Joe Matarese really is a whiny baby

54  2017-01-24 by [deleted]

I don't think I've ever heard a comedian sound more pathetic.


His "oh i should laugh here" laugh is fucking enraging

That looks like "the works" at Pinkberry.

Now that we know how this went down we know for sure he didn't get screwed on AGT

"I did this, I did that, I'm on this, I'm Italian." He's pretty unlikable.

He honestly believes he deserves sympathy. The second he gets there he goes into crying about how hard it is to make ends meat being a clown married to a doctor. He doesn't believe that he deserved any of the disgust he produces.

They should've thrown that bitch out of the studio the second he said that he was trying to make a buzz reel to boost his career. Hey faggot, how about you just worry about being funny or entertaining, before you force yourself into our faces.

29 years in the business

Been doing radio since he's 18

A governor, a naaavy seal

Trying so hard to ignore that you typed...MAKE ENDS MEAT.

He's more concerned about making a buzz reel to boost his career.. rather than do 10 minutes of fucking funny jokes to boost his career.. I think I see the problem

Protecting his tweets was a smart marketing move.

Ends meat whatdya eating bbq or sumpthin

ends meat

It's called a rump roast.

Jesus Christ wtf is wrong with this dude? Fucking cry-baby.

That's Joe Meterese? I was certain that Jim & Sam were interviewing Kurt Eichenwald about being a victim on Twitter.

the fact that guy has followers who believe him makes me lose faith in humanity

This guy is a fucking adult. How does he go on a show like this and not have any embarrassment or shame when going into such a long winded 'woe is me' rant?

It's because he's mentally ill. People on anti-depressants who have self-awareness are the minority.

Did he say he was on antidepressants?

No idea but I assume so. How else has he not gone full Chris Benoit when his life is so difficult?

You sound like one of these mean cyber bullies I keep hearing about. We don't go for that round here.



He said he's on anti-depressants and adderall.

He should have on Brian Gilgore.

I thought it was "Brain"?

I finally got around to watching his Fixing Joe episode. It seems like Joe wanted to launch himself out there as Marc Marin-type, a "ohhh I'm so broke and disfunctional but I'm like really smart and perceptive and I'm gonna have poignant conversations" kind of guy. Then he got upset that three funny guys were BEING FUNNY and not taking his lame premise seriously. Boo hoo. Jim, Artie and Ant gave you an hour of comedy gold. Stop whining.

They gave him a sound thrashing for a good 10 minutes. Everyone saw through his stupid nonsense.

Anthony and Jim have proven over the years that they can be hilarious while being steered. Artie is more of a wild card but Ant and Jim would have helped the show be the boring pile that he wanted if he had bothered to tell them he had a gimmick.

I'm sure when Louis calls his friends over to shoot a scene where they're playing poker and busting balls, he gives them the heads up that they're filming a scene. Otherwise that would go to shit too.

But Joe did not and what he got was so much more viral than a stupid dating game segment would have been.

Artie Lange is the only reason any one knows who Joe Materese is.

He's having Jim and Sam critique his twitter comebacks...


His fake laugh is infuriating.

How is he broke if he's married to a doctor?

She's a PhD, not an MD. Still, she sounds pretty successful, head of a university department.

Then she's not a doctor. She has a doctorate.

It's expensive to live in Albany and pay to fly to all your own "gigs".

Joe needs to get a real fucking job. Without an income his wife will never respect him. Perhaps UPS is hiring? I smell sitcom.

He isn't fat enough for a King of Queens reboot.

Joe Derosa Joe Matarese Brother Joe

What's wrong with Joes?

nothin' wrong with a good container of joe in the mornin on the way to the job site, right fellas?

Joe DeVito.

He's genuinely delusional and thinks that he's on the same Talent level has Jim, Artie, and Anthony. I think he believes that he can pull off a comedian hosting a Tonight Show like production. That's the whole idea around the fixing Joe thing. He genuinely believes that this will get picked up on TV. All of the psych medications that his wife forced him to go on has taken away his edge, anger, and any quick wit that he had there is nothing left but a beta sense of narcissism.

So let me get something straight, does "fixin Joe" mean Joe is "broken" and we are going to bring people in to talk about what's wrong with Joe and how we can fix him? If so, holy fuck is that self-aggrandizing. No wonder he's so pissed. He thought Jim, Artie and Ant were going to Come on and talk about Joes depression and make some light hearted jokes about how Joe can do better. What nonsense. This guy really is a delusional fuck.

tsss I thought they were makin coffee or somethin

Is there anything more useless than a comedian on anti-depressants?

A comedian in "recovery".

You guys don't think his laugh is very natural and good to hear??

who the fuck is Joe Matarese? I havnt been following this downward shitfuck for a while now. Im guessing some podcaster feuding with someone on xm?

quick update anyone? tnx

This guy set his career back 10 years with his incredible inability to read a room or adapt to a situation.

He could have hit it out of the park and brought himself to a whole new level if he crushed it or even maintained on the Artie/Jimmy/Ant show. But instead he carried on like a schoolgirl.

He didn't care about the crowd or them. He felt like he put in his time doing doing their shows and it's his turn. Basically he was Hillary Clinton.

Another fucking baby who calls themselves a comic.

He needs baby oil for his chapped asshole.

I liked how Jim said to just take the fucking lumps and move on.

Jim knows a little something about how to deal with hostile fans and still come out more liked than hated in the end.

Joe is a butthurt cuck, and if he is this fucking softskinned then maybe this comedy thing is not for him.

Joe is as inept and sensitive as Rich Vos, with 1/1000 comedic timing.

If you're a handsome comedian who has healthy kids, a nice house, and a wife who makes a lot of money, you'd better be funny and throw out punchlines every thirty seconds if you're going to talk about how much your life sucks. Instead of whining about his existence, Joe should get a job at the local 7-11 working the graveyard shift for a couple of months to get some perspective on things. Ant, Artie, and Jim turned a podcast with a terrible premise into the funniest podcast I've heard in a while. Instead of thanking them and rolling with the flow, Joe acted like a whiny baby who wasn't getting his way.

Whiny baby? Those fucks were on HIS show and they couldn't have a real conversation.

It's because he's mentally ill. People on anti-depressants who have self-awareness are the minority.

He should have on Brian Gilgore.

Then she's not a doctor. She has a doctorate.