"Nia has a tiny nose. She has a cute nose."

2  2017-01-23 by TonyFromLongIsland


One of Bill's old podcast where he talks about Nia's snoring, then catches himself talking about what a slovenly ape she is and backtracked.


You don't need a specific link. That faggot Mick has shown his jiggaboo adoration plenty of times on the show.


Yechh. Fucking ape cunt.

/u/ApeNia, comment?

Lol, good one.

Dats da sound of da comedy police.

This was her peak lol

I'm always baffled at comedians inability to bag hot women. You'd think they'd kill at that. But they all have absolutely no game. None.

Maybe for one night stands but no decent woman wants a relationship with someone more narcissistic and needy than them.

no decent woman wants a relationship with someone more narcissistic than them

That's surprisingly not true at all but I see what you're saying. Comedians aren't really good LTR material

How crazy must Dipaolo's relatively hot wife be?

comedians barely make any money and make shit decisions which is why they can't work a minimum wage job which makes about 5x more than what comedians usually make in a year.

If Atell started at any company 30 years ago he would be its CEO today, instead he makes about 20K a year if that.

so why would a woman want to be with a man that makes no money and is completely irrational and has emotional issues?

plus overall comedians do punch up when it comes to women, look at Norton, Maron, CK and others.

its just that not having an income and having a shitty work ethic and having mental problems means no one sticks around comedians for long

I think Burr is worth more than your average comedian.

It's just that stunning how much of a mess they must be personally that they can't regularly bang above average looking women.

I'm pretty sure Attel makes more than 20k though.

If Attel started at a company 30 years ago he wouldn't be working there 29 years ago

I would give him 3 weeks before he was in HR trying to explain what "them titties ain't retarded" means.

I bet if I put some sugar cubes in my outstretched palm she'd sloppily eat them off.

Horse joke. Some of you fellers are just racists though, which is perfectly fine but only if you're funny.

Fuck you and your nigger-loving faggot "racist" shit. None of what we say is based on fact, you fucking imbecile?

Sounds like someone got BLACKED

nigger-loving faggot "racist" shit

its a nigger guy convention!

You had me at "Fuck"


Burr is Louis CK for dumb blue collar white guys. CK is CK for young urban professionals who sneak vibrating buttplugs into their rears and fantasize about being raped by the black janitor at work while they jack off in the office's gender neutral bathroom

She has a really sexy mouth that reminds me of former WCW champion Booker T.


who's that?

oh no.

poor guy

Are their any nudes?

I love it that he gets called out for this fucking quote every time he opens his stupid mouth. IT'S ONLY RIGHT AND PROPER

She comin' for you nigga!

Fucking gorilla ....



Yeah anyone who laughs at you for being a retard is an emasculated lib got it fag

What? lol

Sound it out

Sound this, pally!

He's fucking thick as pig shit.

I know, right?

You do realise this is the O & A sub right?

Shut up nerd

Zip it butt cowboy.

Nia has tiny gums. She has cute gums.

At least they're not blue

We like to make fun but in all seriousness, I say best of luck to Bill "my kids won't look anything like me" Burr

Killer weave though

Let this be a lesson for all you freetards unable to see why would Adobe charge 600$/Year.

I hear they make it look like she is talking by putting peanut butter on her gums

Gums for days.

Am I just not seeing it? I think she's pretty hot. That's just me folks; wadda-I-know?

Half a bell pepper.

I'm so happy for Bill and Nia! Congrats to them both! I wish them the best!!!!

I always clench my butt hole tight every time i click a linkmabout Nia... knowing the ruthless comments that await