So Trump is president now...

1  2017-01-21 by jjno1

Can this sub stop with the political stuff?


Yes please

He's a friend of the show - Opie

No, this is really important. Many of these people believe a billionaire is going to represent their interests and make America great again.

Or the other side whete....oh....ya

Shh, you might make those morons realize they're no better than the morons from the other side that they hate so much. Probably not, though. They'll probably just get angry.

He represents my interests.

Didn't you hear? He's giving power back to the people. Man who's been rich beyond most peoples wildest dreams for his life is really just a man of the people. He's going to bring back jobs that are much cheaper to send abroad back to the US. I can't wait to see how that works without making everything so much more expensive meaning those without money cannot afford it.

It's really up to Opie and anth to continue to fall down their miserable free fall their careers have turned into

Woodrow Wilson is a cunt.

Come fight me!

Yes. I'm all for it. I come here to laugh and slander people. Not for politics.

Come fight me!