What's with the channel change?

0  2017-01-23 by ThisKidFucks

I just saw Opie's channel is now named after Ellis...

Good. Fuck Opie. But what channel is Jim on now?

I just googled 'Jim Norton' and it gave me no indication that he even has a radio show. Sirius.com/whatever wasn't even on the first page.

Anyways. I still dont know. Are jim and sam on the Ellis staion, or did they move?

...and what is the Ellis station called?


Cunt Media. Sam and Jim were moved over to Jockularity Radio with Opie.

it sucks, opie radio was by far the best channel on sirius. i called to cancel one of my radios and the guy said tons of people are cancelling because of what sirius did to opie.

Lol shut up already.

Your commitment to this troll account is commendable.

I still hate your guts though.