What happened to stand up comedy? I'm gonna fuckin kill myself shortly

34  2017-01-22 by duranfarbissina


The clock bomb kid is doing stand up now?

his 15 minutes are up

clock yummah

If only Aziz had literally exploded onto the comedy scene

Streamable mirror

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Makes ya laff and makes ya think

A good chuckle should always come with a lesson

Really gets the old noggin a joggin.

This curry nigger ain't too funny

I actually saw an article the other day on "Why its more important than ever that comedians are becoming activists in the age of Trump!" UGHHHHK! Fucking yuck

Some comedians know better than to yack about who they voted for that's what I always say.

It's a secret vote.

What is more important than ever for current comedians:



They're doing it because most of those faggot alt open micers can't be funny, so instead they'll pander to liberals to muster up support

He needs a helicopter ride back to the curry jungle

original material delivered like a pro




Do these people think white supremacists just disappeared for the last 8 years? They've been out and about the entire time. The only difference is now the media is paying attention to them.

Trump didn't do much better than his Republican predecessors and he did better with minorities than they did. So this idea that his campaign sprouted and relied on a bunch of white nationalists is fucking absurd.

The problem is, they throw around the term "racist" at everything and everybody, so they think half the population is white supremacists.

At this point you can just say traffic was racist if you are late

I sure he's talking to racists from all races right? Definitely not just white people.

He bumped Attell at the Cellar recently. Fucking ATTELL.

Best standup I've ever seen

He bumped Attell at the Cellar recently. Fucking ATTELL.

lol, you think Attell would just kill himself at that point

He should have been Talk Radio'ed immediately when he walked outside for that.

That is gay but to be fair attell does the cellar 6 days a week

Didn't he once say that he's straight-up NEVER do political humor? Like, not even too long ago?

It's the big, hot thing these days.

that was when he assumed a republican would never get back in office.

its like saying you would never abort even if you knew the kid had downs, you can always say that and believe it until it actually happens.

Also he's a monkey and they were paying people loads of money to attack trumpo

I was hoping this was a /u/dennyislife post and praying he'd do it.

Nope. Too much of a coward.

Is there a book or CD ROM series to help one become courageous? Let me know; my treat...

So what part of that video am I supposed to laugh at again?

I guess the "it's funny cuz it's true" thing. In other words 98% of why you're supposed to "laugh" at TACS.

We're supposed to laugh at TACS?

Aziz Amsorry for being a cuck fag.

Well, he's not lying.


Even if it what he is saying is true it goes against all tenets of a free and open society. You don't muzzle people because you can't take a different opinion, you let it open and have rational people dissect what is being said and treat it like garbage of it is in fact garbage. Best way to expose the truth is by facing it head on, not pretending it doesn't exist.

doesnt even get a good laugh out of it but hey they involuntarily clapped at the end of his bit right?

Do you think pajeet almost killed himself when kanye started hanging out with trump? Like half his act was about how he totally hung out with kanye.

This Aziz fella really goes deep. Am I right?

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How do you believe something like this and in the same breath talk about repubs in 08 holding signs about Obama being a monkey arab. Shouldn't that signal to you that there have always been retarded racist right wingers? Does anyone here - and I'm serious - does anyone here know someone or know someone who knows someone who completely changed their mode of behavior when Trump was elected? Who 180ed and threw the mask off and "became" publicly racist?

Fuck this balti coon

All this shit makes me think of that line from Jackie Brown, where Melanie is talking to Louis (De Niro). They're talking about how disco sucked, even though it was the most popular thing around. He goes "I mostly just hung around in bars during that whole scene."

That's what I'm/we're doing. Just hanging in a comedy dive bar. Fuck all this other bullshit. I've unfollowed 75% of my Facebook feed, people on Twitter, etc. Hopefully sooner or later, disco goes away.

A good chuckle should always come with a lesson

his 15 minutes are up

Nope. Too much of a coward.

Really gets the old noggin a joggin.