Aww how sweet. Opie has the old channel name and logo as his twitter header in protest. That'll tell them!

27  2017-01-21 by Dennyislife


That will reach literally dozens of supporters

Perhaps less than that Pete!

What's opie raqio ?

Why is a 59 year old man acting like a 19 year old ex girlfriend?

19? 15. Why do you think Ant keeps calling him

"and boom goes the dynamite!"

Maybe he should hold a skateboard as well. He would fit in then with the new channel.

Just when you think he couldn't be more pathetic

His Twitter is fucking garbage.

You don't find him enjoyable?


Bonus "oh you wanna play" tweet in there too

We're all gonna be eating our hats the day Opie seriously decides to come out and play

What would possess a man to have such a dark and "mysterious" profile photo?

Complete lack of self-awareness. Also, he's a faggot. Was this a rhetorical question?

He look'in all prison and sheeut! Must be changing his image for his new show: The Opie FACTION!

He wanted to make it harder for BaldOpie to work his magic or for someone else to photoshop a turgid black penis in his mouth.

Opie's a cunt.

I'm a fan of the volume slider in the screen shot. The tit couldn't even get a proper logo. He had to screen shot his phone.

Wow he actually retweeted a "Lmao". I've never seen a needier person in my life.

Isn't this dolt a millionaire?

Doesn't he have something better to do on a Saturday other than throw pissy fits and fight the haters via twitter?

There's no way lyndsi isn't fucking other guys with this bitch boy sitting inside on his phone all day

She's probably on Twitter on a fake account mocking him too.

His dream was to be Howard and Opie got his own channel and his own show. If it succeeded people would no longer say Anthony was the talent and Opie was a lucky board op. He even had letterman's head writers working for him. It's got to be crushing for him to lose it all so fast.