Trumps first day in the big job and he's already taken Opie's channel away from him

107  2017-01-20 by Dennyislife

He really is going to do great job isn't he


Get the chisels ready at Mt. Rushmore.

They should chisel Bane in too while they're up there:

Bane was not prez

That was just a Halloween costume

I'm easily fooled.

Wow, award for least funny comment thread of all time goes to...

Good thing you came and turned things around with that comment.

Noticing a thing sucks is far superior to being the thing that sucks. Sorry to break it to you, you humorless fuck.

Is that all, or do you have a short lecture series explaining the theory of message board humor?

You can forget the message board part, you are clearly unfunny at a fundamental level.

you are clearly unfunny at a fundamental level.

You are clearly mad at a fundamental level.

What a bizarre assesment.

Yep, mad.

Well he did say he was going to make America great again.

I say Trump lived up to his promise.

Opie lost his channel during Obama's last days. Trump does not get the credit for this great act.

They're two completely unrelated events, idiot.

Bad execution. A literal Jim can't insult somebody, the character is too nice. A literal Jim goes, "Oh I think those events are completely unrelated."

I was going with the 'gets irrationally angry guy' angle, but it looks like it didn't go over.

Because Opie ends his sentences with "idiot".



I'd like to give Trump's daughter a smooch on her heiny, I'd even settle for the weird looking one with the bug-eyes

Dude, he's 10 years old, what's the matter with you.

Are you kidding? The chubby faced one is by far the slam pig of the bunch.

I have a strange fetish for Ukrainian girls with blue eyes and round faces. I'm not sure what kind of eastern european twat that one fell out of, but I enjoy it.

Not strange at all. Who wouldn't wanna dump some cum into those, right gang?

Ukranian bitches are #1.

I've had a few of them now. I just want to marry one, have her wear a babushka, tend to my cabbage and herd geese around the yard with a stick. It's tough in America, I'm not only racist against skin-color, I'm racist against 75% of white people until I know what your ethnic background is. I'm from Irish, Polish and Czech blood (all post 1930 immigrants) certainly not the superior race, but there are some wayyy shittier ones I don't want to put my cum in.

I'm mostly German, so I am thinking a Japanese chick so we can have a nice little Axis of Evil baby that grows up to be surprisingly good at designing and engineering cars. Before anyone asks, Italians are out of the question because they are garbage people. They call tomato sauce gravy for fucks sake, what a bunch of stupid assholes.

My god, I like your logic sir. I love gooker cars now too. I was always a GM guy until I owned a few Hondas and realized you could take a diarrhea-dump in the oil pan and get 10k miles out of it. I dated an Italian girl for 3 years, she would start fights because she was "so badass" but it always ended with a female friend pulling her away, then 2-3 guys (who were friends with the bitch she started the fight with) kicking the fuck out of me as she was a spectator at this point. Not a huge fan of Germans, but it's a good potato salad, and my Mennonite friends come from German cum. So welcome aboard friend!

Polish is bottom of the barrel when it comes to white people, and potato niggers aren't even white at all.

Tiffany Trump is horrible. When I was in college, I totally would have cum in her though...which makes me uncle Paul. Yaaay

All's wall that ends wall

dis guys gud


And he's gonna make Stern pay for it.

That's terrible, I'm sorry.

Taste the entertainment.

You were able to turn around my view about Trump in one sentence.

Hopefully with the new healthcare plan Opie can go for his yearly mamograms.

Hopefully with the new healthcare plan Opie can CAN'T go for his yearly mamograms.

Trump better keep his head on a swivel *sniff

Thought it was a joke, that comment just got you on a list somewhere.


Dude, he's 10 years old, what's the matter with you.

Are you kidding? The chubby faced one is by far the slam pig of the bunch.

Wow, award for least funny comment thread of all time goes to...
