Opie's upscale NYC apartment is currently listed on the market

0  2017-01-22 by unclepaul84

And so are tickets to an upcoming Rich Vos comedy show. Google it.


This an over used bit and screams I have no of my own creativity.

English is hard

Never buy a Samsung edge, it has done nothing but fuck my typing up with its goddamn little edges if I am not super careful it starts fucking all my shit up and will drag words from to the back to the front and into whole other words. It makes me seem extra retarded when I am only marginally retarded.


I did say I was marginally retarded after all, but fine I am a full blown E-Rock.


Why do people do this stupid "joke", you know you can't beat Vos himself when he had Di do his plugs on the supershow

If Opie were smart, he would have dumped that place already and downsized, in advance of his salary disapearing over the next couple of years. Sell it, buy a nice place in Connecticut or Westchester, invest the rest and live off the interest, only have to work for taxes and living.

But he's not a smart man. He'll ride that albatross all the way to bankruptcy, because he'll never stand up to his wife.

She may get it, in a divorce, but he's not making payments on it, either way, it's going back to the bank.

Hell, he doesn't even need to worry about the commute anymore, with his time slot. Why the fuck he's still in Manhattan...well, he's Opie. And Opie does Opie.

Its over used by why is it under the "Hot" section of this subreddit. Fucking stupid.