Opie is crying his tits off to his last sponsor, Steven singer, about losing his brand name

60  2017-01-24 by ihaveaholeinmyass

I hope Braun is gonna post this..


Hes trashin Ellis, trashing Jimmy..

Did he mention Jimmy by name?

Fuck yeah..

Don't rush a legend, sir.

Would you snap your fingers at Stevie Wonder and say "sing for me, Sambo"?



No, I would call him a coon.

He said they told him that Jimmy didn't want to have his radio show on a channel named after Opie...then Opie said he didn't want them on his channel in the first place.

He said he would sit down with Howard and talk everything out if Howard would allow it πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

Now they are talking like Opie and Howard are equals.....oh man

This is fuckin great... opie is losing it

They lock Howard out of the hall when Opie's walking through now? Impressive. /s

That is so delusional.

Howard is in the Hamptons until July.

That could be fucking beautiful.

Howard ripping that supple titted bore a new asshole, but with a mute button and zero fucking interest in sparing his feelings.

But we've shit all over Grandma Ramone for so long, I doubt he'd be interested in giving us a TitsGregg Bop.

Howard is even less aware of Opie's existence now than he was before.

so opie got ron and fez moved off the O&A channel due to his jealousy and insecurity, then when he failed on his own he tried to get bennington (and cumia) back to save his "brand?" ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha... radio gold.

Well when you say it like that....

did he really get R&F kicked off? I've heard this a lot here but never knew if it was real

I never thought this whole saga would actually en up with Opie disgraced, stripped of influencer, and alone. I'm trying to figure out what else they could publicly rip from him just to keep my dick hard.

Next october he is going to learn the phrase "choose not to renew"

Has the "moving Ron and Fez" thing being Opie's idea ever been proven?

At the time I thought Ron was saying management had had it with Fez and actually wanted to move him to Out Q on his own, and that the Raw Dog thing was a way to keep the two of them together (for a year at least).

According to Opie they moved them to help out the RawDig channel.

Raw diggity.

I like the way you work it.

Anthony hinting at it in one of his Opie rants was the only time it's come up. He claimed he got the info from someone still at Sirius that he remained close with.

If it happened that way, Bennington would have no problem hinting at it. Given that you fuckers post anything anyone says that can vaguely be construed as a jab at O/A/J and nothing has turned up yet tells me it's bullshit.

ESD said it was Opie's doing.

Anthony may have confirmed on his show, but I'm not positive.

Didn't ESD and Anthony have a conversation confirming that Opie wanted R&F off the channel? I seem to remember something of the effect occurring on the Cumia program.

Oh, well if Dave, whose ass had been fired for four years by that point claims it to be true, it must be gospel.

the way i remember it at the time is that opie was spinning the ron and fez move as good for everyone, because now R&F could have their own thing, and O&A would be replayed in west coast drive time.

even then, it was fairly obvious opie coveted the R&F timeslot. when ant and dave made accusations of jealousy as a factor, it only reaffirmed what i already assumed.

I sincerely hope that Ronnie B let Opie take him out for dinner a few times to "go over the details" and then just sent him an e-mail saying he wasn't interested.

No way, Ronnie B could only feign an interest in Opie's offer once every 10 minutes, other than that they'd have to make chit-chat about other things, and how many times do you think Ronnie wants to hear "So where you at with the Trump thing? sniff"

Jesus, going to dinner "a few times" with Opie? No way would that be worth the payoff of kicking him back to the pay-no-mind list.

Maybe if Ronnie said that ESD would be doing the negotiating, and had Opie take him out to dinner a few times...

He pitched having Anthony on? After rallying for him to be fired last time? management must think he is a dope

Speaking of Anthony on Sirius... on Jim and Sam, when discussing the changes to the format, Jim said:

"It's all part of the switch, and it's for the better. First, we let them switch over the channel, then we get somebody on this channel who we've really wanted, then we etc etc"

He's been doing this since he's 18.

He claimed with a straight face that the entire audience of the channel is "in turmoil" because it isn't named after him anymore.

He is so completely full of himself that it's downright creepy.

i will say the name faction (or whatever it is) doesnt jump out at me in the app

Faction Talk is a horrible name, I think everyone agrees. I will celebrate it though because it's not Opie Radio.

Faction Talk, horrible though it may be, is way better than "Opie Radio." I mean at least when you see "Faction Talk" on the channel list you know it's some kind of talk radio channel. If you didn't know the history involved here and you were coming in completely cold, would you have any fucking idea what "Opie Radio" is?

also saying "opie radio" outloud just makes you sound like a retard. something about the double o sound or something, it just sounds like it's bubbling out of your mouth.

'Opie Radio' is still easier to say than 'Coattails McGillicutty', although less accurate.

Oh Pee Ray Dee Oh...

I don't know what the fuck you're talking about! Those are five MANLY syllables that hang tough together like Harley Davidson or Dwayne the Rock Johnson.

Exactly. "Why is it named after the afternoon guy without a fanbase at all"

What about THE VIRUS???

it did give us Bobo vs the Virus

what about HIGH VOLTAGE?

Opie Radio is not supposed to mean anything if you are coming in cold. You have to know Opie/O&A to know what it is. Too bad Opie can't carry a brand like that

Faction talk is way too generic.

Yeah OK you know it's talk radio but you have no idea beyond that.

Well what else are you supposed to know just from the face of the channel name? What the fuck is "Fox News?" I guess I know it's a news channel but what is it about foxes or somethin? SNRRRRRKK.

Seriously, that's just as generic as Faction Talk.

Most people would assume it was some kind of Ron Howard tribute station. Or a radio station programmed by Ron Howard with his favorite music.

It's a tit hair better than "Squad Talk".


Well, Opie refuses to even utter the name of the channel at all. He also claims that Howard Stern probably doesn't sleep at night because of unresolved conflict with him.

Howard Stern doesn't sleep at night because of his enlarged old jew prostate.

Better than The Virus

But he retweeted people telling him he's still the king of the channel last week.

Opie really is a delusional cunt with zero self-awareness.

Opie brought his lunch to school in cement bags you know


He really is delusional sometimes. Opie and jimmy should both be happy they have jobs. At least jimmy is smart enough to keep relatively quiet about the situation

I hope he doesn't tommorow mornin.. he has to respond to this

It's really that bad? Like bad to the point where Jimmy isn't a real man if he doesn't respond?

Dude, opie said "I may have just ended my career"

Jesus Christ.

So either Jimmy will destroy Opie, or take pity on him because "he's having a mental breakdown, I won't add to it blah blah blah"

Opie has a flair for overstating his influence on ANYTHING.

"I may have just ended my career" REALLY MEANS:


Opie has essentially done this to himself. If he's as smart as he says he is, he can make this work. Unfortunately, he has not demonstrated that he has the ability to do so since Ant was fired.

Well the fans BURIED him. Even if he had the brains, he wouldn't have had a chance anyway.

Steven Singer is a sand-nigger selling knock off jewelry for ham-and-eggers, and flyover state rubes.

Real red-state faggots.

I'd rather dip a rose in a vat of acid then buy a gold-dipped rose from this carpetbagger

Hey that almost rhymes when you say it out loud.

Only a fat white trash slob of a wife would be charmed by a rose carelessly dipped in cheap gold paint.

Opie couldn't handle Guidopie getting all the heat around here lately.

Dear SiriusXM intern/researcher. If you're reading this, you should cut off the dead wood that is known as "Opie." His cake-stomping/transphobic/mocking the disabled youtube videos are hurting your brand. It's just mindless meanness.

Nice try. People are still trying this gayness...?

There's no such thing as transphobic. Nobody is afraid of those people.

Thanks, Rainman.

Some of them are pretty freaking looking though

I dunno man. Dracula was Transylvanian and he's pretty scary.

Does anyone have the clip where Opie first told the story about saying hi to Howard -- but before Howard closed the hallways? I remember him first telling it like he was fucking with Howard, but then changed his tune after the hallway banning. Jimmy called him out on it later and he gave the old "pumping it up for the radio" excuse.

Howard shouldn't have to deal with Opie. I'm on his side now.

Thank you for your service. I can't even turn that shit show on anymore.

No, that's fine XM. Why don't you let me handle the schedule? You lazy fucks.

Jim & Sam 7:00 am - 10:00 am 4:00 am - 7:00 am
Jason Ellis 10:00 am - 1:00 pm 7:00 am - 10:00 am
Bennington 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm 10:00 am - 1:00 pm
Opie 4:00 pm - 7:00 pm 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Bonfire 7:00 pm - 10:00 pm 4:00 pm - 7:00 pm
Jim & Sam 10:00 pm - 1:00 am 7:00 pm - 10:00 pm
Bennington 1:00 am - 4:00 am 10:00 pm - 1:00 am
Bonfire 4:00 am - 7:00 am 1:00 am - 4:00 am

Jim & Sam 7:00 am - 10:00 am 4:00 am - 7:00 am
Jason 10:00 am - 1:00 pm 7:00 am - 10:00 am
Bennington 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm 10:00 am - 1:00 pm
Opie 4:00 pm - 7:00 pm 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm
It’s Erik Nagel 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm
Food Court 8:00 pm - 9:00 pm 5:00 pm - 6:00 pm Ellis & Heche 9:00 pm - 10:00 pm 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm Jim & Sam 10:00 pm - 1:00 am 7:00 pm - 10:00 pm
Bennington 1:00 am - 4:00 am 10:00 pm - 1:00 am
Opie 4:00 am - 7:00 am 1:00 am - 4:00 am

When does this end? I just started recording it. What's the topic they change to so I know it's over?

It starts about 5 minutes into the second break and is pretty much the whole second break.. I stoped listening then so I don't know if he's still ranting

Give it a week and he will complain that he helped Trump get famous and that's why he never calls the show anymore

If we don't get angry Jimmy tomorrow the Jim and Sam show is officially lost. Don't stonewall it Sam, we all know your chick is friend's with Opie's cuck queen but don't kill entertaining radio.

afaik, the girls haven't talked since the JAM started. their wives aren't speaking either.

girls haven't talked since the JAM started. their wives aren't speaking either.


I fawking hate skateboarders ..sniff

ME: Who the fffawk leaves a half a sleeve of Oreos scattered around the kitchen counter? Who the fffawk licks the frosting off an Oreo and leaves the rest scattered all over the counter? When I go to a restaurant do I eat the meat off a hamburger and just toss the buns on the floor like a goddamn savage? No, so what the fffawk?


Oh...ok...you prefer to stick with C and D-listers that you have no chemistry with. Makes sense. Carry on.


ME: They wanted me to puh-p-pick some uh-uh-A LISTER I had no chemistry with to do a show with to do a radio show with I'm not doing that I'm like I got a like sniff

danke fam


I think I need eye surgery. I've rolled them about 400 times and I'm not even 20 minutes into the clip.

Repeating the same hack shit he's been saying for the last 15 years. He needs to eat a wrecking ball.

That's a godly line...for Opie.

So is someone tweeting Jimmy right now, letting him know what Opie is saying about him?

We need that clip ASAP, u/braunheiser

Yep, Iv messaged him the clip and he replied saying he will watch

/u/ihaveaholeinmyass: Do you hate Steven Singer's philly accent more than I do?

We really should help the Oqster. Quick, someone mail him a thick rope already tied into a noose. He's too dumb to make an effective one himself.

just when I think the drama is getting stale...

Fag Chin

Line of the day. Line of the fuckin' day right there.

He won't even say the fawkin' name....he is such a god damned child.

Who is Opie?

Why did he have no time to set anything up? He knew his contract was up in October and he can take a few months off to 'set shit up' if he wanted to. He should have 6 months of expenses socked away.

Translation= No one likes me and I had to re-sign because my wife threatened to divorce me if we moved to Rochester.

Does anybody still buy the bs that Tits has F.U. money?

He made about 3 mill/year for the past 10 years and he and ant were making more than double that when they got fired for the church thing.

Just hearing about opie is odd lately with all the hub ub with Joe materese, Trump, Jim and Sam sucking, etc

It was a real smart and timely business move to come up with all that new Opie Raqio gear. Well played, Opester

Those mugs will be worth a small fortune in a few years, stock up now.

I'd be crying too. Say what you want about Opie but having your name on the channel has got to be worth at least a good million or more in salary. Opie just bought that penthouse apartment about a year ago. He's probably hating life.

"We want you with this A-lister".

Tits says no, and goes to bat for "his guys" instead, citing chemistry, but with the caveat that "if someone pops, then maybe I'll think about (teaming up with that person)".

There are about 5 layers of bullshit/contradictions in this, all of them retarded.

What fucking "A-Lister" did they float? Stern? Maron? Rogan? Burr?


If they floated anybody, they floated Jenny McCarthy.

But Tits says "no way, Jose!" because he's so loyal. But then he immediately stabs his guys and the chemistry he has with them in the back by saying that "if someone pops", then maybe he'll consider teaming up with that person.

He's simultaneously arguing and negotiating with his own imagination, and looking for help and solace from sponsors. He expects people to believe that Sirius went from offering him an A-List co-host to putting him on the shit list, with no stops in-between, and not even an office of his own to show for it.

I bet Lynsi is freaking the fuck out over his haircut and subsequent scaling back of their lifestyle. What we're hearing is Tits in panic-mode as a result of it.

This was pretty close to a full meltdown.

"No surprise: I know how to do this, Steven Singer! Over the years, some people were in my fucking way, but when I'm allowed to do what I know how to y'kn' duh, duh, to do it the right way, I'm, I'm damn good at this!"

Is this the same motherfucker who runs a jewelry store?

Now they are talking like Opie and Howard are equals.....oh man

It starts about 5 minutes into the second break and is pretty much the whole second break.. I stoped listening then so I don't know if he's still ranting

That is so delusional.

Howard is in the Hamptons until July.

girls haven't talked since the JAM started. their wives aren't speaking either.


That could be fucking beautiful.

Howard ripping that supple titted bore a new asshole, but with a mute button and zero fucking interest in sparing his feelings.

But we've shit all over Grandma Ramone for so long, I doubt he'd be interested in giving us a TitsGregg Bop.

Howard is even less aware of Opie's existence now than he was before.