That emaciated broad David Spade dumped loads on from Modern Family made fun of Trump's window licking retarded kid.

0  2017-01-21 by crookedmile


Trump Justice Warriors are fags.

Seems like lame criticism. None of her tweets were targeted at him. At best it was just G-rated humor, saying the kids are bored and would rather be playing video games. Trump supporters are turning into faggots. I haven't been at The Donald for a while due to it.

The horseshoe theory proves itself again.

Either you're on the side with the overdramatic angry moms or overdramatic angry fags

that kid is creepy.

The whole family is creepy.

I liked her in Happy Gilmore and would eat her ass after a 7 course meal of Indian food.

i would be too full to doing of that sort

The blonde is a hacky old bitch, the kid is a retard, and they both have more money than any of us could dream of.

You could never dream of having the money of a minor sitcom actress?

Hey, I wish this bitch went hard at this autist, if there's one thing that can bring this sub together it's a good tard bashing.

Thats It? She didn't even mention his obvious autism.

This lucky young man won the,All the best Pussy in the world lottery.

He's gonna be the first airhead in modern history to fuck exclusively 10's for his entire life

Modern Family is an abysmal show aimed at the lowest common denominator. I can't fucking stand it, and I don't fucking understand why they refuse to use a tripod or a dolly, and film the entire thing like a Paul Greengrass movie. IT'S JUST PEOPLE TALKING. HOLD THE CAMERA STILL.

They did that in Maron season 4, too. I get seasick watching it. Seeso.