5'1'' Wife-Murdering Hobbit Wants March For Trump's Taxes.

40  2017-01-23 by xaway3



We all know how he handles disobedient women.

I want a march for the investigation of his wife's murder.

Have some compassion for the housekeepers and maintenance workers at those hotels in DC.Unplugging the toilets of huge Big Amy turds,tampons,depends piss pants etc.Oh the humanity. ......

Bitch needs a duffel bag to carry one tampon


Yeah it's better to announce these get together marches months in advance. ISIS clearly didn't have time to prepare for this last one

Two pigs, one sword. Haram!

Are you saying Trump can't keep us safe?!?

Thats it Patton, poke the bear while your wifes death still has no offical cause.


Let's do it reddit!

I'm already over there shitposting

Me too

I see you've made some new friends

These fucking cry babies are everything wrong with this country.

Okay, maybe not everything, but damn close. Whining little entitled weasels who throw hissy fits when they don't get their way.

Its none of my fucking business what he paid in taxes. I would be silly to waste one minute of my time wondering what anyone else pays in taxes. My job is to pay MY legally mandated taxes and not a penny more. I assume everyone else does the same.

Thanks for the input, Regular Joe.

What if he killed his wife while not paying his taxes?

That MOTHER fucker/killer!!!

Past Presidents have released their tax records in the past to prove they haven't received payments from foreign governments, or other transactions that would imply they might use the presidency to make themselves rich or aid a foreign government.

Oh, good point. I have completely changed my opinion about this issue based on your mindful commentary. Thank you kind internet stranger.

Opie has big juicy pepperoni nips on top of pendulous breasts.

Nice save

can we also get a list of all the other rich assholes and poor asshole who dont pay taxes either

He's more obsessed with Trump than finding who killed his wife.

That's because he sees the man who murdered his wife everyday in the mirror. The Trump thing is just to keep his mind off of the guilt he harbors deep inside his midget brain.

I wonder who benefits most from federal tax cuts? The one percent like Patton Oswalt and his colleagues. All celebrities who don't like the tax cuts should give whatever percentage of income they save from Trump's new tax plan to a worthy cause.

Well then that would mean they no longer have a cause to co-opt in order to add to their own inflated ego. Celebrities like Hobbit Oswalt and his ilk know deep down that they do not actually deserve the life afforded to them so they desperately search for meaning in rallying behind causes that help to assuage their guilt.

He's talking about Trump's tax return, not his tax policy.

All celebs try to pay as little taxes as possible while pushing for more taxes and government spending.


I genuinely think having a daughter increases your oestrogen. We've got Pats weekly tweets, Joe Rogan crying because Ronda knocked out an accountant that took to MMA for fitness purposes and Opie who's grown tits to be more relatable to his daughter.

Ronda knocked out an accountant?


Be the change you want to see? I agree. Also, Bethe is an MMA fighter, if she got into it to stay fit she wouldn't be fighting.

Lighten up

I'm just proving your stupid point wrong, is all.

Ronda a life long martial artist fought Bethe Correia a 4 year long fighter that got into MMA to lose weight and Joe Rogan cried when she beat her.


She might have I usually gotten into it to lose weight, but if she's fighting people now then she obviously has another reason for doing it.

Also, you gotta link to Rogan crying over that? I need some new material for the spank bank.

Somewhere in the Edmond/Ronda podcast he tears up. Go have a listen

When does he find time to be funny?

He doesn't.

He probably made fun of those who wanted to see Obama's birth certificate and found it disturbing…I'm sure it's in his timeline somewhere.

Don't laugh. Rumor has it he's already got a wizard and several dwarves on board.

*stop doing the thing trump! *"mmmmmmmm, no"- trump *reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

For the next 4 years (8 years and we get to see a jonestown style mass suicide)

We all know what happened the last time Patton tried to "help" an obese feminist.

I don't give a shit about Trump's taxes, but he should probably release them if that audit ever ends. That's what he said he'll do.

No matter how many feet you can compel to stamp in unison, the sound can never be enough to quell the heartbeat under your floorboards.

The worst kind of person is an unfunny pseudo intellectual murdering midget who believes he's clever.

Now I get it the more you treat women like shit or kill them they better they'll respect you..

I bet 95% of those people retweeting him don't even know hes a comedian. They just assume hes some political guy.


just goes to show that there is money to be made in politics. Look how many retards flock to him

Hey Patton, I'm organizing a march against wife murdering midgets. I'm happy to help. We all are

If I learned anything from those Hobbit movies it's that they love walking long distances.

I heard from (((Ben Shapiro))) that those lady marches occurred in places that voted for Hillary 80% of the time. So basically the whole thing was a giant liberal circle jerk.

"What do we want?" "We're not sure it's kind of nebulous."

"When do we want it?" "NOW!"

Maybe if Pattons daughter kills herself in a highly suspicious manner the MSM will finally pick up on his murderous rage.

Be the change you want to see? I agree. Also, Bethe is an MMA fighter, if she got into it to stay fit she wouldn't be fighting.