Time to play. Guess Her Age.

7  2017-01-21 by EncinoEscobar


It's gotta start with a 1.

And end with one.

101 years old

You misspelled "months".


On a side note I was listening to an episode where Anthony discussed having to bring a girl to NY so they could have sex because legally he couldn't have sex with her in her state. I think Joe DeRosa and Bill Burr were on and they sort of laughed but also sounded uncomfortable. Didn't listen all the way through but I wonder if anyone explained to Anthony that he had just admitted on air that he crossed state lines with a minor for the purposes of having sex. I'm pretty sure that is a serious federal crime regardless of what the law is in the state he lives in.

But he did at least admit he was a ghoul.

Violation of the Mann Act?

No, that's Sue Lightning.

Well the purpose for transporting her was to show her a cool dinosaur statue in his backyard...the sex was incidental.


Joe DeRosa, Bill Burr and Bob Kelly in studio with O&A, no Norton. I've only listened to the first 39 minutes so far. A lot of Anthony and young girls stuff is in the beginning and interspersed throughout what I have listened to so far.


Ahhh, I gotta sit through that "Cheat" PR shite?

Nah they had just started talking about Cheat when I bailed. The Anthony the ghoulish kid fucker stuff is in the first 39 minutes. Might be some later but once Opie mentioned they were there to discuss Cheat I stopped listening.

Ah, OK . Then I'll listen. Thanks man!!

Dude if this was feudal times it would be prefectly acceptable for 57 year old anth and uncle Paul to sleep with 12 year olds i don't see what the big deal is?

He can "admit" anything he wants. Is there evidence ...?

Considering what a creepy old bastard he is, I wouldn't doubt Anthony has pictures and videos of him fucking the girls he brings over. So when he's 65, broke and living in a one room shithole apartment wondering how his life went to shit, he can look back at the young girls he used to be able to get before he went bankrupt.

Sort of like Jimmy has that external hard drive locked away in a safe, probably full of pics of him being shit and pissed on, kept as trophies and souvenirs.

Sam and Erock have their wrestling toys and collectables. Makes me wonder what sort of trophies Opie is hanging onto.

Videos would be evidence. Proof, actually. lol But I'm sure he is triple-super-careful about stuff like that. If such videos exist, I mean ....

I'm more interested in how much self-loathing and daddy issues she must have to want to fuck a pock-faced ghoul that's bleeding money.

romps? as perhaps in romparoo?

It's "Romper Room", you Godless heathen!

Under [fill-in one year under the age of consent of a particular state].

Time to reset the "police called to a certain house on long island " clock