Ant has called in to 'another show' on faction talk

14  2017-01-23 by Dennyislife


I've acatully LOL'd a couple times too! Here's to a good future on Rad-e-o, fam!

Never gonna happen.

I wish Ant was this funny on his own show :(

One thing that Ant, Jim, Sam, Ron, Fez, ESD, and yes, even Opie all have in common, is they they are "ensemble" players.

Not a single one of them can be a solo star, but in combinations of one or all, they can really shine.

But nobody seems to understand this simple truth.

the problem is when you get paid millions of dollars for sitting in a room for four hours a day just shooting the shit with a couple of guys for YEARS, you start to think you're actually worth something and convince yourself you're able cut yourself off from the group and still be just as entertaining.

but it rarely happens the way they think it will. i can't think of one "gone solo" radio person that stayed exactly as constant/funny as they used to be in a group dynamic.

Yep, all true.

opie is an ensemble player if you mean he's only tolerable when he's surrounded by funny comedians and literally not saying a word.

I think Ron is the only one who could be a Paul Harvey type radio guy. He prepares for every interview, carries out interesting conversations, and has a unique worldview that people would want to listen to.

Well, until he actually does it and gives up on "rambling conversations with my uninteresting daughter", we have no proof that he can

I thought Ron's Daughter was quitting the show to have a bakery or something?

He doesn't prepare for those interviews. He just interviews people he likes.

Not as much anymore, but back in the R&F days he was reading a shit ton of biographies and stupid books about Notre Dame in preperation for interviews and Unmasked. Ron reads a lot, from what I gather. I'm throwing money away into an English major w/business minor, and Ron's surprised me with obscure fiction references. Pepper Hicks usually gets Ron to talk books.

Seinfeld proved it

Opie could probably pull of a zero production solo podcast if he wanted. Like the Joe Rogan experience but without any guests or producers, just hours and hours of Opie talking to himself. Not even an intro song or anything, just pure, unadulterated Greg.

you're nuts. Fez could absolutely carry his own show

It would be called "the, no, you didn't mistakenly turn your radio off show"

They're discussin the fixing joe podcast and what a faggot joe is

Sounds like Joe and Opie are one in the same.

I was thinking the same thing.

Anthony is really funny when he doesn't let his right wing radical politics and racism get in the way

His anti march rant was hilarious that's rather political I would say

I find his political/race stuff funny most of the time, he just has to keep it short and concise. Not make it a cornerstone of the program.

You don't find it a bit repetitive? Or that you know exactly what things he will bring up and what his take on them already is?

Like SNL or Bill Maher, or ...

Eh fuck it.

I dont mean when he talks about politics, in general. But his take on specific stuff, like the Womens March, is usually funny.

Keep it short is the key. He has gotten better.

No that's when he's funniest.

He's still on. Ant is pretty much doing the show by phone.

He really has become Bob Levy.

Bob's not that bad.

This shouldn't even be joked about.

Why not? He has become a sad old man.

The only time Bob Levy ever made me laugh was when he called in when they had the Duke porn star girl in, and he said he'd like to choke her and throw her through a window or something like that. I'll admit I laughed pretty hard at that.

I giggled when he adressed Lady Di as "sir", "dude", and "man" while slamming her for being an alcoholic fuck up.

Takes one to know one I guess.

I forgot about that, that was also kinda funny, at least the first time. It got old pretty quick though.

at least the first time

You don't like how Bob finds a bit that's funny and then calls in every show to do the same overplayed shtick?

Thats still more people that show up to watch Ant's show.

Hey, he finally hit bonus!

If /u/braunheiser doesn't post this,he should be banned from the sub.

Ants still on so give him a while

/u/braunheiser is a faggot but you're a bigger faggot for depending on him.


I only take it in the ass with a strap on from my wife.

Did they ask Ant why he is lying about his network being free speech?

nah but they did mention tranthony

"What a collection of ugly bitches"

"They are pig women"

Ant is still one funny fucker.