Anthony on Howard in 94 or 95 doing Jackie and kinison impressions. "Isn't it weird there's a radio guy named Opie?"

12  2017-01-21 by nstricker44


Wow where'd you find this?

There's a few clips of this appearance out there. 12-16-94 to be exact

haha yeah Opie...

More like DOPIE am i right gang?

all kidding aside, hes a delightful guy.

Dopie and aintfunny show more like! XD

Where Opie's Howard obsession began.

Anth has never been an attractive fella. Pecka sucka.

odd looking duck

I always found it was curious that Ant says it's called "The Opie Show." There was a time his name wasn't involved?

This was December 94. Ant started on what was then known as "the Opie show" in September of 94 and it didn't become "Opie and Anthony" until March 95 when they moved to from WBAB on long island to WAAF in boston.

God damn. Thank you for your service.

Dam Niggers with nappy hairy and there comedic talents

Opie should do a Kinison impression and crash into a car.

Anthony doing impressions, whoa that sure is a shocker.

What's a Kinison impression without the scream?

Love those blousing shirts.

Opie had that thing about being the second most famous Opie behind Ron Howard's character. I'm so happy that a Sons of Anarchy character bumped him to third.

Wow, great find. Opie's a fag by the way.