Joe Matarese is practically the Italian equivalent of Sherrod Small.

66  2017-01-22 by TangerineReam


"That's the worst though. Just chilling with my kids and medicating."

Nah, I can tolerate a show or podcast Matarese is on. If Sherrod had been there instead of Matarese, I couldn't have listened to three minutes of it no matter how funny Jimmy and Ant were.

Yeah I don't see a comparison. Matarese is like opie because he's a little bitchy cunt of a shit. Sherrod's just a black (!) hole of stunning inanity.

Race Wars is a good podcast and Sherrod is on it...

I've tried many times to listen but can never get past 5 minutes because of Sherrod. I wish Metzger would dump him so I can listen

You can tolerate Metzger? In that case Sherrod shouldn't be a problem. If you like that girl, you might as well like Toungie.

The idea is good. The result is not. It's like about 50 billion other fucking things we've had to deal with people's early initial excitement about.

Dassa good pizza pie

Thats the best dough

saw him open for bill burr... this is true

So you see, way back then, uh, Sicilians were like, uh, wops from Northern Italy. Ah, they all had blonde hair and blue eyes, but, uh, well, then the Moors moved in there, and uh, well, they changed the whole country. They did so much fuckin' with Sicilian women, huh? That they changed the whole bloodline forever.

Noooooo. I'm the only one who says things. snnnifffffffff

At least Sherrod is related to someone funny.

You're as retarded as his mongaloid face.


played out

You're not wrong.


He's more like opie. Like a lot like opie

I'd say Opie has more wit and instinct for entertainment. Joe sat there like a faggot and then got butthurt because he was bombing.

Joe sat there like a faggot and then got butthurt because he was bombing.

That pretty accurately describes Opie's recent existence too.

Taste like my mudda's sauce

rest in peace!!!!She was a saint!!!! She would fry it with asshole gravy

That doesn't sound too good.

Sherrod's mom's cunt stinks of government cheese.



Italians +Moors = Blacks.

Easy enough to see the comparison

Dass amore.

(Sherrod Small) + (Joe Matarese) = 0

When da moon hit Sherrod's eye like a big peesa-pie, dassabesso

Matarese doesn't even deserve negative attention. He is just too awful. Leave him for Redbar, he's the only one who has enough of an issue with him to give a shit. We shouldn't.

Opie might actually be funnier than Joe Matarese.

joe matarese is andy from the office



rest in peace!!!!She was a saint!!!! She would fry it with asshole gravy

I'd say Opie has more wit and instinct for entertainment. Joe sat there like a faggot and then got butthurt because he was bombing.