Patrice never dies, he multiplies.

49  2017-01-23 by HallwayChairOpie


Fez is aging well.Nobody said a word to that man.Ha ha ha.

Ugh, this video is why I can't stand modern liberals. Speak on behalf of the oppressed black people (& other minorities) to forward your political ideology, confident that they appreciate you fighting the battles they cannot win by themselves.

Then, when a black guy who faces the exact same systemic racism and societal oppression dares to speak up on his own behalf to tell you you're being silly and he doesn't agree with your political ideology, sharing his opinions that it's a dangerous ideology to enforce upon the American public, he's now the bad guy.

Nevermind he's being logical in his points, nevermind he's approaching the argument from a black POV that has done research instead of parroting trendy SJW concepts, you shout him down and tell him the liberal agenda is correct. Shut your mouth black man and get on your shitty bicycle. Planned Parenthood was tolerant and loving of all races in the 1910s.

''You're on a bicycle'' as a put down tells you all you need to know about these un-american pieces of shit. The same lower-class, misfortunate people they're supposed to be marching for they're quick to categorise and demean on purely class alone.

The bicycle comment had me hating her right off the bat.

Thats what I hate most about these SJW's is the arrogance of insisting on speaking for "oppressed" groups, based on superficial shit. SJW: "I will speak for you, you person with darker skin. You are oppressed and I will fight for you!" ME: "Nigga don't speak for me. I don't think like you. I don't agree that I'm oppressed." SJW: "You're on a bycycle and you're oblivious! Learn your history! You must think exactly like me or youre my enemy!" etc...

That guy's a fantastic orator. Holy fuck.

He should be Trump's press secretary.

Jesus Christ, why didn't he just grab that bitch and climb up that building with her like Patrice would've done?

It's OK ladies and gentlemen, those chains are main from tensile steel

Cuz she wasnt a pretty white bitch.

No matter how you try niggas never die We just retaliate with hate then we multiply

Tagged as nigga

Don't be alarmed, ladies and gentlemen. Those chains are made of chrome steel.


It's correct...................


I feel sorry for that one guys arm…

"You're the problem! We're here to make a change!" Salient intellectual point, as ever. Really deep-cutting and fleshed out.


I want to gay marry that man.

How is he out of breath from talking if he's riding a bike?

Oh because he stole it.

I couldn't get through the whole video. Both aren't even talking to each other. There just yelling at caricatures of each others perceived ideology.

Maybe I'm wrong because I didn't watch the whole thing.

damn patrice recovered pretty damn well from that stroke, only walked away with a lisp

He's Patrice/Mike Tyson

"You're on a bicycle and you're clueless"

Someone should have pulled out a shotgun and just blasted that stupid bitch right there for saying something so idiotic. My god these people are retarded.

This guy fucking rules

If Patrice and David Ortiz had a baby.

This guy fucking RULES.

It's OK ladies and gentlemen, those chains are main from tensile steel

Cuz she wasnt a pretty white bitch.

He's Patrice/Mike Tyson