Opies claiming its Jimmy spinning it about Opie speaking to Howard even though it was Opie who told the story a number of times

7  2017-01-25 by Dennyislife

Only after the halls being closed did Opie change the story slightly. Jimmy said something along the lines of "if you were being obnoxious to him i kinda get it" and Opie backpedals

Why would anyone lie with audio you telling the story a number of times on radio and then try and pin the lie on your old co-worker who simply said you got what you deserved


Say Opie one more time

Because he's lied a million times with audio out there. He fucked black chicks in Buffalo, then he didn't, then he did. He meant to get fired in Boston, then he didn't. He almost got in a fight with Artie, then they were always pals. He fought hard to save Ant, then it "was a whatever effort." It's endless how much he changes stories because he is a terrible liar.

Don't forget he made Steve C kill himself for 'stealing' content then stole all of Jim and Ants content for his own YouTube channel.

I can't wait until he's playing records again, he's finished.

someone please explain this riff..

Welcomed to showbiz. Everyone lies and nothing is true..It's like their all JEWS.