Chuck from North Carolina is on twitter and trying to randomly turn up at Ants place.

15  2017-01-22 by Dennyislife


Was he stopping by for a quick bite?

When a guy who has occasionally been allowed on the radio as a goof shows up at your house....

Wasn't that the plot of the movie "Talk Radio"?

Ant's such a scared pussy though. If he finds the house it means he's invited for life just how Fred from Brooklyn got in.

I know where the house is and I'm in relatively quick driving distance. I've thought about stopping by and testing this theory myself.

Do it.

not like he's going to shoot you

Ant is also a very very lonely man.

He looks like a nice person; looks can be deceiving...

Did he just join Twitter thinking that now that you know who is no longer President, he can freely have "open and honest" dialogues?

I hope Anthony blows him away if chuck shows up on his property...Oh wait did Ant ever get his guns back?

He can still blow him though, it doesn't have to be a loss of an evening

We should encourage this

Reminder: Opie gave this guy the hotline number.

Well, he is right. the "compound" is an overbuilt Wop Hut on 1/2 acre

Are there any pictures of said wop hut?

Street view the address... it's the one with the pizza van outside #pizzagate

Oh I see it now. If you zoom in you can see a balding man recieving spit from children in the window.

Yep, that is Sons of Anarchy cosplayer Joe Cumia - a lifelong loser who receives an allowance.

I like it but it's kind of depressing. There are only 6 twitter comments and 13 sub posts and the number of really dumb people in the world is making me suicidal.

holy shit is it depressing to watch him do karaoke with 2 other middle aged men who the fuck does that just sings to eachother? its fucking weird

Aaaand it's gone. Got a screenshot op?

No. Turns out chuck didn't know we could see @ tweets

A "Chuck from North Carolina" isn't a tech-wiz? I can't believe it.

does anyone have a screenshot?

He can still blow him though, it doesn't have to be a loss of an evening