This guy. If your not a dad you won't understand.

56  2017-01-24 by unclepaul84



Won't stop the delussion that he will ever be a successfull comic though.

He's just a run-of-the-mill dad who's turning his life into a comedy! Making jokes out of all the quirks an chores of being a dad!

he should smother his kid, then hang himself

Tapping out!

The ol' Chris Benoit Special.


Making lunches! Am I right?

Did you know that his wife is a doctor so she can probably prescribe those Rx's?

We gotta get him hooked up with Oswalt's specialist instead

He wants you to think that; she's actually a phd..some sort of she can't prescribe anything. Which make his "I'm married to a Doctor" schtick even more pathetic.

She's not even a Pimple Popper MD?

Nope. Doctor prices without the pesky xanax.

Joe has been on the show for at least ten minutes now, and the whole time he's been whining about being cyber bullied...This fucking douche is supposed to be a comic? He hasn't said anything remotely funny.

He's not funny that's the problem. He keeps thinking things are "misunderstandings" instead of just accepting that there will be people who don't think you're funny.

He's not as witty as you guys but he's better at life

I could fuck a doctor but they're all fat male Nigerian hucksters here. Now that I mention it,what am I waiting for?

He's an Italian dad and his wife is a doctor

Do you think his buddies respect him as a man?

I don't think he has any buddies.

Joe should fix that

Fish oil, nexium, and anti-histamines. What a faggot.

And hopefully some thalidomide for the pregnant wife.

With a side of Tetracyclin for Bababooey teeth!

pharmaceutical yuma

Ur such a gas tss tss get it tss

His favorite is probably vitamin D.

I think I see some Ibuprofen too

Ibuprofen, you-bprofen, we ALL BPROFEN!

Sorry it's "you're". But heyya what do you expect? I'm not the one who went through medical school.

Why take all of those diffenent pills when you could achieve greater results with a single dose of Alpha BRAIN?


Did you see the video of that shark attack at Alcatraz?

Nick Diaz swam in there 12 times. Can't wait for McGregor Diaz 3.

Bro bro, I can't watch that, I'll get too scarrreeed. It's like some times I'll be up at 4AM writing jokes and somebody will tweet me a video and my pulse starts racing and my hair starts falling out.. Jamie, go to youtube and look up that video on feeding the himilayan circus leopards.

Nobody thinks malnourished, neurotic dad comedy is enjoyable but here he is plowing ahead with the terrible premise.

this motherfucker has less self awareness than opie

i tried to avoid this but now I'm all in with the hate brothermans, ALL IN

I look at my whole life, and I see the awful things in my life, and turn it into something funny. It just happens.

I can't handle my emotions like men have been doing for millenia, give me money

Is that supposed to be this guys shtick? Taking too much vitamin c and melatonin? Whoa guys watch out I'm gonna talk about the struggles of having kids, oh by the way I'm like 60 years old and I want an adderall.

what a dumb face i would enjoy pummeling with a cane.

Why is he in a room out of trainspotting but has an old lady pill scheduler?

As for him bitching about people being mean to him, I hope all this hurts his weak ass feelings. He needs to be bullied out of the business.


Oh, wow, look at those vitamins and supplements next to a prescription pill bottle.


Let's all take a second to enjoy this gem

Skip ahead to 1 minute.

Daddy didn't do well today; Daddy lost.

My dad is fresh off the boat from Italy. If I told him I needed meds for my anxiety he'd probably say, "Stop being a faggot, faggot."

Is the name Faggot from northern or southern Italy?

Northern. We are Venetion.

Uh, isn't it "Venetian", or is it a different city?



Patton, you know what to do.

Out of touch dad humor. No whiskey, no pack of smokes. What a dud.

He's too much of a pussy for real man stuff like that.

Those big clear ones are cod liver oil supplements.

I fucking hate guys who completely lost their identity to being a dad. Hey faggot, they'll leave in a decade and a half and then you'll be nothing.

This dad culture fucking blows. My friend's dad was awesome. He'd order us pizzas, cheat on his wife, and was careless about leaving his cigarettes lying around. That's a dad.

I'm a dad, I don't act like I'm a fucking hero for it. I go to work, come home and pay to feed the little fuckers. That's the job. You're a faggot and a loser if you act like it's this noble thing. Your job is to make sure it doesn't die, that's it.

Yeah but...did you hear what Joe said? He's medicated as all hell.

True. All i did was forget to wear a condom once and now im a dad. It's awesome, but not anything that horribly impoverished and stupid people dont do every day. I think he medicates because his jon pays really badly. That's his own fault.

The guy is stuck doing "Dad Comedy" why not just accept it and move on. Get your wife to up the happy pills and be the neutered male on some Mix radio station's morning show. Stop fucking begging for sympathy and do something about it, or just pull the fucking trigger.


See my response below

Guy talking about his ADHD is almost as bad as Jimmy talking about his alcohol problems.

I think it's worse. At least alcoholism is an actual thing that can ruin your life. ADHD is some made up bullshit that they say you have because you're an obnoxious little fuck. And I was diagnosed with it. It's just an excuse for parents to drug their offspring instead of talking with them and parenting.


I wish that was a handgun instead of pills.

Looks like a bitch clone of club soda kenny.

I'm a dad and I understand. Joe is a faggot.

Online people raid subs, fb comments, forums. I'd like to raid this guy's house and reenact the Full Metal Jacket soap bar beating scene with every single member of the sub having a turn beating him with a handful of "pills" shoved into his faggot, self important mouth to muffle the cries.

I hope one of your kids does deep google cache and searches on you in 20 years and finds all this and stays sullen at a holiday dinner out of disgust by how he saw his "father" act

love when comedians normalize there pill use like it's cool to be addicted to pills

This guys makes Opie sound like Anthony


Daddy didn't do well today; Daddy lost.