After relentlessly mocking everything remotely associated with the right, SNL makes ONE joke making fun of a FRACTION of the left. Audience is audibly offended.

33  2017-01-22 by MFWinab


I seem to recall when Jost had that fucking cruise missile of a joke toward the left that he had to apologize for weeks after. It had to do with opening up the spectrum of gender selections on Tinder, and his punchline had to do with "this is why Trump got elected". Fucking deep joke, really cut to the core of whats happening now, and all he got was the "SHAME" tweets from gender idiots.

Trump's presidency only proves one thing: when you let one side go un-vetted for years, and let them CREATE facts instead of reinforcing them for what they are, better or get a whole side run by truisms, that is just trying to force their way to be the only way. There WILL be push back from that, there is no question of IF.

With all of these angles people are taking; this is prime time to tear everyone up as a comedian. But the more comedians give into this shit, the more they strangle comedy.

I honestly think this year will be the year "comedy" ends, and "humor" dies.

Everytime Trump is on stage doing a speech, i laugh harder at some of the things he says more than I've ever laughed at an Opie Radio show

Or Jim & Sam, not knocking the show that man is just hilarious

"Were gonna make America great again" 😂

Can't wait for Chip Trump. America's greatest national treasure. What's ur fuckin hidden or something

Trump Trumperson is gonna RULE

We're gonna bring back coal jobs LOL

He really does say some hilarious shit. And you know he's just saying it because he knows it's going to make the press and libs go apeshit, which in turn makes it even funnier because they take the bait every single time. It's a perpetual cycle of trolling.

Every time they take the bait. It really shows how petty they are. The press is like a woman and Trump is a man. There going to project to you what they do, misconstrue what you say, fight with you over every little thing, be sensitive when you fight back, and act like the victim every single time.

I don't know how hated or liked he is on this subreddit, but I just started watching sam hyde's stuff. It's fucking hilarious. I haven't actually laughed out loud uncontrollably at something in ages, but this video did it for me, specifically "you're ugly" and the audience's reaction.

Mainstream comedy is definitely dying. Start getting your laffs from the little guys.

That made me laugh when he said "your ulgy" Mean-spirited comedy makes me laugh I'm just an awful person.

Fuck they're breeding Chelsea Clinton to run for president! Someone needs to wipe out that Legacy.

She's so ugly a blowjob from her counts as anal

Jesus, thats brutal

Ohh if you liked that, this is gonna really get your motor going: His utter contempt and ability to just clown on thes assholes face to face is great.

Eddie Murphy would have never had an acting career if Delirious was released today. Sad, because Comedy is what gets people thinking about perspective within social issues. Now it's dead, and everyone has the "right" opinion.

Absolutely, although he might have still gotten a pass because he isn't white.

and they were singing, bye bye...

Yes that was a much better example of the audience getting offended. Half the dunderheads in this audience probably didn't even get che's joke. They just were aware of a racial component and groaned

Yeah theres also that to consider. Che is still one of those black comedians that uses white people as a punchline

Maybe we can just get to work on weeding out the shitty comics. I'd be happy with that. There's like 2/3 of the LA comedy scene that can be nixed.

I just saw you in KIA, this is old. try finding something from yesterday to post

No shit. It's from 12/2016. OP fucking stinks on ice.

Thats one month ago

This subreddit is dedicated to a show that ended over 3 years ago

We worship a guy who died over 5 years ago

"one month is too old" what are you, Anthony?

Good recovery.

Good thing faggots don't whine about those mean liberals on this subreddit/twitter.

"Faggots?" Spotted the poor kid.

Maybe he's a wealthy, flamboyant gay who calls everyone that.

Probably, but without the wealth or flamboyance.


"Triggered?" Identification confirmed: white trash.


Yes yes, we already know that you're an alpha male. Please put your penis away, little man.


He's not poor, you can tell he is a middle class suburbia kid based on his smugness.

the fact that it still had to be a black guy whining about being subjugated

Fuck these people. I hope their parents die

wit....I came here for vos club dates

Have we just become a right-wing Trump subreddit now? I mean don't get me wrong: This video does illustrate hipocrisy -- I get it. But why is it being posted on a subreddit ostensibly devoted to discussing a cuckolded radio hack and a Tunisian knife fighter who enjoys the romantic company of lithe transgendered gals?

This sub got cucked by the Trump autists a few months ago thanks to Ant and his love of alcohol, guns, right-wing politics and domestic abuse. There's still purists here who try to steer the ship into shaming Tits regularly, but it's a battle. You'll notice in my downvote count.

Go cum in your daddy's ass.

How do you get "cucked" if your side won? Also, stop using "cucked." It's fucking annoying and makes you sound like a fag.

Because this sub doesn't have a side. The Trump faggots took it over and are fucking it in front of us by injecting their GOP ball-washing and alt-right bullshit. So there's the the "cucked" part you functioning retard.

Just don't use it. Get friends.

You fucking stink. Be more funny.

I think we can all agree that the main point of anything we post is that we all hate women.

The radio show just fills in the slow patches.

no, we're not a Trump subreddit, but the behavior of all of the celebrities, feminists, and BLM rioters since the election shouldnt be ignored.

I agree that those issues shouldn't be ignored. I'm saying it's odd that they're being addressed here.. I mean 16 people died because of tornados in Florida, Georgia, and Alabama over the last 48-or-so hours; that shouldn't be ignored. But if someone posted a link to a news story about it here I'd fairly ask why the fuck I'm seeing it on the Opie and Anthony subreddit and not /r/news.

Much like the former hosts of O&A, this sub has completely given up on being funny and has resorted to political hackery.

We do funny here, that's all that matters

It makes me smile when Americans use terms like 'liberal' as an insult. You really are a special people.

Clearly you're ignorant of the fact that such terms have been co-opted and their meaning has been twisted over the last 50-100 years.

Keep acting smug about your own ignorance though. It's cute when people who rely on our tax dollars to defend their own country's sovereignty mock our intelligence.

For more on part A of u/insertclevereference 's response see my overkill response below.

That's the point. Only in America would a term like 'liberal' be twisted into an insult. Ultimate retardo country!

Oh, you're a Hicks, Carlin groupie. Explains a lot maaahhn.

A wise-ass faggot like you probably dosen't deserve a legit response, but you have to understand how the public definition of liberal and the dictionary definition have strayed apart here:

Dictionary: Open to new behavior or opinions and willing to discard traditional values.

Sooo, Trump has had the least traditional background for a US president right? As a matter of fact you could argue that he has heavily changed the republican party for the foreseeable future. Sounds like a very liberal thing based on the definition of the word, but people who label themselves as liberal are staging protests against it, getting upset, and my favorite, "scared." Liberals are now just your everyday crybaby.

By the dictionary definition I am way more liberal than most liberals. I want to see change in government, but I still don't give a fuck about your abortion, who you want to fuck, what drugs you wanna do, the color of your skin, etc. I pretty much don't care what you do at all unless it infringes upon my rights.

The "liberal" party ended up with just about the most status quo, bribe taking, law skirting, typical shady career politician as their candidate. Liberals were voting for a lack of change. Not republicans though - they were the ones "Open to new behavior or opinions and willing to discard traditional values."

Fawkin dictionary yuma

There is no 'liberal' party you chowder-head , both parties are liberal in different ways.

The fact that Americans like you use it as a catch all term to insult the democrats says it all. From the bottom of my heart, you all deserve Trump.

left or democrat is widely considered to be the liberal party. I didn't chose it, it just happened over time.

By the way I just wrote a short essay explaining how the term liberal doesn't match up with the dictionary definition, and you responded with "both parties are liberal in different ways." You might be retarded.

You also seem to think saying we deserve trump is an insult. I bet you have maybe 1 or 2 talking points about trump that you were spoon fed by your history 101 teacher, or your state run media. The guy has been in office for 48 hours and you are already mad.

You wrote a paragraph saying nothing.

Trump is as liberal as Obama.

Things like gun laws? That's liberalism. You as a country have a very poor understanding of politics, that's why you call people you don't like liberals. Come to Europe and it might put it into perspective how far behind you guys are intellectually.

It took you 9 days to respond. 9 days, and I am still not sure you grasp the point I made about liberalism having unfortunately shifted its definition here.

You can't seem to grasp that your bastardisation of the word liberal paints a very worrying picture about America's political and intellectual mindset.

I'll get back to you in 9 days.

I'm sure you won't be able to defend your retardo country then either, so don't bother.

I wasn't planning on it. I won this argument 8 comments ago, the rest has just been humoring you.

hahaha another internet argument won for the champ.

That's the problem with America retardos and autists like you.

You're right, America does keep winning, I assume that's why you are so mad / jealous.

Weekend Update has been dead since Colin left. It used to be that when a new guy got named update anchor, the style and content of the segment would change. Since Fallon/Fey, they've just been copping Jon Liebowitz's daily show shtick, and the only thing that changes is that it gets more openly liberal with each iteration. Any of these jokes could have been done by Fey, Seth Myers (worst ever), etc. But can you imagine any of them telling a joke with the punchline "Michael Jackson is a homosexual pedophile"? It's not just not edgy, it's self-consciously sterile and milquetoast. They used to get standups to do it, now you pretty much have to decide you want the job when you're 12, get into Harvard, write for the Lampoon and then beat out the 5 other Harvard grads vying for the same job. Or you can be like Che and just happen to be black at a time when the show is being criticized for being too white. At this point watching SNL is like buying a Bob Dylan album from 2013.

The problem with SNL in a nutshell. Comedy is pain. Overachieving Ivy league grads don't know real pain.


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I see no mention of worms, raqios, or pedophiles here. What do we pay you for, mods? It would be a better investment to give gold to Knickers.

Apparently this dick-sucking, self-hating betan faggot doesn't seem to be able to grasp how the electoral process works in this country. And is there some law that says he has to talk in an obsessive-compulsive way by droning on & on and not moving a face muscle?

Shit, the tide is turning and this sub is turning left-wing again. Time to dye my hair and fight Anthony's racism.

Thanks for another great Opie & Anthony discussion, faggot.

SNL is in NYC, a city and state that voted overwhelmingly for the left. If SNL relocates to Kentucky, bring on the laughs.

Or Jim & Sam, not knocking the show that man is just hilarious

That made me laugh when he said "your ulgy" Mean-spirited comedy makes me laugh I'm just an awful person.

Fuck they're breeding Chelsea Clinton to run for president! Someone needs to wipe out that Legacy.

"Were gonna make America great again" 😂

Ohh if you liked that, this is gonna really get your motor going: His utter contempt and ability to just clown on thes assholes face to face is great.

He really does say some hilarious shit. And you know he's just saying it because he knows it's going to make the press and libs go apeshit, which in turn makes it even funnier because they take the bait every single time. It's a perpetual cycle of trolling.