of his current act is a bad Jimmy impression, stealing little phrases here and there? Fuck that guy.

If I didn't already know that Gregg is 3/4 of a window licker with an empty space where a personality goes, and tends to mimic every phrase he hears, I'd think he was mocking Jim's embarassing use of "awww baby boy".

He's fucking finished and he knows it. He's going to be pulled from the building kicking and screaming when his contract is up.

I'm blocked, what does it say?

Looks like baby boy doesn't have much to talk about again on the air. Glad I can continue to provide content.

Thats his response after a 4 min bit.

That was quick.

The level of antipathy these two have for each other really tickles my ribs.

Good job for transitioning to the Joker tweets Sam

Oh, I disagree, I felt it was rather abrupt.

Yeah I think it was a rather poor job actually

Sam is such a pussy. He's so scared of potential ramifications from somebody saying something controversial he always moves on too quickly. This could have been a great Jim bashing opie bit if Sam did his job. But he's all about safe radio. Jim is being constantly curbed by this ugly child

Sam is scared shitless he's going to lose his job. He's managements wet dream.

Damn, that was the worst transition I've ever heard. Sam sounded like an awkward scared shitless amateur. Put that in a Jocktober reel

And during the on air fight with Opie one of his complaints was he was sick of Opie cutting him off to talk about Trump.

It's always great when somebody makes it and then turns their back on what got them there. Sam was a shit-stirrer, he constantly brought staff conflicts to the air and he ridiculed other stations during Jocktober. Now he is steering the ship away from the funny. He needs to pay attention to how that worked out for his boss.

Sam got a taste of that good life and doesn't want to fuck it up. He stuck his toe into the corporate world of WWE and isn't going to do anything to potentially fuck that up.

Like many of us had said all along, Sam is a hack. The only thing he ever had was being a little shit-stirrer. Without that, he's just another boring, bad radio DJ with a bad voice and nothing interesting to say.

To be fair, I think Jim was done. Sam let him say what he wanted and then tried to transition to something else when it was over. He was just a little clumsy about it.

Yeah maybe...

To be fair Jim does say "I just wanna address something really fast" so you're probably right

Way to go full-blown Opie there, Sam. Better slam the brakes and redirect traffic in a fucking retarded and irrelevant direction.

God damn it that made me madder than it rightfully should have. I THOUGHT WE WERE PASSED THAT?!


I'll have you know, sir, that I actually thought someone literally handed us that information.

Ah carry on

Sam: You hear the joker thing?

Jim: What ? :::::::: seething in anger::::::::

For a very brief moment there, Jim was legitimately pissed at Sam. What a steamroll.

"The Joker is back" Is he? Shut your fucking simian trap, Sam.