<Yelp> Srr.. Sorry bout that... No..No No Nothing I accidentally the dog had just walked a little.. THE DOG WALKED A LITTLE BIT TOO..

8  2017-01-23 by CCRed95


"We just learned something new. Scared shitless of dogs!"

There's only one retard on the line, and it's not Bobo.


Even Patrice, Allah rest his soul, who was extra-careful when it came to walking on greggshells had to comment on that one.

How could a person who speaks and listens for a living be so goddamned stupid when it comes to comprehending what's going on in a conversation?

This has always annoyed the fuck out. He keeps insisting that Bobo has a dog phobia too. Either because he is an idiot, or because it's his instinct to lie about everything because he thinks it will make it funnier.

This should be in the top 10 O & A moments of all time. I'm not going to take the time or effort to think of what the other 9 are.

"I'm glad the fugitive is smarter than Anthony!"

Gotta admit, for like 70% of it, Bobo was able to avoid stepping into the traps. That's pretty good by any standards, especially his.

I genuinely gut-laughed at this when it happened. He's a brilliant retard.

This fugitive bobo clip is hands down the most listened to clip by me, not another one out there is even close.

This bit checks off every single facet of what made O&A so great.