Matarese posted it again. How long until comments are disabled?

22  2017-01-24 by [deleted]



Well, he is only the 3rd worst Joe.

Good for him!

Disabled already after a rough start.

aaaaaaand comments are disabled

Haha i posted a comment then He disabled them.

Well don't leave us in suspense, what gem did you unleash?

Just called him a thin-skinned faggot.

You're doing the Lord's work sir.

Starting his sentences with Me? Killing all good riffs with non jokes. Without the tits's him.


He's trying to own it. Too late fucko, we already saw your true form.

he's posted it four times on his twitter in the past 2 hours. he's probably drunk

I can't drink! I'm on da medicayshun, OH!!!

He uploaded another version where he gives a long winded explanation about what happened.

Ooof he stinks

I thought the intro song was a bit with the weird Latin guitar. No, he sincerely thought it was a good pick.

His big talking point later in the show is admitting that he called his nice wife a cunt and it put a doozy on their marriage. No real humor, he was just getting it off his chest I guess.

If he came out on stage with a pee stain on the front of his pants, vomited, and then pooped his pants. That would be less humiliating than his 5 minute opening.

He's talking about a low point in his love life where he almost got divorced because of some name calling like it's some miracle that he made it through such a tragedy. Meanwhile, he's sitting next to guys who have been through relationships that dealt with domestic violence, drug addiction and habitual infidelity. He should be so deeply ashamed to show his face after that disaster.

That story was completely made up. He's not the type of guy to call his wife "the c word."

Since the stolen version is up online for all to see, I figured you might as well know the basic background.


The fact he's now trying to own it after getting a trashing and having Sam cry laughing at how badly he handled it means we need to go harder

Which show did Sam laugh at him? I need to know.


I love his Bob Villa intro music.

Me Bombing What a bitch

"He will rock you...and he will roll you! All day, all night, feel feel feel, feel his heat!"


Check it out -- Anthony Cumia, Jim Norton, and Artie Lange are in rare form and f***ing hilarious!

What a f*cking fggot

Where did it start to turn bad/cringe?

Right around when he brought up his cunt wife

Im just at the car accident part where he said the biggest slam are that theyre single. Does it get worse?

His Florentine was pretty good.

Horrible house band. Holy shit.