Reminder: Joe Cumia unashamedly accepts a monthly allowance from his nigger rich baby brother

64  2017-01-20 by Crownenberg


Lissten panerra FUCKTART!! you seriusly THINK that your bullSHIT bunch of FAGTARD libcuck dumasses can talk TO me and ANTH like that?!!

YOU have no effect ON our lifes you Hilary cuckTARD liBFUCK!! SAMCRO will beet the shit outta your fagot ass!

Dumb fuckin redditards spreading their Hillarhea.

It's hard to type with child spit in your mouth

Where are "the" unnecessary "quotation" marks?

He really needs to get his life together and stop being such a Brother Joe.

He should just top being.

His life is almost over, what's the point? He's got by on coasting this long..

Brotha Joe.

I know Trump's in office, but try and have some racial sensitivity.

Also he murdered that giant stinky fat boy he threatened to dox. Raped him right to death.

who cares?

Joe is a failure.

No matter who else we heap praise on, Opie, Patton, Big Amy, Tranthpa, ect. They all least attempt to do something. Not cosplaying joe. Fuck him

Whoa.. this sounds like the kind of thing that might make a 65 year old SAMCRO cos-player angry and threaten to come beat you up. Be careful.

Reminder: Joe is on this sub as much as the rest of us and reads all of these posts about him, so keep up the good work.

He has spent a solid 60 years of mooching off his younger siblings Anth and Dawnh.

Joe Cumia of 2U fame? I know him, my local bowling alley hired him to play their middle school tournament.

Ummm... I think "they" like, African American rich now.