What drugs do you people do?

1  2017-01-22 by Cumia_Box


I'm high on life, pecka.

What'd ya do pour it out the box, crush it up on the mirror and get zooted?

I do the one that Lamaar told me to put in girls drinks when they wasnt looking so when they fall asleep, I can play with their cooter

I don't drink or smoke but I do lots of inhalants. They're in right now.

Inhalant are very fashionable these days. Very hot market.

Haha 😂 are you the guy who said that in another thread or making fun of him

I'd shoot smack before I did any inhalants.

alcohol and caffiene

see what i did there

Any mind altering substance is a drug. Imagine if they tried to make coffee illegal, the sheeple would riot maaannn.

I just stick to solvents.

I'm just waiting for the cool, edgy guy who does everything, man.

Thats me. I smoke weed, and drink caffeibe, AT THE SAME TIME

Do we really need 2 week updates? This shit gets posted more than "Did you know Norm went on The View?" threads. Dumb faggot.


You weren't invited in the first place.

I retract my thread and go fuck myself.

I got sober at 18. Just going to meetings and taking it one day at a time.


Aw drats

Sniff dandruff

Alcohol, weed, kratom, and maybe some pills every now and then.

the lord jesus christ.

What do you have?
