Jim, carbs are not your enemy. Dump the skipping rope female trainer, have some taters/rice or pasta with your meat and veg, and bench some weights. Start small (of course). Because you're developing (Opie) tits.

13  2017-01-25 by McGowan9


I can smell the marinara and AIDS from here

Pasta and penis would be the ultimate Jimmy diet plan right now.

I swear to Christ I saw an illustration of the Scarecrow in an early edition of The Wizard of Oz that looked exactly like Sam does here, even down to the dead expression.

I'd love to hear his workout. You know he thinks he knows it all but is doing some horrible shit.

Jim's literally been doing jazzercise without the music for like 3 years now

Actually not really. He's claimed because of injuries when he was younger he can't do anything with weights so he does some cardio and occasionally he'll work in kettle bells or resistance training on his legs but that's "all he can do."

Who knew you could tear ligaments sucking cock?

He should get some knee pads. Also known as Rest Area Sandals.

Kind of like all of his alcohol experiences?

Jim should get culturally enriched over at /fit/ and do an AMA about his horrible workouts. Maybe we'll see BIG JIM in the octagon with Joe Rogan in 2020.

I believe his problem is that he works out with a woman and does woman exercises. Which is not inherently bad, depending on what kind of results you're trying to get. But he also treats the rest of his life like that of an emotionally distraught teenage girl. He doesn't eat nearly enough and treats food like something that gets in the way of him getting the results that he wants instead of looking at food as something that you need for energy and need to feed your muscles and organs. This is just another example of his pathetic addiction bullshit where he can't just do something normal.

Plus, being really skinny as an old person is usually not a good look. It makes all of those wrinkles more prominent. Sure, it sucks getting older and losing muscle and gaining fat, but it is more visually appealing to have some meat on your face and body as opposed to going for the scarecrow look.

For a guy obsessed with breath, he sure has horrid little baked bean teeth.

I'm completely torn 50/50 on whether Sam is edited here

Bald_opie is changing him little by little.

Sam can finally start a fire.

Jim looks fag

Jim's obsession with the treadmill and the stairmaster have caught up with him. He's a gaunt, wormish half man.

me jim and darren sharper used to work out together at american family fitness in short pump, VA

Men who claim they can't lift any weights at all because of previous injuries are lying wormish fags destined to have low testosterone counts for the rest of their miserable existence


Jim is actually annoying to look at.

Pasta and penis would be the ultimate Jimmy diet plan right now.

Bald_opie is changing him little by little.